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Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Saint:

About 10yrs ago i sat on a scalpel (modelling tool) and it went into my leg.

Off to hospital for tetanus and stiches. it coould have benn much much worse !!


So i need one updating but i'm proudly terrifed of needles!!!

I had a blood test 2 weeks ago. My arm still hurts even though the massive bruise has finally gone 

Ha! It's No laughing matter, let me tell you.


When I was lying in my hospital bed all these years ago, before the opperation, I had to have an injection in my legs every day and that ^^^^ is EXACTLY what it felt like!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Ouchie saint! I hope you're alright, has it stopped bleeding? I think you should have seen a doctor, please keep it well dressed and as clean as possible 8 years ago I tried to seperate some frozen sausages with a normal dinner knife, I ended up with 4 stitches in my thumb!

Eeeek sounds painful Sweet 

b.t.w. I love your avatar - Bramble is so cute.

Originally Posted by Saint:


El Rolo the blade was brand spanking new and has never cut a thing - except mine fingy So i feel safe

Thank you for the concern everyone (its heart warming) - blood stopped hours ago and i have washed it and repalstered it.

Lookin ok for now

Lesson learned ... that i am not grown enough to have a pen knife

 Awww glad it's stopped bleeding though Renton

Originally Posted by Saint:

Soozy i feel your pain - did you swear?

I really panicked

I like to think i'm brave but i have cowards legs

No - I carried on chopping but it started to sting and the garlic was going pink so I stopped and put a plaster on. It was just a nick but annoying all the same. Mr Woo has a knife sharpener and it's a bit of a hobby of his to sharpen all the knives from time to time - I think he had a hand in it 

Soozy Woo

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