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Originally Posted by erinp:
He added that the duchess's reported  morning sickness was not worth a hospital visit, saying: "Does she have a health  condition...? What is the health condition?
"I mean morning sickness  already? So much hoo haw and then suddenly as bright as a button as soon as this  poor woman dies she's out of hospital? It doesn't ring true.


Kate has Hyperemesis gravidarum.  From Wiki:

HG is the most common cause of hospitalization in the first half of pregnancy and the second most common cause of hospitalization during pregnancy overall. It can be associated with serious maternal and fetal morbidity, such as Wernicke's encephalopathy, fetal growth restriction, and even maternal and fetal death.


My diagnosis for Morrissey, however, is that he is a complete and utter arse...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:


Who asked that tosser what he thinks?! 

Have you ever noticed that those who want us to become a republic and hate the royals always looks annoyed with life.


Look at The Tosser's mates in that picture, none of them look as tho they have ever enjoyed life...but having to listen to The Tosser's music will do that to a person.


Look at The Tosser's mates in that picture, none of them look as tho they have ever enjoyed life...but having to listen to The Tosser's music will do that to a person.

Steady on! Much as though he comes out with a load of shieght about the Royals, Immigration, Vegetarianism, and anything else he can think up for a bit of pre-tour publicity, his musical skills are not up for  debate. Him and The Smiths saved the eighties, surely the worst decade in musical history.

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

Look at The Tosser's mates in that picture, none of them look as tho they have ever enjoyed life...but having to listen to The Tosser's music will do that to a person.

Steady on! Much as though he comes out with a load of shieght about the Royals, Immigration, Vegetarianism, and anything else he can think up for a bit of pre-tour publicity, his musical skills are not up for  debate. Him and The Smiths saved the eighties, surely the worst decade in musical history.

Was never a huge fan in the 80s, but I do like 'First of the gang to die'

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

Look at The Tosser's mates in that picture, none of them look as tho they have ever enjoyed life...but having to listen to The Tosser's music will do that to a person.

Steady on! Much as though he comes out with a load of shieght about the Royals, Immigration, Vegetarianism, and anything else he can think up for a bit of pre-tour publicity, his musical skills are not up for  debate. Him and The Smiths saved the eighties, surely the worst decade in musical history.

Oh no, no no no,  80s music was fantastic, fun, great tunes and stylish videos, but The Smiths were the down side of the 80s music IMO.

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

Look at The Tosser's mates in that picture, none of them look as tho they have ever enjoyed life...but having to listen to The Tosser's music will do that to a person.

Steady on! Much as though he comes out with a load of shieght about the Royals, Immigration, Vegetarianism, and anything else he can think up for a bit of pre-tour publicity, his musical skills are not up for  debate. Him and The Smiths saved the eighties, surely the worst decade in musical history.

Oh no, no no no,  80s music was fantastic, fun, great tunes and stylish videos, but The Smiths were the down side of the 80s music IMO.

And mine - awful dreary miserable stuff, so awful it made me laugh.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

Look at The Tosser's mates in that picture, none of them look as tho they have ever enjoyed life...but having to listen to The Tosser's music will do that to a person.

Steady on! Much as though he comes out with a load of shieght about the Royals, Immigration, Vegetarianism, and anything else he can think up for a bit of pre-tour publicity, his musical skills are not up for  debate. Him and The Smiths saved the eighties, surely the worst decade in musical history.

Oh no, no no no,  80s music was fantastic, fun, great tunes and stylish videos, but The Smiths were the down side of the 80s music IMO.

And mine - awful dreary miserable stuff, so awful it made me laugh.


Their music never struck me as being dreary.   Very pleasant in fact. Obviously there were better bands about, but in terms of success take Morrissey away and you are scraping the barrel with Madge, Michael, and Whitney Houston, in very much a general sense  However if Mrs Jer was here she would say, "Don't listen to him, he's a music snob!"

Garage Joe

It's so sad that she felt she had to take her life because of either whatever was said to her by superiors, or because she felt embarassed by being duped by a hoax phone call. It's possible that because of her cultural background she felt she had brought disgrace on her family and that belief tipped her over the edge. Whatever the real reason is I hope her family find the truth that is right for them to know.

Yellow Rose


Nurse Jacintha Saldanha wrote three emotional notes revealing the anguish that led to her suicide after she was duped by two Aussie DJs into believing they were royalty.

In one, the distraught mum-of-two outlines how she struggled to come to terms with the prank call by Mel Greig and Michael Christian to the hospital where pregnant Duchess Kate was being treated for severe morning sickness.

But in another she ­criticises senior colleagues at the King Edward VII hospital over her ­treatment after the pair had pretended to be the Queen and Prince Charles asking about the ­duchess’s condition. That note is said to have left her family furious.

Grieving husband Ben Barboza is understood to want an inquiry into the hospital and an independent probe into the days leading up to her death.

As the anger grew last night, it was revealed staff at 2Day FM in Sydney, the station behind the hoax, had been ordered to live in safe houses after receiving death threats.

A source close to Jacintha’s family said: “One of the letters, which is the longest, deals with the hospital and is critical in its tone. Needless to say, Ben wants a full inquiry into what happened, and he wants to make sure the truth comes out. Within the letter Jacintha calls into question some of the treatment she received at the hospital.”

Police are in possession of the original notes. However the family have been provided with transcripts of all three.

Jacintha’s third suicide letter is more of a practical one which deals with the 46-year-old’s funeral arrangements.

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Well if reports of the notes and the contents are true, then are we about to witness and unseemly rush by the press to lay off the DJ's and turn their attention to the hospital?

Let's hope so.   


I'd like to hear the full recording of the phone call - if she was 'duped' I'd expect there have to be more than someone saying 'Can I speak to my granddaughter Kate please?'  - because that was all we heard and she put the call through.   Didn't seem like there was any security protocol to get past at all.


As I said before - the hospital surely has to answer to that?  It might have been a reporter or anybody on the phone.

Originally Posted by Saint:

Let us see how the hospital treat the other nurse who divulged the personal info.

I am sure there will be no "supporting" going on.

That nurse will be fired

The second nurse did give out information which She sin't allowed to do, so maybe the hospital would have more of a case for disciplining her than it had for  Jacintha who passed the call through, I would think.


Although I suppose because the call was passed through, maybe the 2nd nurse assumed it had been cleared.



The nurse who committed suicide after  answering a hoax phone call about the Duchess of Cambridge made two attempts to  kill herself last winter and had been prescribed antidepressants.

Jacintha Saldanha, who took her own life days  after the call from Australian DJs pretending to be the Queen and Prince  Charles, attempted to commit suicide last December with an overdose of pills  during a family visit to India.

She survived after being rushed to hospital  but tried to commit suicide again just nine days later by apparently jumping  from a building.

Ms Saldanha, 46, spent several days in  intensive care before receiving psychiatric treatment and being prescribed a  course of powerful antidepressants for nine months.

Along with the previous suicide attempts,  reported in an Indian newspaper, members of Ms Saldanha’s family have revealed  that the nurse was so ashamed after taking the hoax call earlier this month that  she did not tell her husband or children about it before her death, despite  speaking to them by phone several times.

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