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Talking of blankets - I remember as a kid we had what felt like hundreds of blankets on the bed - it was hard to get up in the mornings with the weight of them. I guess it was a cold house no central heating etc. When I was about 11 or 12 I went to stay at a friends hose for the first time - her mum said 'wold you like one blanket or two?' I was  thought I was gonna die from hypothermia or something. Looking back it wa probably the first time I became aware stuff like central heating.


She was my 'best' friend - we came from quite different backgrounds (not massively) but the differences were there. Her mum was a shocking cook like Ria from Butterflies - she used to find it a bit of an adventre staying at mine - kipping down in a small bedroom with me and my sis - shouting down our orders for a fry up to my mum in the kitchen on a Sunday morning.


Happy days 

Soozy Woo

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