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Most of my food shopping (fresh stuff mainly) along with my Turkey .......10.30 Sunday - a new dressing gown for Mr Woo (the one I've ordered hasn't arrived) - will probably buy bits and bobs along the way for my boys.


I have a Christmas door mat which says 'Santa Stop Here'..................Mr Woo says he wants to take the 'e' off the end so it says 'Santa Stop Her'.


The loss of my credit card and debit cards have curtailed me a bit TBH one arrived today but no pin numbers ....yet!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Ells:

Xmas desserts and party food/snacks.


And booze.


And a trip to the toy shop for some more bits and bobs but at least it's not in the main town area coz I'm not willing to step foot in that again.

Don't blame ya........I'm not venturing out of town either, and that's only for a memory card for my phone 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Most of my food shopping (fresh stuff mainly) along with my Turkey .......10.30 Sunday - a new dressing gown for Mr Woo (the one I've ordered hasn't arrived) - will probably buy bits and bobs along the way for my boys.


I have a Christmas door mat which says 'Santa Stop Here'..................Mr Woo says he wants to take the 'e' off the end so it says 'Santa Stop Her'.


The loss of my credit card and debit cards have curtailed me a bit TBH one arrived today but no pin numbers ....yet!


Aww (The card) Hang in there Sooz.....prolly come tomorrow

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by erinp:

I am all done

Can't wait for the Boxing day sales I will be picked up at 5.30am


*agrees with Sproooooty*


Even more for the daft bugger that's picking her up at that time 

It's great ,we will be enjoying crepes with chocolate sauce and a large coffee by 10am.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by erinp:

I am all done

Can't wait for the Boxing day sales I will be picked up at 5.30am


*agrees with Sproooooty*


Even more for the daft bugger that's picking her up at that time 

It's great ,we will be enjoying crepes with chocolate sauce and a large coffee by 10am.

Better you than me  


There's only one thing I forgot to order and that's salt beef, but I'll pop in and get that tomorrow morning.  Everything else is being delivered either on Sunday or Monday, so I think (hope!) I'm all set.


Him indoors has already attacked the Cadbury's Roses 

He thinks I've got a secret stash but I've told him I haven't.

He believes me.

Of course I have, but I like tormenting the silly s*d 



collection of meat from the local butcher and a sack of spuds and a log delivery by our local man and we are all done 


MrH is driving me nuts - he is like a child - being a diabetic and going without so much  all the year he is  waiting for his * christmas luxuries* - top of the list a pack of proper butter    


thank goodness the perscription delivery came yesterday 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I love Boxing Day ......a proper 'chill' day with lots of lovely buffet food - still have all the family but it's all a bit more mellow - we have a lot of fun on Boxing Day ..................I couldn't be doing with Town and the Sales etc.

my favourite day - a nice attack on the cold cuts and various things that never got looked at christmas day

this year will be even better as I have NO one working so no pack ups and a lovely leisurely breakfast all together and then a pick as and when we want day and just chill 


I am about to go & do my Tesco shop...    just necked an uber strong coffee...  and fine tuned the shopping list.



Thought I was ahead of the game (for me)...     looked up from the laptop & the tree lights had gone out.     That was 2 hours ago...    the girl has checked every bulb twice, and the plug fuse...     basically the lights are kaputt.


So..     if Tesco's don't have any warm white led lights...    one of my rabble will have to find me some in town tomorrow (they are all going into town to do their xmas shopping...   giving me some time alone to tackle wrapping all their stuff)


Then Sunday...   I am food preparing....     Monday...  little bits of food preparing, but mainly for once, Xmas Eve is looking like I have ring fenced it for emergencies & hopefully a bit of me glamming up time! 


we will see



Right....      Tescos here I come...  with the girl!!! 


Just got back...   almost a fully succesful mission (didn't get any new fairy lights, or a tin of Heroes...   the rabble can get those for me in town tomorrow).


Tesco's was lovely...     it looked like it had been ramraided...   but I will take mess &  trolleys full of stock over hoards of people any day 


Just got the mahoosive chore of pressie wrapping to get nailed tomorrow & THEN I am downhill all the way to Christmas 


Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Again, without varifocals We're waiting for the rain to ease off so we can get out on the bikes. This is our last day together on our own. Then it all goes downhill until next Friday!

Don't do it GJ, it's blooming hideous out there, horrible icy rain.


I'm all organised apart from a few little bits, and whatever I might need once I've decided on Boxing Day dessert, which I'm umming and ahhing about.


The only thing on my list I can't find is angelica for decorating the old fashioned sherry trifle for Christmas eve, but think we can live without that. Tell you what was blooming near on impossible to find too, peppermint essence for making the choccie peppermint creams, (finally managed to source some yesterday.) Guess that most people just buy their chocs from the shops now, but I'll be making an assortment of very boozy truffles, marzipan/choc brazils, pralines etc. tomorrow, it's one of the Christmassy things I really love doing.

Originally Posted by Supes:



The only thing on my list I can't find is angelica for decorating the old fashioned sherry trifle for Christmas eve, but think we can live without that. Tell you what was blooming near on impossible to find too, peppermint essence for making the choccie peppermint creams, (finally managed to source some yesterday.) Guess that most people just buy their chocs from the shops now, but I'll be making an assortment of very boozy truffles, marzipan/choc brazils, pralines etc. tomorrow, it's one of the Christmassy things I really love doing.

awww. that made me think of Arwen . Wonder how she's doing?

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Supes:



The only thing on my list I can't find is angelica for decorating the old fashioned sherry trifle for Christmas eve, but think we can live without that. Tell you what was blooming near on impossible to find too, peppermint essence for making the choccie peppermint creams, (finally managed to source some yesterday.) Guess that most people just buy their chocs from the shops now, but I'll be making an assortment of very boozy truffles, marzipan/choc brazils, pralines etc. tomorrow, it's one of the Christmassy things I really love doing.

awww. that made me think of Arwen . Wonder how she's doing?

I often wonder about Arwen too...    


she was a lovely fm 


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