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Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Katerina:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Baz:
She's annoyed cos Martin stayed

I trhink she has Martin spot on .

I still like Martin, but he can wear the 'smiling assassin' tag along with the others....he did have a hand in the turn of opinion about Julie in the house, particularly where Harvey and Ashley were concerned.

Just a hand Katerina? He was the author of it! He was right 'though

Yes, thinking about it he was the author of it...but it was all true. No pun intended




CBB_DAY 21_JULIAN AND COLEEN ON Shopping Channel Big Brothers Big Deals 4

Day 21 in the Celebrity Big Brother 2012 house saw the group complete their  final shopping task.


Previously in the final shopping task BBTV took over the house. Housemates  became the stars of their own TV shows. Julie became a news reader on BBTV News  and yesterday revealed what Harvey had to said to Prince Lorenzo about her in  the gym. Since then, Julie and Harvey have hardly spoken.


11:47AM Julie and Harvey are in the smoking area. Julie asks Harvey: “Are  you okay?” and Harvey assures his “Nana” that he is “relaxing.” Julie is  inquisitive about whether Harvey “has something to say” to her. Harvey confesses  that after the nomination results he felt “hurt” because Julie became “cold” and “unapproachable.” In response, Julie affirms that she was “shocked” by the  nominations but adds: “I certainly didn’t change.” Harvey claims that he and  Ashley were speculating whether they had “done something” to upset Julie and  affirms: “You know me Nana. I say it how it is. I’m not the backstabbing type.” Harvey continues to reassure Julie that it has been “nice” having a “nana” in  the house, as Julie explains it was “hard” to read what Harvey had said about  her in the gym to Prince Lorenzo. She declares: “I love you babe,” as Harvey  claims that he will always confront housemates to their face. On hearing this,  Julie quips: “But that was in the gym,” and continues to declare: “It’s a game.  I’ll love you in here and I’ll love you out there.”


1:28AM The Situation has been making a chicken sandwich.

Coleen and Julie are in the smoking area. The Situation enters the garden and  asks Coleen if she would like half of his sandwich. On hearing this, Julie is  seemingly offended at not being asked, and she begins to tut loudly. The  Situation overhears Julie’s distaste and declares: “Oh, alright, okay, somebody  wants some, somebody wants some.” Julie brands The Situation as “caring” and  mutters: “with the team, the boys.” The Situation admits that he gave his last  piece of sandwich to Harvey as Julie adds: “Of course you did.” Julie continues  to shower The Situation with compliments about his “caring nature.”

In the living area Coleen is talking to Julian about Julie. Julian admits  that Julie “could have let it go” and confesses: “She reminds me of Bette  Davis.” Coleen agrees and adds: “I thought that. When she came out of that  newsroom I thought oh look it’s Baby Jane.” The Situation continues to offer  Julie a chicken sandwich and Julie eventually obliges.


1:47PM For the next part of the shopping task, Coleen and Julian have  become presenters on Big Brother’s shopping programme “Big Brother’s Big  Deals.”

Housemates are gathered on the sofas to watch the shopping channel. In order  to pass the task, Prince Lorenzo must remember and place an order of at least  ten items that Coleen and Julian will be promoting.

The first item is a nose hair trimmer. Julian asks Coleen to “insert it into  the orifice of her choice.” Julian uses the hair trimmer before asking Coleen: “Stick your finger up there and see how smooth it is.” In the living area,  housemates laugh as a shocked Prince Lorenzo exclaims: “Oh my God.”

The next item are chicken fillet bust enhancers. Julian inserts a chicken  fillet down Coleen’s top and quips: “Oh I say, this is a new experience.” On  seeing this, Julie begins to laugh, as Coleen places chicken fillets into  Julian’s shirt.

Up next are edible caterpillars. Coleen and Julian take bites simultaneously  and attempt to maintain smiles. In the living area, a squeamish Prince Lorenzo  exclaims “That’s gross. Oh my gosh.” Julian compares the caterpillars to “pork  scratchings”, and Coleen brands them as “delicious.” Julian continues to ask  Coleen: “Do you swallow?” as Coleen responds: “Not often, but I did then.”

Item four is edible underwear. In the living area, The Situation is seemingly  joyful as models wearing the edible underwear appear on screen. Julian instructs  the model to place his hands above his head as he willingly demonstrates eating  the candy: “Absolutely delicious” Julian quips and adds: “Full of protein.”


The next item is a jockey training machine. Coleen takes her position on the  machine as she declares: “Every home should have one. Obviously you need to wear  a sports bra when riding this.”


In the living area, housemates are beside themselves with laughter and it is  now Julian’s turn to demonstrate the jockey training machine. He asks that the  machine be turned onto a faster setting and jokes: “I think I’m experienced  enough in this department. Stop it Rolf stop it,” as viewers continue to laugh.  The Situation is shocked and exclaims: “Wow. He’s really going for it!” as  Coleen claims that the jockey training machine is good for people who live  alone. In response, Julian declares: “You may want to close the curtains.”

The sixth item is a caricature of Julie. “Who wouldn’t want this above their  fire place at home?” Coleen jokes.

An egg and mud face mask is seventh item. Julian slaps the mask onto Coleen’s  face as she describes the product as “lovely.” Julian continues to smear the  mask onto Coleen’s decollage area, as housemates watch on in shock. As Coleen  removes cucumbers from her eyes, Julian claims that the mask has “taken years  off” her.

