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If i was only buying food - it would be easy


but he's including:




council tax

payment towards rent

bus fares

tv license

phone bill

water rates

luxuries ie:soap,washing powder,cleaning stuff,toilet rolls etc..


f*ck a duck!


thats before if you fancy a roll up!


Nah-cant be done

he reckons he's lived on ÂĢ53 a week


no he hasnt


the lying git



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me electric/gas/council tax/tv licence comes to 5 quid a day - so that's 2 quid a day for rent, bus fares, phone, oh yeah.. and food and 'luxury' items like soap and bog roll.


I'm sure he could live on seven quid for a day.    I'd love to see him live on seven quid a day for a couple of months.   Presumably clothing will have to robbed out the charity bins...

Originally Posted by pirate1111:


If i was only buying food - it would be easy


but he's including:




council tax

payment towards rent

bus fares

tv license

phone bill

water rates

luxuries ie:soap,washing powder,cleaning stuff,toilet rolls etc..


f*ck a duck!


thats before if you fancy a roll up!


Nah-cant be done

he reckons he's lived on ÂĢ53 a week


no he hasnt


the lying git



you right pirate, they seem to think it's just for food 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I'm sure he could live on seven quid for a day.    I'd love to see him live on seven quid a day for a couple of months.   Presumably clothing will have to robbed out the charity bins...

This is the thing: managing for a week is possible, but the real struggle is keeping it up for months. Michael Portillo lived as a "single mother" for a week on ÂĢ80 10 years ago, but what he (and other politicians who've tried this) didn't do was put any money aside at the end of the week. Without a "rainy-day" fund, what's going to happen when you suddenly need new shoes, for example?

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I'm sure he could live on seven quid for a day.    I'd love to see him live on seven quid a day for a couple of months.   Presumably clothing will have to robbed out the charity bins...

This is the thing: managing for a week is possible, but the real struggle is keeping it up for months. Michael Portillo lived as a "single mother" for a week on ÂĢ80 10 years ago, but what he (and other politicians who've tried this) didn't do was put any money aside at the end of the week. Without a "rainy-day" fund, what's going to happen when you suddenly need new shoes, for example?

that's exactly it, Eugene - ok, if you've no major purchases required and you wear a few extra jumpers for the day and eat value beans and cheap bread.  He may be able to 'exist' on that money, but not to 'live' on it.


now we got gideon osborne throwing his silly 2 pennys or 2 penneth worth in 

(summat like that)

philpot was an evil f*cker to think up that plan

i hate them sort of people

ie that bird matthews who organised her kid to go missing to get money


but now gideon and dave and IDS are making out that only people like THEM claim benefits

stupid arseholes


theres a lot of worried innocent people out there being tarred with the same brush


David Cameron was looking for a call girl

He found three such girls in a local pub, a blonde, a brunette and a redhead.

To the blonde he said, 'I am the Prime Minister of England. Now how much would it cost me to spend some time with you?'

She replied, "ÂĢ200."

To the brunette he asked the same question. Her reply was ÂĢ100.

He then asked the redhead.

Her reply was, "Mr Prime Minister, if you can get my skirt up as high as my taxes, my knickers as low as my wages, get that thing of yours as hard as the times we are living in, and keep it rising like the price of petrol, keep me warmer than it is in my flat and **** me the way you have the disabled and unemployed, then it isn't going to cost you a bliddy penny. 


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