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Originally Posted by Rexi:

Don't knock it sooz ... I'd have preferred fish and chips tbh - that curry was a bit hot


This is cheap old telly innit - they are doing the same dances they did last week

I made Mr Woo a curry a few weeks ago and he said it was a bit tame.


I made him one this week and he had to keep stopping to mop his brow  - he did enjoy it though.

Soozy Woo

I made a chick pea and spinach curry a few weeks ago, froze it, then 'lost it' in the freezer.


Last night I thought I would have a sneaky bowl of ice cream out of the tub that the girlies had left in the freezer when they went back to uni ... took the lid off, and there was my curry!! I really must start labeling things


Still, that's dinner one night next week sorted



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