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It's bull***t.


Compare a rioter who stole some trainers and got six months or that bloke who wore that t-shirt and got a jail sentence.


Then compare David Laws who tried to defraud ÂĢ30k and is now in the coalition cabinet and all those MPs who were defrauding the taxpayer.


Bull***t, w****rs with double standards!


Give prisoners the vote or jail the scumbag bankers and MPs



 Edited for language.

Last edited by Jen-Star

Prison is the sentence.  Loss of freedom is the sentence. People go on about X boxes and TVs but how else do you pacify someone held in a cell for 15 hours a day?


Voting is a right, not for murders and rapists, but for people on sentences less than five years, I think it is right that they should get to vote in the society that has jailed them and sentenced them and the society that hopes they will rejoin as a rehabilitated citizen.


Same crime, different judge: Community service = vote, prison = no vote


I don't see why just because someone's gone to prison when others (usually the rich) would stay out of prison, shouldn't get a vote. 


As I wrote at the top, David Laws gets to sit in cabinet making laws while someone else who tried to rip off their employer would be in jail. 


There is also the double sentence of a prisoner going to prison during election week for a fortnight and not voting, someone else goes to prison for four years and comes out in election week and votes.


Saint wrote:

Prisoners refused to uphold the law.

So why should they be allowed to influence it?


Prison = no vote

Does that include virtually every driver in the land, who breaks speeding laws?  That's a lot of people who aren't going to vote!

Originally Posted by Cagney:

I shouldn't venture in here but I am (sssshhh)


IMO for serious crimes eg...child abuse, child murder, pre meditated murder etc...they should be used for testing. NOT innocent animals who can't tell you if the latest mascara burns the hell out of your eyes.

So, sort of like ... concentration camps and this person? carrying out experiments on this person


Should we also butcher them and sell their meat to specialist buyers, rather than 'innocent animals'?


There's no such thing as an 'innocent animal'.  If a cat kills a mouse, you don't send it to cat prison.  If a dog snarls and barks at another dog, you don't give it a criminal record for threatening and abusive behaviour.

Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



I don't think prisoners should have the right to vote ... But if the prisons were full of bankers and toffs, Davey boy would be singing from a different hymn sheet 


Bankers - hundreds of negligent practices - no one in prison, fraudulent MPs hundreds of cases (including our PM) - 4 in prison.


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