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...first off:  My 6 year old HATES his new scooter that Santa brought him He had asked for a fliker scooter and stupid santa didn't realise he'd brought him a zip scooter instead and because the foot boards move about at their own will, he is terrified of trying to get on it and doesn't like that they swing out without him making them.  He doesn't want to go on it and won't take it out to play.  


The toy shop I bought from has extended their returns policy til mid January for returning any unwanted xmas gifts.  However, we've built the scooter up and there's no fault with it so will they take it back?  Or can anyone think of a wee white lie I could tell them to persuade them to take it back?


Secondly, I'm dying with heartburn here  I've been drinking milk and my Mum has given me a tablet that should have stopped it ages ago but it hasn't.  I've been up since 6am with it thinking I was going to throw up and I can't eat coz of it.  Help 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

If the shop will accept the return of unwanted gifts, would they also accept the return of the scooter, when grandparents (who live abroad) had unwittingly sent a duplicate gift? Obviously it would be easier for you to return the scooter you bought, rather than send the other one back to the grandparents who live abroad.

There is bound to be a flaw in this suggestion as I am rubbish at lies, even white ones.


or (proper answers)


problem 1 - remove a bit of the scooter & say thats how it was when you bought it and youve heard stories of the same thing happening & by not being able to go on his scooter it spoilt his christmas day, hopefully making them feel guilty & replacing with scooter you want


problem 2 - drink lager in big gulps 'til you burp


The shop will take back unwanted gifts ,tell them that the childs Aunt bought the  scotte butso had the childs grandm so you have to return one and exchange it for the right scotter or tell the truth and come to an agreement with the store.


If you smoke... stop smoking  ,smoking creates an acid environment.

Bananas act as a natural antacid in the body, so have a Banana.




Yogi has given good Scooter advice ^^ - I'd go with that.


Heartburn ...only one answer ZANTAC - works every single time - 24 hour Asda pharmacy will have it in. Trust me I was plagued for years - discovered Zantac and it was sorted every time - since I stopped drinking only had heartburn once though - wish I could send you mine 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Yogi has given good Scooter advice ^^ - I'd go with that.


Heartburn ...only one answer ZANTAC - works every single time - 24 hour Asda pharmacy will have it in. Trust me I was plagued for years - discovered Zantac and it was sorted every time - since I stopped drinking only had heartburn once though - wish I could send you mine 

My Mum has given me the tablet that the doctor gave her after the Zantac stopped working for her.


I think it's been coz I've drank too much over xmas 


We don't even have an Asda handy either 


Ells. Milk is the last thing you should drink. It takes the stinging away for a very short while, but the lactic acid causes more of the burning and reflux. A short term remedy is the bi carb which has been suggested by Slinki, but if it persists you must see your doctor.

I take 20mg of Omiprazole twice a day for heartburn, but you can only get these from the doc. Zantac is available over the counter, but you can also get gaviscon which is quite good, but "gloopy"

First, I was brought up to be grateful for whatever I was given and would have been scolded heavily for not liking anything that Santa gave me.. However, if a Flickr is safer than the one given, that's a valid reason for exchanging. I would definitely try an exchange, you've nothing to lose but a bit of time and they probably will accept it back anyway Lastly, aw you poor thing I hate heartburn and avoid pasties for that very reason. That Zantac sounds good, go get some and I hope you feel better soon. I dare say that if you've been a bit stressed today, it might have made you feel worse, so I hope you feel relaxed soon x
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Sezit:

Ells. Milk is the last thing you should drink. It takes the stinging away for a very short while, but the lactic acid causes more of the burning and reflux. A short term remedy is the bi carb which has been suggested by Slinki, but if it persists you must see your doctor.

I take 20mg of Omiprazole twice a day for heartburn, but you can only get these from the doc. Zantac is available over the counter, but you can also get gaviscon which is quite good, but "gloopy"

That's what my Mum gave me


I always thought drinking milk helped 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
First, I was brought up to be grateful for whatever I was given and would have been scolded heavily for not liking anything that Santa gave me.. However, if a Flickr is safer than the one given, that's a valid reason for exchanging. I would definitely try an exchange, you've nothing to lose but a bit of time and they probably will accept it back anyway Lastly, aw you poor thing I hate heartburn and avoid pasties for that very reason. That Zantac sounds good, go get some and I hope you feel better soon. I dare say that if you've been a bit stressed today, it might have made you feel worse, so I hope you feel relaxed soon x

Too spoilt Sweet....I only have myself to blame  He's not overly bothered about it coz it wasn't his main present but I still don't want it to be a waste.


Hopefully it can be exchanged, if not then I have nephews that will play with it.


A lot better now thankfully.  When I got up at 6 this morning I got really panicked about having to barf and set myself into a whole state Took a hot flush and my arms went weak....all at the thought of barfing!  I hate it though and end up in tears when I do throw up 


ION someone has just drove into the back of my OH's car and he's come in looking like a ghost and shaking...gave him a fright but he's fine.  His wee brother was in the car too and I is fine apart from a sore neck but there's nothing they would be able to do for that anyway so he's just thankful it was nothing worse.


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