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Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Here's one to get things warmed up ..............................


I have never had an affair!

Nor me sooz ... i've spent years gettimg this one trained, I'm not about to start on another!!


I've never been skiing .

I am tempted to say I have never been skiing..   I have ski'd on dry slopes & then on a crappy school trip to Aviemore..    I am told my smug husband that this does not count as real skiing 

Originally Posted by Rexi:

Ah well. I have been dry slope skiing ... They didn't teach us to snowplough ( on account of there being no snow, I suppose) 


I careered off the edge of the rush matting, straight into the car park, where I came to a very abrupt halt.


I suppose that mignt have killed my dream of going skiing

crap isn't it?


The 4 day trip to so called real snow in Aviemore wasn't much better (bad snow that year apparently)


hey ho!     I have no desire to go now anyway...     being older & having seen the mangled state of people coming back from their smug ski trips...    with their nasty google tan lines!     Gimme a fortnight somewhere hot & pretty anyday!


(can you tell this has been discussed on numerous occaisions in the Ditty household )

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

You people have WAY too many things to tick off your bucket lists before your time comes.... 


you need to get cracking   



(you only have to try things once...  if you don't like it, you don't have to do it again )

Quit bragging and get that chicken foot down yer neck.  

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Saint:

 I have never been ageist

I have 


I have never seen a dead body! 

Neither have I.


I have never eaten tripe.



I have 


and no I havnt eaten tripe either 


I have never succeded to learn to swim 


Looks revolting...why would anyone?


Aww Mrs  you don't know what you are missing....swimming is great fun! 


I have never been to Wales


I remember when I first learned to swim. I was about seven or eight - it was SUCH AN SENSE OF ACHIEVMENT - I'd been trying and trying for ages - my sister and friends just got it straight away and I really struggled. I ended up a much better swimmer than them - I was quite good as a kid. It took a while to learn though. 


My mum learned much later in life (quite a while after me) my dad never managed it.

Soozy Woo

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