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Is that the programme where they were convincing a guy he was a lone survivor or something?  There was an article somewhere that seemed to say he was an actor and in on it.   Can't remember where I saw it now.


Having said that - i've seen some of his shows where he makes people think they've run someone over and stuff and I agree with Cags - I think it's horrible.


I agree the show apocalypse is cruel...I don't know how much this guy was for real or if he was a fully paid up actor...Any how it's a cheap cruel stunt and a step too far...Whilst I like Derren and I think his shows are great, I am getting a bit bored with Derren massaging his own ego...He'll end up like David Blaine, who I cannot stand..

Senora Reyes

Throughout the experience as it unfolded I was wondering how he was being affected psycologically. When it ended and there was a recap of how it changed him in a positive way that his family and friends also benefitted from that for me was worth realising at the end of it all.


A few days after the first show I saw references online that he was an actor - his name was on a promotional actor's site. I wondered then if we were all being duped. I read later that Derren put up a vid apparently disclaiming he was used because his name was on that site. I decided to watch him closely tonight and personally, I don't think he was acting, he was reacting to the situation he thought was real, but, that's just my opinion.

Yellow Rose

I agree Yellow Rose. I thought he was real and his emotions were real. Which is why I think it's so cruel. Imagine if he'd killed one of the "infected"? If he'd lobbed a brick at one of their heads and killed them? How would that stand up in court? "yeah sorry about that but I thought it was the apocalypse and that they were gonna eat me".


I did the Derren Brown thing at home where you couldn't get up off your seat and loved it but that was just a bit extreme for me.


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