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Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

I was watching SPOTY....straight into the 10 o'clock news and this was the first item, They showed the photos of some of the children who were killed and I am really crying!

They're saying that the children were shot multiple times and that Lanza used at least 4 guns and still had hundreds of bullets unused. Shot his mother several times too.


I think the world is Fluffy...too awful for words 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

I was watching SPOTY....straight into the 10 o'clock news and this was the first item, They showed the photos of some of the children who were killed and I am really crying!

They're saying that the children were shot multiple times and that Lanza used at least 4 guns and still had hundreds of bullets unused. Shot his mother several times too.


I think the world is Fluffy...too awful for words 

Too awful to imagine, isn't it?  Poor wee souls and god knows how their families ever live with it. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
While the NRA are meeting to discuss last weeks massacre another gunman has killed 3 people, and injured 3 police officers, gunman also dead.

BBC report on the NRA meeting:

NRA want no change in the gun laws, want to arm the "good guys" for "maximum protection" and to have a national database of the mentally ill. 

The mind boggles. Why accuse the mentally ill, 99.9999% of people with any form of mental illness would not harm anyone. In any case the Newtown killer was never diagnosed as mentally ill - he may have suffered from Aspergers but that is not known.


El Loro
Originally Posted by Saint:

I know its very honourable to say 'no'

But imagine everyone else has a gun - the mad people too


I'm starting to think guns in schools - as abhorent as it seems - may be sensible in a mad world called America

When I lived there I felt very safe and didn't own a gun.  When I was there last year and staying with friends who had several rifles and hand guns in their home, it made me feel a bit wary to be honest.

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

They seriously need to start working on a reduction in the number of guns out there..   and tightening up gun ownership.  


This, however, is not something that could be achieved overnight...     and though I find the idea of armed guards at the school gates horrendous, maybe they do need to do it as an interim measure.






do you know what ticks me off about these shootings, apart from the obvious loss of lives, it's that the shooter(s) always tops himself in most cases or is shot on scene. .


I want them to survive and to live in a 6x6 cell in their own dirt til the day they die.. trouble is America has the death sentence so they'd kill em eventually anyway..


as for the NRA they just beggar belief.   if there were no guns on sale they wouldn't have to arm people to protect others from mad gunmen.. .


funny thing is a few weeks ago I was next door looking at my neighbours double barrel shotgun .... and no that isn't a euphemism for anything other than a shotgun. .  he uses it for clay pigeon shooting..  he has all the proper cabinets to store it and the proper licenses and as my other neighbours are both cops he double checked with them to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything. .but after the latest shooting I was thinking oooer seems weird I was only looking at a weapon a short while before in a country where we don't see them often and had never thought even once it was a killing machine. .I just see guns and think target or clay shooting ..bad me....  

Mount Olympus *Olly*

Armed Marshall's guarding schools may be a deterrent to the potential killers and might be acceptable whilst the USA deal with the problem of their gun laws.....11 year olds can have guns in some states for pities sake.It will take time but the culture needs to change and guns need to be heavily restricted and automatic weapons do not need to belong to anyone apart from the police and the army.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Saint:

But if they aren't there . . . the kids are vulnerable

But if they are there and someone goes in all guns blazing, then the armed guards fire back, more bullets flying around to kill the kids.

Or one of the armed guards has a huge row with his wife and feels like getting rid of his anger, before topping himself.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Saint:

But if they aren't there . . . the kids are vulnerable

But if they are there and someone goes in all guns blazing, then the armed guards fire back, more bullets flying around to kill the kids.

Or one of the armed guards has a huge row with his wife and feels like getting rid of his anger, before topping himself.

That's just it Blizz, guns have no place in schools whatsoever.  


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