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I don't know.  She did a show here last year (I think) and at the end of her show she asked was there someone in the audience who's son had died recently and gave his initials and said he was rubbing his neck and thought maybe he had died of a neck injury.  My mates Mum was in the audience and knew it was her son who had hung himself a few years before.  Sally said she had to finish the show but that this boy had been there all day and that she would talk to my mates Mum after the show.


She gave her a few messages and said some things that she really couldn't have known so I don't know how she can be a fake but on the other hand I know I have doubts about people who do these kinds of things.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Especially and notably those who make a business out of it Ells  

I know VD. Just sometimes they say some things that would be personal between the person who passed and the person getting the reading that I sometimes wonder.


Anytime I've had any sort of reading I get a boring one  So that's probably why I find them so hard to believe.

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Have been watching a few of Sally,s tour on Pick TV. 
Is she all she wants us to believe? I have to say she makes some uncanny predictions and knowing stuff ?? Is it all rubbish?? 

I think the quick answer is yes, undoubtedly. 

I also say it is all rubbish.;these people are good at saying things in a way that gives a surface impression of 'knowing' things, but if you pay close attention you'll see that there is not really anything specific in what they say. They rely on people jumping to conclusions.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Have been watching a few of Sally,s tour on Pick TV. 
Is she all she wants us to believe? I have to say she makes some uncanny predictions and knowing stuff ?? Is it all rubbish?? 

I think the quick answer is yes, undoubtedly. 

I also say it is all rubbish.;these people are good at saying things in a way that gives a surface impression of 'knowing' things, but if you pay close attention you'll see that there is not really anything specific in what they say. They rely on people jumping to conclusions.

Yes possibly, but she seems to bring some kind of comfort, but is that just taking advantage of those suffering some loss or going through grief ? The show on TV is probably highly edited of course, but at the same time she does come out with "stuff" that only the family would know....

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Have been watching a few of Sally,s tour on Pick TV. 
Is she all she wants us to believe? I have to say she makes some uncanny predictions and knowing stuff ?? Is it all rubbish?? 

I think the quick answer is yes, undoubtedly. 

I also say it is all rubbish.;these people are good at saying things in a way that gives a surface impression of 'knowing' things, but if you pay close attention you'll see that there is not really anything specific in what they say. They rely on people jumping to conclusions.

They are also very good at reading people, picking up information and using it in a way so as to create an impression the either know something personal or they have some insight that no "ordinary" person has.


There have been a number of programmes looking at the people who claim to be psychic, when they get in front of a camera, they don't seem to be able to demonstrate these insights citing "conditions" as affecting them.


For anyone who can claim to make future predictions I say give me the next six winning lottery numbers!

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Watching The Mentalist has opened my eyes to how people like that can pick up on things that most people wouldn't.


Not saying Sally is a fraud because, as I've said, she has given my mates family a lot of info that she couldn't have known.  Just saying there are people who are great at picking up on the wee things that are big clues.

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Have been watching a few of Sally,s tour on Pick TV. 
Is she all she wants us to believe? I have to say she makes some uncanny predictions and knowing stuff ?? Is it all rubbish?? 

I think the quick answer is yes, undoubtedly. 

I also say it is all rubbish.;these people are good at saying things in a way that gives a surface impression of 'knowing' things, but if you pay close attention you'll see that there is not really anything specific in what they say. They rely on people jumping to conclusions.

They are also very good at reading people, picking up information and using it in a way so as to create an impression the either know something personal or they have some insight that no "ordinary" person has.


There have been a number of programmes looking at the people who claim to be psychic, when they get in front of a camera, they don't seem to be able to demonstrate these insights citing "conditions" as affecting them.


For anyone who can claim to make future predictions I say give me the next six winning lottery numbers!

Spot on, EC.

Just what I was about to say.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Among non believers that there are people who have a physic ability I doubt anything would change their opinion unless they had a personal experience which they couldn't find a rational answer to.


Some people paint, some sing, some are muscians, and some are psychics.....pick anything that people do in life. They all have different levels of ability. I would never say all who do what they do in life like the above e.g. weren't any good, that would just be ridiculous. Sally's toured for quite a few years, she has more theatre bookings in a year than the majority of Bands do. If she wasn't any good she'd have been forced off the circuit a long time ago.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Among non believers that there are people who have a physic ability I doubt anything would change their opinion unless they had a personal experience which they couldn't find a rational answer to.


Some people paint, some sing, some are muscians, and some are psychics.....pick anything that people do in life. They all have different levels of ability. I would never say all who do what they do in life like the above e.g. weren't any good, that would just be ridiculous. Sally's toured for quite a few years, she has more theatre bookings in a year than the majority of Bands do. If she wasn't any good she'd have been forced off the circuit a long time ago.


Now YR, does the pedant in me come out and ask for some facts and figures or do I go do the shopping at Tesco's...?  


I'll suppress the pedant while I go shopping 



"If she wasn't any good she'd have been forced off the circuit a long time ago."

But surely she is pushing against an open door with her tours. The people who attend must see her regularly and be "fans" as I would doubt her audience is made up of new people each time. Who can tell if she is any good anyway? But as an event people clearly want to see her.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Its not about seeing the future . Sally is a Psychic , apparently seeing those who have passed over and the messages they want to bring. Its not about lottery numbers 


I was just responding to your original post Skylark which was


"say she makes some uncanny predictions".

Yes, but saying about family stuff ! If only we knew the lotto numbers ! 

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Among non believers that there are people who have a physic ability I doubt anything would change their opinion unless they had a personal experience which they couldn't find a rational answer to.


Some people paint, some sing, some are muscians, and some are psychics.....pick anything that people do in life. They all have different levels of ability. I would never say all who do what they do in life like the above e.g. weren't any good, that would just be ridiculous. Sally's toured for quite a few years, she has more theatre bookings in a year than the majority of Bands do. If she wasn't any good she'd have been forced off the circuit a long time ago.


Now YR, does the pedant in me come out and ask for some facts and figures or do I go do the shopping at Tesco's...?  


I'll suppress the pedant while I go shopping 



"If she wasn't any good she'd have been forced off the circuit a long time ago."

But surely she is pushing against an open door with her tours. The people who attend must see her regularly and be "fans" as I would doubt her audience is made up of new people each time. Who can tell if she is any good anyway? But as an event people clearly want to see her.

Hope you get some bargain prices at Tesco's. Here's one link you can check out, it's been a while since I saw tour dates for past years. Btw I've never been to one her shows.


Just as Bands have fans that go to their concerts then fans of Sally will do too, and there will also be newcomers who have their first experience. Some will believe some will be sceptical, human nature. When it comes to this particular subject that's discussed what I don't understand is why some think all psychics/mediums are phoney, do they have personal proof that discredits all of them wherever in the world, have they had a bad experience with a psychic so don't believe any of them are any good.

Yellow Rose

derren brown hates psychics

he did a show about it

and he put a statue of a dog (i think it was a dog) in a park

cant remember all story but he planted thoughts in locals minds that it had been there forever & was mystical/magical etc..


along comes sally saying how she could feel the mystic power of this statue that had been there for years


it had only been put there a few days before


i think her gastric band shrunk her brain aswell as her stomach

I'm not sure about Sally, didn't she get in trouble not so long back for faking something on a show..? I think she definitely has abilities, but anything that's on stage or TV, doesn't 100% convince me- what if the members of the audience she picks out are paid actors..? I'm a total believer though and have had several private readings with a spiritualist medium. She doesn't predict the future, only communicates with those who've passed over. I can't tell you how comforting it has been
~Sparkling Summer~

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