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Former Member

After much kicking and screaming, of hanging on to the old and not embracing the new, I think I may have finally adjusted my mind set to the 'new' style BB. Soooooo, none of that 'who do I like' or 'who is genuine' old blooming nonsense for me, I'm now looking at who are the best game players and who are entertaining in their machiavellianism, (is that a word, Gaga spell check seem to think not)

Sooooo, keep Speidi in, Paula should have stayed and tonight Sam should go.....Oh, OOPS, hang on, I'm failing already, Sam is a nice guy, (okay he made a big boob when he made that comment about older people/his mum, but, other than that..) and I'd rather he stayed, Ryan is a complete player. Perhaps I can be cut a bit of slack though, 'cos Christ, Ryan is boring and team Speidi like Sam

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Originally Posted by jacksonb:

i was made to raise an eyebrow when he did the 'right protect their marriage vows' speech, during the ping pong task, its not like bb asked the male prat to give the female one a good rogering up the back alley whilst eating an orange,and singing jerusalem  is it?

LOL, just one eyebrow JB?


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