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Sorry you're feeling low and tired Sprout

I take Tesco multivitamins and minerals [combined] but thats cos I was on Atkins which makes you feel run down sometimes. I think they do help, though it could be the placebo effect.


If you're a bit tired bananas are a great source of energy and potassium [sports peeps are always munching them] and maybe take something to keep your electrolytes up ?

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

I get most of my stuff on line from Healthy Direct and some from Boots.

Yes, I had points at Boots so I got them there 

I get the multivitamins with iron.


As to the question of whether they work? I think so....either that or I am incredibly healthy!


I am the first to admit that my diet in general is not of the best, but I don't really think I could ever achieve the ultimate balance as there are so many types of healthy/healthier foods that I just don't like, thus a cocktail of vitamins and suplements I feel is of benefit to me.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

Sorry you're feeling low and tired Sprout

I take Tesco multivitamins and minerals [combined] but thats cos I was on Atkins which makes you feel run down sometimes. I think they do help, though it could be the placebo effect.


If you're a bit tired bananas are a great source of energy and potassium [sports peeps are always munching them] and maybe take something to keep your electrolytes up ?

I'm ok Roger. Just not feeling myself at the mo.   I'll see what the docs says next week and like I say I'll start taking the vitamins I think. It might give me a kick up the arris 

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

Sorry you're feeling low and tired Sprout

I take Tesco multivitamins and minerals [combined] but thats cos I was on Atkins which makes you feel run down sometimes. I think they do help, though it could be the placebo effect.


If you're a bit tired bananas are a great source of energy and potassium [sports peeps are always munching them] and maybe take something to keep your electrolytes up ?

I'm ok Roger. Just not feeling myself at the mo.   I'll see what the docs says next week and like I say I'll start taking the vitamins I think. It might give me a kick up the arris 

Hope the blood tests turn out ok Sprout.

Erin is right about exercise which gives you more energy strangely and just an overall healthy feeling. I  gulped a couple of Pro Plus  with ice cold water to sort of shock my system when I was flagging on the exercise bike. Pepped me right up!  

Though I shouldn't give advice as I've been off the bike for months and need to start again

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

Sorry you're feeling low and tired Sprout

I take Tesco multivitamins and minerals [combined] but thats cos I was on Atkins which makes you feel run down sometimes. I think they do help, though it could be the placebo effect.


If you're a bit tired bananas are a great source of energy and potassium [sports peeps are always munching them] and maybe take something to keep your electrolytes up ?

I'm ok Roger. Just not feeling myself at the mo.   I'll see what the docs says next week and like I say I'll start taking the vitamins I think. It might give me a kick up the arris 

Hope the blood tests turn out ok Sprout.

Erin is right about exercise which gives you more energy strangely and just an overall healthy feeling. I  gulped a couple of Pro Plus  with ice cold water to sort of shock my system when I was flagging on the exercise bike. Pepped me right up!  

Though I shouldn't give advice as I've been off the bike for months and need to start again

Oh! Good luck Rosie 


A few years back I got a full body bone scan,it took half an hour.This was to check bone density,it was fine.However my vitamin D levels were a bit  on the low side.(pale celtic Scot) i suspect most of the population are similar. i was prescribed  Calcium/Vit D tablets ,big things like a Steradent tablet,took them for a few years,then they took me off them.The calcium it seems can affect the heart.Kill or cure ,eh!


Sunshine is the the best way to get Vit not so much.


Oh Milk is good too.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

A few years back I got a full body bone scan,it took half an hour.This was to check bone density,it was fine.However my vitamin D levels were a bit  on the low side.(pale celtic Scot) i suspect most of the population are similar. i was prescribed  Calcium/Vit D tablets ,big things like a Steradent tablet,took them for a few years,then they took me off them.The calcium it seems can affect the heart.Kill or cure ,eh!

Sunshine is a the best way to get Vit not so much.

