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Originally Posted by Pengy:

BTW that video link you put up should have given those that needed evidence a big picture as to what she was doing - I'm amazed no one acted on it 

Pengy you'd think no?  Her consultant was given months worth of recordings. I gave him a SD card + when they couldn't play it, handed over my actual laptop. Then I emailed them the videos as the disturbances continued. Finally setting up an unlisted youtube account specifically and sending them the links.


Problem is she "presents as normal" and that's all the consultant considers. There would have been more complaints from neighbours but most rent here on short leases and don't want to get involved or call police - they just move out. Theres a high turnover rate. Eventually near the end apparently people had called police but it was too late and she'd gone.

She gets unlimited free legal aid to challenge a section and has powerful rights to prevention of deprivation of liberty. The consultant kept saying she would convince the tribunal and could be out in 72 hours or three weeks. Everything in MH from getting referred on, seems to be done by meeting certain criteria - tick this, tick that.

I think they don't want to spend the legal fees maybe. Apparently she can take it right up to judicial review stage. 

The local bobby [ a Scot]  has been brilliant + even rang the consultant + CMHT to see if he could persuade them.


All I can do is charge her with whatever criminal offences apply as that'll be free legal work. But its dangerous as she's fearless of everything - police - even risking repercussions like sectioning. She's considered psychotic - meaning she can't distinguish between reality and delusions. 



Your feedback s great though. I can always tell the consultant I posted them online and ordinary members of the public's reaction was very different to his indifference. I'll put up a couple more links if anyone is willing to view and give their thoughts?


I'm just getting info together at the moment... I like to read everything then sleep on it and present a really good case. Honestly I'd rather have the reckless incompetent CMHT charged than her... and actually I'm starting to fear them more... theyre just so cold.


Funny she was sectioned from that same flat Oct 2009... it had been going about 9 months and I didn't make a fuss as it was quieter then + felt sorry for her assuming she'd be put out. Once I notified the police + my first [good] CPN she was sectioned within about 6 weeks, in Oct 2009. She was writing letters to Tony Blair then which was apparently the main reason for the section. If something happens to him its a big deal 

Back then I was only on antideps + with a caring CPN got through. Its was the second nurse put me on antipsychs to "help me sleep" and help get me through the renewed disturbances when she returned after her section in early 2010. I asked at the time "Is this ethical"?


Sorry for these long posts  once I've started...y'know. I will make this text the basis of my complaint as I come across way better here.


Love your avatar Pengy xx You doing anything for Paddys Day?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by erinp:

Glad to read that you are feeling stronger in yourself today,sound like you are heading (at your own pace) in the right direction in addressing this ridiculous living situation you are having to endure.Onwards and upwards my friend

You've given me such a boost Erin thanks  How do you find such good stuff,  

Oh... and I got it wrong on this new pope  He's really surprising + inspirational. How humble asking for the crowds blessing before giving it. I got a tear in my eye reading about him. 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by erinp:

Glad to read that you are feeling stronger in yourself today,sound like you are heading (at your own pace) in the right direction in addressing this ridiculous living situation you are having to endure.Onwards and upwards my friend

You've given me such a boost Erin thanks  How do you find such good stuff,  

Oh... and I got it wrong on this new pope  He's really surprising + inspirational. How humble asking for the crowds blessing before giving it. I got a tear in my eye reading about him. 

I'm just a nosey git 

He's special to me,when we prayed together I needed a little something.. I think I got it  

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by erinp:

Glad to read that you are feeling stronger in yourself today,sound like you are heading (at your own pace) in the right direction in addressing this ridiculous living situation you are having to endure.Onwards and upwards my friend

You've given me such a boost Erin thanks  How do you find such good stuff,  

Oh... and I got it wrong on this new pope  He's really surprising + inspirational. How humble asking for the crowds blessing before giving it. I got a tear in my eye reading about him. 

I'm just a nosey git 

He's special to me,when we prayed together I needed a little something.. I think I got it  

Strong faith like yours is a wonderful thing Erin and prayer is powerful too  

I prayed for deliverance from this... A christian friend of mine - a protestant - said say psalm 91 day and night and it wasn't long before she ran off. Its the one they use at exorcisms apparently lol! She also told me to pray for her which I did.

Have you met Pope Francis or do you mean you pray in his spiritual presence Erin? I think this pope was just whats needed + will call people back to the church. 

Oh and you're great at this - you'd be great as a researcher 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by erinp:

Glad to read that you are feeling stronger in yourself today,sound like you are heading (at your own pace) in the right direction in addressing this ridiculous living situation you are having to endure.Onwards and upwards my friend

You've given me such a boost Erin thanks  How do you find such good stuff,  

Oh... and I got it wrong on this new pope  He's really surprising + inspirational. How humble asking for the crowds blessing before giving it. I got a tear in my eye reading about him. 

I'm just a nosey git 

He's special to me,when we prayed together I needed a little something.. I think I got it  

Strong faith like yours is a wonderful thing Erin and prayer is powerful too  

I prayed for deliverance from this... A christian friend of mine - a protestant - said say psalm 91 day and night and it wasn't long before she ran off. She also told me to pray for her which I did.

Have you met Pope Francis or do you mean you pray in his spiritual presence Erin? I think this pope was just whats needed + will call people back to the church. 

Oh and you're great at this - you'd be great as a researcher 

I dont know him ,I prayed with him on the night he bacame Pope.


Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by erinp:

Glad to read that you are feeling stronger in yourself today,sound like you are heading (at your own pace) in the right direction in addressing this ridiculous living situation you are having to endure.Onwards and upwards my friend

You've given me such a boost Erin thanks  How do you find such good stuff,  

Oh... and I got it wrong on this new pope  He's really surprising + inspirational. How humble asking for the crowds blessing before giving it. I got a tear in my eye reading about him. 

I'm just a nosey git 

He's special to me,when we prayed together I needed a little something.. I think I got it  

Strong faith like yours is a wonderful thing Erin and prayer is powerful too  

I prayed for deliverance from this... A christian friend of mine - a protestant - said say psalm 91 day and night and it wasn't long before she ran off. She also told me to pray for her which I did.

Have you met Pope Francis or do you mean you pray in his spiritual presence Erin? I think this pope was just whats needed + will call people back to the church. 

Oh and you're great at this - you'd be great as a researcher 

I dont know him ,I prayed with him on the night he bacame Pope.


Oh of course 


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