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initial disclaimer - I am not defending him, I am as disgusted as everyone about what he has done, even more so in some ways..   to some people battling cancer he was an inspiration...  gawd knows how they are feeling now...  


HOWEVER - I will say this...    going through what we are going through with Mum I can say that meds/drugs take on a whole new meaning when you are going through cancer...     My parents worktop looks like a pharmacy store...    and we take decisions on what/how much/which hardcore drug to include/decrease in her daily cocktail as part & parcel of it all. 


You view meds differently..    they are like a food stuff..   (not quite the right analogy..    but its kinda like trying to put a balanced meal together)...   


there is a small part of me that can kinda see how he might have seen taking roids etc...     like vitamins kinda thing.




HOWEVER...  not excusing it...    he's still an arse.    just saying 

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Not a big shock, I think most of us found him guilty ages ago. One prefers to concentrate on the exciting TDF in Yorkshire news.





Speaking as a Yorkshireman I am delighted that the TDF is coming through my county. I am not really a fan of cycling per se, but I have some work colleagues and friends who are completely nuts about it and are itching to volunteer in any way they can. Fingers crossed it is a massive success and another feather in the UK's cap of sporting events.


As for Lance. Taking performance enhancing drugs is just wrong. To me he should be making some massive personal donations to charities.





Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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