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Anyone else had enough of this bull?


Speaking to the BBC, Mr Bentley pointed out that although wholesale prices are actually currently lower than a year ago....................


..................The company reported ÂĢ345m profit in the first half of the year,


How the hell do they get away with it?! So Gas is costing less at wholesale this year...... but instead of keeping it the same price or maybe even lowering it They decide to put it up 8%!! It makes me so angry. In the current economical climate this is going to hit people hard!

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npower have just announced a 9.1% rise and SSE 9%   I'm just waiting for EDF to put theirs up, I'm with them.


There is no competition and I get fed up when so called experts tell us to 'shop around' because who ever you go with will put their prices up.  It might take 3 minutes to switch but it takes hours to understand tariffs 

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

Well that's yer market economy isn't it? I told you that this would happen when you let the Tories privatise the Gas Industry, but you wouldn't have it.

No-one listens to Garage Joe.

Yep, they all thought they had arrived as mini Gordon Gekkos, clever little capitalists back in the 80s when they voted for Thatcher and filled out their share applications for free money. 

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

Well that's yer market economy isn't it? I told you that this would happen when you let the Tories privatise the Gas Industry, but you wouldn't have it.

No-one listens to Garage Joe.

Yep, they all thought they had arrived as mini Gordon Gekkos, clever little capitalists back in the 80s when they voted for Thatcher and filled out their share applications for free money. 

Then they all sold them all! So the 1% bought  up our national treasures on the cheap  

Ensign Muf
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Sky are also hiking their line rental by 18% in December.  


Robbing barstewards.

That means Virgin will hike theirs again 

Anyone watch Martin Lewis money saving expert tv show the other night? Was about haggling with your service providers for a better deal, they got some great results. I'm yet to try it myself, was waiting for the influx of people calling Virgin after the show to die down to give it a go.


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