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Sis' is having to whizz back to Turkey tomorrow, (going to the hosi' to look after and support one of her best friends and his wife, who has a shock advanced cancer diagnosis....but that's another story) She needs to buy an ipad at Manchester time to faff about.  For those of you who are ipad users...which one? All she needs it for is email, fb, photos, general internet search stuff etc. doesn't need anything too clever. These seem to be the options

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Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Did your sister get sorted Supes? Hope she's alright with all that's been going on x

No! Big queue at check in meant no time for duty free shopping


Yeah, she's fine...supportive of the demonstrations in principle, (but may ultimately be a bit of a problem for her and her friends who were enjoying a 10 per cent plus interest rate return on their savings!)

TBF, she's not at all like that, she's in Antalya, a 4/5 hour drive from where she lives, looking after and supporting her mate and his wife, (his cancer has  v rapidly progressed/been diagnosed, such that he had two 7 hour ops this week to remove tumours from and reconstruct his spine before thy can restart the radiotherapy)

Her job, (which she does v well,) is to console, comfort, cook, clean, cuddle, and counsel and then put on her 'red nose' (which she does v v v well!)

Hey ho there are plenty of us who have been and will be there....heard on the radio this morning that, by 2020, half of us oldies will  have cancer.. doesn't stop it being shit for those who are living it with their loved onas


Your Sis sounds like a wonderful person who's such a blessing at a time in someone's life experience that's so challenging to deal with for everyone concerned.


I read about the 2020 supposed scenario earlier today. It made me wonder about all the adverts over many years asking for donations to help with cancer research. I'm sure advances have been made over the years in the treatment of it, and I personally know of some that are surviving so far but I've also closely known others that haven't. I'm currently supporting a friend online who only has months to live, no remission, no cure, it's just a matter of time. When/if there's no cure all anyone can do caught up in such an awful situation is to give support and understanding, be there for them.

Yellow Rose

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