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Originally Posted by Saint:

I find the genuine compassion rather forced by the demands of one.

Its easy to show compassion for all of 5mins then walk away.

Who was that really helping in the end? The homeless guy or the protesters?

The guy will be hungry tomorrow and those protestors will be tucked up in bed with a full belly.

I really do know what you are saying St. Renton and agree to an extent. BUT, we can't all become the lowest common denominator to show that we want something to change. I've protested against all sorts of things, doesn't mean I have to have experienced them or would ever want to, that's kinda the point really!


Protests like this are mostly chest beating sound bites ... unless they are backed up by real action - real concern and real graft at grass roots level.

I mean action to back up their 'brave' words.

Or else what they're shouting about rings rather hollow to me.


They lack the courage of their convictions ... and leave him to continue begging.

Originally Posted by Saint:

Protests like this are mostly chest beating sound bites ... unless they are backed up by real action - real concern and real graft at grass roots level.

I mean action to back up their 'brave' words.

Or else what they're shouting about rings rather hollow to me.


They lack the courage of their convictions ... and leave him to continue begging.

I agree, absolutely

As a matter of interest, is there anything that you feel passionately about outside of  care and concern for your family and friends?

Originally Posted by Saint:

I was a Samaritan for 3years. I did something - i didn't riot.

Good on you.. It is a shame that at your age, (late 20s/early 30s?) that it's past tense 'though. And peaceful protest is, of course, different to riot, (though that has it's place too imo!)

I have no room to talk these days, my battles are from the inside, I seemed to be winning, or at least having some minor victories, but then the Con Dems came along and changed all of that..... I may have to get radical again....Once I've paid off my mortgage!


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