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'Ello me old dears and fellow forum-men, its me. Rawky. 


Just thought I'd give you a mini update on my time in Korea.


Its ruddy brilliant I tell ya. Apologies for not being around too often, but I am pretty busy with work and enjoying life.


Teaching's going well, still learning new ways to work with the kids. I'm starting to loathe the Middle Class students (11-14), but I love teaching the elementary kids. Some of the stuff they come out with is hilarious, an example today being:


Me: April! Do your work!

April: I can't, I'm having a stroke!


*side note - she wasn't having a stroke*


The weekend just gone I went to a beach party and another one the weekend before that. This weekend I'm attending an 80's style American prom. Needless to say my social life has had a major boost.


Not wanting to get too soppy but the other day I was actually overwhelmed by how happy I felt. Its been a while.


Seoul's a great city and I've got loads of other things coming up where I'll be able to see other parts of Korea.


Anyway, how are things here? Any dramatic flouncers recently?


I'm off to bed in a bit, its half midnight here, but I'll hang around for a short while.


Oh, its also so refreshing not having any X Factor crap thrown in my face. Its like it doesn't even exist over here

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*does Gangnam Style dance in Rawky's honour*




Ickle & I are following your exploits on FB..    loving that you are loving it..    LOVE the beach parties been to, love that little boy that did the gangnam style dance...       Ickles gradually moving away from being scary jellus, to being inspired by your adventure.


If you happen to bump into G-Dragon & Big Bang FGS make sure you FB it..    so I can watch her implode 



(love that you are happy again )

Originally Posted by MrsH:

Not wanting to get too soppy but the other day I was actually overwhelmed by how happy I felt. Its been a while.

that was so lovely and moving to read - glad things are going well for you - you really deserve it 

What Mrs H said...word for word.      I'm also watching you on FB (in a silent stalkerish way).. so chuffed for you, Rawks.  Enjoy  

Originally Posted by MrsH:

Not wanting to get too soppy but the other day I was actually overwhelmed by how happy I felt. Its been a while.

that was so lovely and moving to read - glad things are going well for you - you really deserve it 

I thought so too.


So glad you're loving it Rawky - you're missed on here though but - we forgive you.

Soozy Woo

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