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Originally Posted by Pengy:

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.


Says it all doesn't it 


its now on nearly a quarter of a million... some people do care 


I feel passionately about this one too but it has very few signatures



To Investigate the DWP and connected MPs for corporate manslaughter. In relation to the WCA & Atos Healthcare

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions


To Investigate the DWP and connected MPs for corporate manslaughter.

We have seen deaths rise of people on sickness benefit from 310 in 2010. To 10,600 in 9 months of 2011.

In relation to the WCA & Atos Healthcare.



Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



signed Pengy  undeliverable 

the people who have died of heart attacks or during cancer treatment because of stress is now in the thousands   maybe that's where the government gets its figures about discontinued claims 


its the old saying...tell a lie often enough. banging the same drum seems to have helped this scum of a government to gain acceptance to beat the poor and disabled into the ground. I though Maggie was evil....this shower of sh*te could have taught her a thing or two.


One I've just signed  if only!



*now I have to go and do some ironing* 

Originally Posted by Pengy:

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.


Says it all doesn't it 


Refugee Blues

Say this city has ten million souls, Some are living in mansions, some are living in holes: Yet there's no place for us, my dear, yet there's no place for us.
Once we had a country and we thought it fair, Look in the atlas and you'll find it there: We cannot go there now, my dear, we cannot go there now.
In the village churchyard there grows an old yew, Every spring it blossoms anew: Old passports can't do that, my dear, old passports can't do that.
The consul banged the table and said, "If you've got no passport you're officially dead": But we are still alive, my dear, but we are still alive.
Went to a committee; they offered me a chair; Asked me politely to return next year: But where shall we go to-day, my dear, but where shall we go to-day?
Came to a public meeting; the speaker got up and said; "If we let them in, they will steal our daily bread": He was talking of you and me, my dear, he was talking of you and me.
Thought I heard the thunder rumbling in the sky; It was Hitler over Europe, saying, "They must die": O we were in his mind, my dear, O we were in his mind.
Saw a poodle in a jacket fastened with a pin, Saw a door opened and a cat let in: But they weren't German Jews, my dear, but they weren't German Jews.
Went down the harbour and stood upon the quay, Saw the fish swimming as if they were free: Only ten feet away, my dear, only ten feet away.
Walked through a wood, saw the birds in the trees; They had no politicians and sang at their ease: They weren't the human race, my dear, they weren't the human race.
Dreamed I saw a building with a thousand floors, A thousand windows and a thousand doors: Not one of them was ours, my dear, not one of them was ours.
Stood on a great plain in the falling snow; Ten thousand soldiers marched to and fro: Looking for you and me, my dear, looking for you and me.


Anyone been on the Mail site today and seen the tragic death of children by Philpott being used to support rightist rhetoric on the welfare state and benefits claimants?


Even for the Mail, this is a new low, putting the headline "Vile product of welfare UK" above a photo of dead children is about as scummy and as exploitative as the right wing media can get.


If Philpott were alive before the welfare state, he'd have raised boys to go on pickpocketing and shoplifting sprees and since he's reported to have groomed a 14 year old girl, suggests he'd probably force his wife, girlfriends and daughters to sell their bodies. That's the kind of society the DM and its pig ignorant rightist readership must want to return.




Last edited by Carnelian



Re The Daily Mail


Osbourne seems to agree with the line the Mail are taking  For god sake, the welfare benefits didn't make this man evil, he attempted murder years ago before he was on any benefits... Did being a law student turn Ted Bundy into a serial killer, or being a Doctor turn Harold Shippman into a serial killer, or Beverly Allot, no! Both his wife and mistress worked, all his other crimes were committed when he was either in the army or in work as I understand it...

this is nothing to do with changing the benefit system, this is separating classes..those who have money are pillars of society and the poor are scum. The drum keeps banging!



I have no words for the hatred I feel for these people, even so, it wouldn't make me a serial killer, as for the Daily Mail, its not fit for toilet paper!


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