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I have just started a Jenny Craig diet yesterday. (the next month of food has been delivered to me).


I know (from memory seeing loads of ads when I was in the states),  what I want to know is, will I lose weight eating this stuff.


It tells me I can add veg to my evening meal.  So tonight I added brussel sprouts. The problem is I love sprouts, so now I've filled up on the sprouts and the rest of the food is basically still in the bowl.

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From a quick google, it seems to be quite an effective diet, at least in the short term. With diets, you should always look at what your goals are. Do you want to just lose a little weight for a special occasion or do you want to keep it off? If it's the latter you need a diet and/or exercise programme that you can maintain in the long term. This will be different for different people. A lot of diets fail because they don't satisfy people's hunger. Others fail because they are too restrictive on the foods that you eat. It all depends on the individual and what you can do long term. Good luck!


I've no idea what the diet is like - it certainly appears by the ads that it works though.


I've said it before I know (but I'll say it again) Slimming World works for me - I've lost 1st 2lbs - it's slowish but very manageable and easy - I really don't feel I miss out on too much. Plus if you lose it slowly - it goes back on slower.


Years ago I too slimming tablets on two separate occasions (absolutely brilliant for quick weight loss) but when I stopped I regained all I lost AND QUITE A BIT MORE. I think it somehow altered my natural metabolism.

Soozy Woo

I read a couple of reviews of Jenny Craig and it seems quite effective. Tell us how it goes Cinds. I lost a lot on Atkins [protein-high, carb-low]  but luckily its the sort of food I like anyway. I also swear by my exercise bike, I recently got a great magnetic one [ wore the rubber chain out on the old one]. If you exercise while watching your favourite shows in the evening its not such a chore.


Good luck Cinds

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

I read a couple of reviews of Jenny Craig and it seems quite effective. Tell us how it goes Cinds. I lost a lot on Atkins [protein-high, carb-low]  but luckily its the sort of food I like anyway. I also swear by my exercise bike, I recently got a great magnetic one [ wore the rubber chain out on the old one]. If you exercise while watching your favourite shows in the evening its not such a chore.


Good luck Cinds

I've had my running machine all set up and ready to go for a couple of monthe noe but still not got on it - I agree re watching a soap episode though , the time flies. Must get myself motivated - my grand sons love it though.

Soozy Woo
I agree, long term, a reasonable diet and a definite exercise regime is the best way to keep weight off. I know I would be bigger if I didn't exercise, and I love food so must do it It doesn't have to be crazy gym sessions either, anything that's active; walking an extra half mile here & there, using stairs instead of lifts, a gentle swim.. My mum delivers the parish magazine's each month for a bit of an extra walk
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

I read a couple of reviews of Jenny Craig and it seems quite effective. Tell us how it goes Cinds. I lost a lot on Atkins [protein-high, carb-low]  but luckily its the sort of food I like anyway. I also swear by my exercise bike, I recently got a great magnetic one [ wore the rubber chain out on the old one]. If you exercise while watching your favourite shows in the evening its not such a chore.


Good luck Cinds

I've had my running machine all set up and ready to go for a couple of monthe noe but still not got on it - I agree re watching a soap episode though , the time flies. Must get myself motivated - my grand sons love it though.

 I took a break from the bike after I hurt my leg, and it gathered dust for a long while too Cinds.


Summer's dead right that it doesn't have to be crazy gym sessions lol. Just a bit here and there, it all adds up. The hardest part is definitely starting. Once you start, your fitness levels go up so its not so much work. I'm the least exercisey person imaginable , but after a while you may even get to enjoy it and look forward to it [must be the endorphins or summat].

If your running machine has a display - km and calories burned thats a good incentive. Every 3500 calories burned equals 1lb in weight  [provided your diet is stable and balanced]. I keep a log of good and bad days re:calories burned as a goal.



Thanks for all of the replies.  I've got a treadmill in what used to be the garage, plus a TV on the wall and will set up my wii fit in there too.  So despite the time of year and the inevitable crappy weather I should be able to do some form of indoor exercise.


Todays lunch, which I wasn't looking forward to at all, turned out to be delicious.  (It was powdered potatoes with rosemary croutons)


The good thing about it is all of your food is delivered to you and they tell you what to have for each meal so you don't have that problem of trying to think of healthy lot fat recipes etc.  Plus the first month they send you a 'mixed hamper' then if there is any dishes you really don't like they leave them out the next month.


For breakfast I've had Muller Greek Yoghurt (Lemon) and a banana


Lunch - low fat melba toasts with low fat philadelphia, parma ham, canteloupe melon and apple.


Tonight I'm having duck breast with steamed mange tout, baby corn, broccoli and carrots (if I fancy I'll have a couple of new potatoes).


All that and not a sin in sight. It's all free food or healthy extras.


Slimming World is great IMO.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Soozy I love slimming world and have lost weight before on their diet, but I'm feeling lazy and uninspired at the moment so like the idea of being told what I am eating and having it prepared for me. 

I know what you mean .....................your head has got to be in the right place. At the moment I'm really focused but I know from experience the 'vibe' can suddenly disappear.  

Soozy Woo

When I was on crutches last year(I couldn't go to the gym or prepare food) so  I went with Diet Chef and I was very impressed with them .You pick your own food and  I can recommend the breakfast bars and their soups are delicious, the main meal is all about your own taste.I purchased one month and I am sure I got a week free .Have a peek and see if it's for you.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

For breakfast I've had Muller Greek Yoghurt (Lemon) and a banana


Lunch - low fat melba toasts with low fat philadelphia, parma ham, canteloupe melon and apple.


Tonight I'm having duck breast with steamed mange tout, baby corn, broccoli and carrots (if I fancy I'll have a couple of new potatoes).


All that and not a sin in sight. It's all free food or healthy extras.


Slimming World is great IMO.

its been the making of me, tried for years to lose weight on my own. go to SW now and all i can say is thank god i did 


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