They are vile to take ,I have tutti frutti flavoured ones.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

A few years back I got a full body bone scan,it took half an hour.This was to check bone density,it was fine.However my vitamin D levels were a bit  on the low side.(pale celtic Scot) i suspect most of the population are similar. i was prescribed  Calcium/Vit D tablets ,big things like a Steradent tablet,took them for a few years,then they took me off them.The calcium it seems can affect the heart.Kill or cure ,eh!

Sunshine is the the best way to get Vit not so much.

I tolerate as much as I can. I'm not one for sitting about in the sun TBH 

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

A few years back I got a full body bone scan,it took half an hour.This was to check bone density,it was fine.However my vitamin D levels were a bit  on the low side.(pale celtic Scot) i suspect most of the population are similar. i was prescribed  Calcium/Vit D tablets ,big things like a Steradent tablet,took them for a few years,then they took me off them.The calcium it seems can affect the heart.Kill or cure ,eh!

Sunshine is the the best way to get Vit not so much.

I tolerate as much as I can. I'm not one for sitting about in the sun TBH 

I'd love to but Scotland is not known for its balmy hot weather. <--- that's me  a few days a year.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

A few years back I got a full body bone scan,it took half an hour.This was to check bone density,it was fine.However my vitamin D levels were a bit  on the low side.(pale celtic Scot) i suspect most of the population are similar. i was prescribed  Calcium/Vit D tablets ,big things like a Steradent tablet,took them for a few years,then they took me off them.The calcium it seems can affect the heart.Kill or cure ,eh!

Sunshine is a the best way to get Vit not so much.

They are vile to take ,I have tutti frutti flavoured ones.

I had the lemon ones,

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

A few years back I got a full body bone scan,it took half an hour.This was to check bone density,it was fine.However my vitamin D levels were a bit  on the low side.(pale celtic Scot) i suspect most of the population are similar. i was prescribed  Calcium/Vit D tablets ,big things like a Steradent tablet,took them for a few years,then they took me off them.The calcium it seems can affect the heart.Kill or cure ,eh!

Sunshine is a the best way to get Vit not so much.

They are vile to take ,I have tutti frutti flavoured ones.

I had the lemon ones,

I had them but they tasted like chalk.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

A few years back I got a full body bone scan,it took half an hour.This was to check bone density,it was fine.However my vitamin D levels were a bit  on the low side.(pale celtic Scot) i suspect most of the population are similar. i was prescribed  Calcium/Vit D tablets ,big things like a Steradent tablet,took them for a few years,then they took me off them.The calcium it seems can affect the heart.Kill or cure ,eh!

Sunshine is the the best way to get Vit not so much.

I tolerate as much as I can. I'm not one for sitting about in the sun TBH 

I'd love to but Scotland is not known for its balmy hot weather. <--- that's me  a few days a year.


Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Talking about Steradent tablets^^,my mum used the tube to save up pound coins.  

Actually that kinda rings a bell with me. My mam didn't store coins (as I remember) but it was the action of the tablets coming down the tube that made me smile 

It's the funny little things that bring back memories that make you smile.


I like berries and fresh fruit too can have a down side - Mr Woo loves berries/grapes etc. - we have recently narrowed them down as one of the things that aggravate his diverticulitis - I still buy loads - just more for me now 


I don't take supplements or vitamins - Mr Woo on the other hand takes Cod Liver Oil, Glucosamine Sulphate and Aloe Vera (during a diverticilar attack).

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Talking about Steradent tablets^^,my mum used the tube to save up pound coins.  

you've just made me smile, my nana used to do that as well 

Aimee my mum used to cut the buttons of everything before she threw it out and she saved them in a big pickle jar,she did the same with Zips.

When we broke the house up I did laugh at some of the things she saved but never used.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Talking about Steradent tablets^^,my mum used the tube to save up pound coins.  

you've just made me smile, my nana used to do that as well 

Aimee my mum used to cut the buttons of everything before she through it out and she saved them in a big pickle jar,she did the same with Zips.

When we broke the house up I did laugh at some of the things she saved but never used.

My nana had a button tin, it was an old biscuit  tin, I spent many an hour counting them 


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