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I saw an online poll yesterday where 64% were anti gay marriage. I've seen other discussions online where some don't like the word marriage being applied. To me it's all semantics whether the word is marriage, partnership, commitment or any other word a couple feels is appropriate for them. I don't get why some are so anti, how does it personally affect their lives

Yellow Rose
Can't access that on m'phone, however my favourite was the woman on J.Vine who accused Cameron of being a politically correct dictator. My only worry concerns the church. As featured on Last Tango in Halifax, it's my belief that non churchgoers should not get married in church. I hope that this stands. I wish my old choirmaster and his partner were still alive to see this day.
Garage Joe

Just been out with my dog and met my neighbour who is gay and in his late 40,s with a partner he has been with for 12 years. We were chatting about it. He said both of them dont want to be married, as they are happy as they are. He said he was very pleased though, as it may bring acceptance, and go a long way to stop "gay bashing" , as he put it. He has told me previously he has had a terrible time with bullying, name calling etc. As he said too, it may help others "come out" more easily. I could only agree with him

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Can't access that on m'phone, however my favourite was the woman on J.Vine who accused Cameron of being a politically correct dictator. My only worry concerns the church. As featured on Last Tango in Halifax, it's my belief that non churchgoers should not get married in church. I hope that this stands. I wish my old choirmaster and his partner were still alive to see this day.

whilst I can accept the religious point of view,  a young friend of my friend's daughter said 'I don't see why they can't marry in church if they want to. It's supposed to be against god's wishes, but so is adultery.. and they get married in church'   Fair point I guess.   Has anyone been refused a church wedding because they had an affair before marriage?

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Can't access that on m'phone, however my favourite was the woman on J.Vine who accused Cameron of being a politically correct dictator. My only worry concerns the church. As featured on Last Tango in Halifax, it's my belief that non churchgoers should not get married in church. I hope that this stands. I wish my old choirmaster and his partner were still alive to see this day.

I know of many who never entered a Church in their life, but got married and when they had their children had them introduced into the Church fully. There are many ways for people to find the Church, the door should be open for those who choose to do so, and remain open for the future, should they wish to follow the fellowship. Here endith the lesson 

(I was keeping an eye on the youngest during my last posts) Perhaps I should have said that the church should retain the right to refuse to marry non churchgoers as they see fit. Whilst I was brought up in a very tolerant small town-the above two I mentioned were cohabiting before it was legal, the church retains a snobby attitude. My Dad had the vicar officiate at his funeral, the rest get a lay reader!
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
(I was keeping an eye on the youngest during my last posts) Perhaps I should have said that the church should retain the right to refuse to marry non churchgoers as they see fit. Whilst I was brought up in a very tolerant small town-the above two I mentioned were cohabiting before it was legal, the church retains a snobby attitude. My Dad had the vicar officiate at his funeral, the rest get a lay reader!

Far too much snobbery in my mind Joe. Jesus didnt mind as far as i know....


I had a very depressing encounter at school today. 


One of the sixth formers (a gay lad) came to see me to complain about some tweets made last night on this issue by a small group of our prefects. 


"gays don't deserve to live, let alone marry" etc...


I spoke to the boys in question. One of them genuinely thought the conversation was tongue in cheek and he was instantly apologetic about it, and rather upset that I may have thought he had meant it. 


The other two were something else entirely. 


I was told something along the lines of  "they need to stop being so sensitive and just take the abuse. It's a disease, but gays don't believe they have a disease, don't want to be cured, therefore it is a lifestyle choice and they don't deserve the same rights as anyone else.... same as drug addicts" 


I don't think what I've written there really conveys the true meaning and depth of feeling in what they said. I actually felt sick after listening to them.


I think it was the shock of hearing such crap coming out the mouths of teenagers (very intelligent teenagers!!), and boys who I have known for quite a few years, (and who I used to respect). 


Both of them have applied to medical school this year. Both have been rejected by a couple already. For the first time ever, I am now actively willing them to fail. I don't want these boys being doctors.  


I felt like I lost a little enthusiasm for teaching today 


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