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Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by Pengy:

all joking aside, it seems strange that he's resigned - even for ill health reasons as he's allegedly compos mentis  wonder if he has some other degenerating disease that we've not been told about??? 


Just curious like 

Pengy, OR...   there's a scandal involving him about to break? 


b.t.w. love your Father Dougal pic  and Kaffy's jokes ROFL!!!  


troo troo I never thought of that - perhaps it goes back to his life during the war or that he's a paedo although I would have thought that would have come out by now 

Oh yeah... right enough *shrugs*

Its just sounded a bit like those politicians who suddenly resign to spend "more time with their family"


In theology,  the worst of the seven deadly sins is usually considered to be pride. From pride came the other sins. Remember the devil was originally an angel, Lucifer, who believed he was more important and above others. As a result he lost everything and God threw him down from heaven.


I can't help but feel that some in the Church hierarchy are fallen angels too. They thought themselves above the law - most importantly God's law. They placed the status and power of the institution before their love for God and for their fellow man. 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

In theology,  the worst of the seven deadly sins is usually considered to be pride. From pride came the other sins. Remember the devil was originally an angel, Lucifer, who believed he was more important and above others. As a result he lost everything and God threw him down from heaven.


I can't help but feel that some in the Church hierarchy are fallen angels too. They thought themselves above the law - most importantly God's law. They placed the status and power of the institution before their love for God and for their fellow man. 

Well said Rog


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