For me this is the best day of the year. I have a whole year before I have to suffer the over commercuialised non event that is Christmas and New Year. Gone is all the friendly fakery at work and having to spend extended time with relatives I see once a year. *big sigh*
Now I know some of you like/love it, but I find it tortuous and always pleased to see the end of it.
The only upside for me is I never have to take any decorations or tree down because I don't ever put them up (I don't own any)
Next year I am hoping to eliminate cards altogether (trying to convince anyone who wants to send me one to make a donation to a charity).
So enjoyed my favourite day of the year by having a lunchtime coffee with a mate (good), watched my football team play badly and lose (not good) and taken a long evening stroll around town, a mostly empty town (good).
Feet up, shandy poured and going to celebrate with a film.