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Sorry for coming into this late, but I listened to the interview late last night and haven't been able to write about it until now.


There wasn't much that was totally new. In particular, most of it had already been discussed by Aaron during his brief appearance on DS. However, it did reinforce a number of points, and it was interesting to hear more of Faye's viewpoint. A few things I picked up on:

- The whole problem with BOTS seems to be a mutual thing, rather than just down to Aaron. Faye has a serious problem with Alice, and put together, Emma's probably the only BOTS presenter they don't have a problem with!

- Faye felt her post-eviction experience was ruined by constantly having to defend herself against claims that she'd been used and brainwashed by Aaron.

- Faye backed-up Aaron's earlier claim that 4 HMs from their year had subsequently attempted suicide. BB's continued silence on the issue now looks even more disturbing...

- In general, the post-eviction support for HMs is even worse than in the C4 years: in Faye's case, it was completely non-existent. They really don't seem to have learnt anything from the Sree debacle...

- Jemma: Faye had no idea she was going in. She was originally only meant to be in for a few days as part of a task, but BB kept her in after seeing the havoc she was causing with "Faaron". She had not seen the show before entering, but had been given a (presumably biased) synopsis of Faye and Aaron's releationship from the BB producers. It always felt like Jemma (and her mother during F&F nominations) had been set up by BB, but IMO it seems almost indisputable now, and her walking makes a lot more sense.

- There was also a lot of talk about magazine deals, or rather the lack of them. Most of this is already known, but basically Endemol's deal with C5 means that the HMs are contractually obliged to give interviews to Dirty Desmond's rags such as the Star. They don't get paid for these, and it also means that competitors such as the Sun (who would pay) won't touch them.  Aaron made an interesting comment that when BB split the ÂĢ100k prize, he took it as a sign that none of the evictees were making any money on the outside, and BB were therefore trying to spread the prize money around a bit to make it a bit fairer for the runners-up.

Eugene's Lair

For those who missed it:

Jamie East has since been on the same show. It was a bit of a mess because the Skype connection kept breaking down, but he still managed to have a right go at Aaron - trying to make a point about how Aaron hadn't named the 4 HMs who supposedly tried to commit suicide, defending BB's aftercare and claiming Aaron was only making statements to gain publicity. Dr Detroit however did point out that no one expects him to name the HMs (indeed, he's been criticized for publicizing it at all); Faye has also backed up the suicide claim and the complaints about aftercare; and Luke A has also supported Aaron's claims that the aftercare is poor. At that point, Jamie started backtracking...


Aaron posted some rather angry tweets during the broadcast, and it looks like he and Faye are going to be on Friday's Final show to "retort":

So frustrated that it's best I sleep on it before responding in full to the total bollocks I've just heard. fancy recording


I'll do finale with Faye. I was happy to move on, but East lying about me deserves a retort.


Meanwhile, some more Ex-HMs have been supporting Aaron:

I like Jamie & have a lot of time 4 him but I agree with Aaron on this 1. BB aftercare is HORRENDOUS!


what aftercare??! It's a joke! Just like the show



Eugene's Lair

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