Item eight is a ventriloquist doll. Coleen speculates that it is Prince  Lorenzo and Julian imitates him.

Item nine is a shake weight. Julian declares: “I owe my body to this item.” Coleen demonstrates how to use the shake weight as she declares suggestively: “Who couldn’t enjoy that movement every day?”

Item ten is Julie and Prince Lorenzo voice spray. Coleen and Julian imitate  their fellow housemates as Julie and Prince Lorenzo laugh. Big Brother’s Big  Deals has finished and Julian quips: “Poor Coleen,” as Coleen mutters: “I’m  actually going to smash your face in.” Julian apologizes for putting the chicken  fillets down Coleen’s top as she replies: “It was marvellous.”

Prince Lorenzo successfully memorizes and purchases ten items from the  shopping channel. Housemates congratulate Prince Lorenzo as Julie declares: “We  chose the right person for the right job.”


4:36PM Ashley is asleep in the living area as Julie is talking to herself  in the bedroom. She is pleading with viewers to keep her in the house.

The BBTV News music is played into the house and Julie takes her position as  the news reader. Julie reveals that Coleen declared that her “life was complete” when she stood in the bedroom with Martin in his underwear. She continues to  reveal what Coleen and Harvey said about her at 7:25pm in a conversation  involving cigarettes. Julie reveals that Coleen claimed that she was “a nicer  person” than her, as she would have behaved differently.

On exiting the newsroom, Julie is smoking. Housemates laugh as Harvey quips: “She’s rocking it.” Coleen confesses that Julie “scares” her as Julie enters the  living room and jokes: “Come on then, come and have a snout with nana and prove  that you’re a nicer person.” Julie then comes over to an uncomfortable Coleen  and kisses her all over before declaring: “It’s a game.”


5:03PM Julie’s kiss is still on Coleen’s mind. In the diary room Coleen  declares: “She took it well. She came at me like a smiling assassin.”

In the garden, Julie is assuring Ashley that she has always given fellow  housemates her cigarettes. Ashley is unsure, as Julie asserts: “I did until the  point where nana had to stop to be able to survive herself. That doesn’t make me  a bad person.” Ashley claims that Coleen did not mean anything by what she said  and continues to brand her a “nice person”. “ He continues to confess that he “loves” Coleen and Julie responds: “And you love me.” Ashley then declares: “I  love you both.”


In the living area Martin is speculating that Julie has changed and has “come  around.” Coleen and Prince Lorenzo disagree.

Coleen enters the garden and Julie asserts: “Come on babe. Come and have a  snout.” Coleen responds: “I can’t sit here and deny it. I said that. I was  absolutely frantic for a cigarette.” Julie assures Coleen that as a “survivor” she could not be left without any cigarettes and comments: “I’m not a bad  person. I do not bare grudges and I completely understand.”


9:10PM On BBTV News Julie announces that housemates have passed this  weeks shopping task and will receive a luxury shopping budget.


10:53PM Big Brother has gathered the housemates for an announcement. As  an extra reward for passing the task Prince Lorenzo, Martin and Ashley receive  their letters from home. Coleen reads aloud Prince Lorenzo’s letter, who becomes  tearful. Julian reads Martin’s letter and Harvey reads Ashley’s letter. Ashley  exits the living area as Coleen speculates: “I think he just wants to let it all  out.” Harvey follows Ashley into the bedroom and asks if he wants to be alone.  Harvey declares: “Don’t worry soldier, you’ve done them proud brother” as Ashley  cries.


11:27PM Tonight could be the final night in the house for Prince Lorenzo,  Martin and Julie. Julie is in the diary room reflecting upon her experience. She  asserts: “If I said that I would do anything different then surely I wouldn’t be  being true to myself. I’m a giver not a taker, but if you add to that I’m a  survivor as well then that’s a combination. I know that people watching me will  see me as Bet Lynch, Queen of the Rovers for twenty-five years, in here I’m just  nana, not even Julie and that’s fine, Bro. I’ve learnt a lot, and it’s  good.”

Prince Lorenzo is next into the diary room and declares: “I’ve been as real  as I can be 99% of the time. If I leave tomorrow then I had everything I wanted  and more, and I’m fine with that.”


Martin is the final housemate into the diary room and confesses that he has  done what he wanted to do in the house: “I did it how I wanted to do it. I came  in and I’ve been the person that I am at home. The person you’ve seen me as in  here, is the person my kids see me as and that’s dad.”

Read more:



Who do you want to win Celebrity Big Brother 2012?

  • The Situation(39%, 15 Votes)
  • Julian Clary (32%, 12 Votes)
  • Coleen Nolan (16%, 6 Votes)
  • Martin Kemp (5%, 2 Votes)
  • Ashley McKenzie (3%, 1 Votes)
  • MC Harvey (5%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 38

Originally Posted by Katerina:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Katerina:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Baz:
She's annoyed cos Martin stayed

I trhink she has Martin spot on .

I still like Martin, but he can wear the 'smiling assassin' tag along with the others....he did have a hand in the turn of opinion about Julie in the house, particularly where Harvey and Ashley were concerned.

Just a hand Katerina? He was the author of it! He was right 'though

Yes, thinking about it he was the author of it...but it was all true. No pun intended



Martin's boring, Julie wasn't, and Coleen has got what she wanted. How is this a good ending for the final, except for those who like Martin and Coleen! The voters who don't like Coleen should have kept Julie in. Obviously some voters want boring ones in the final

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Julie is 70!!!

And disabled ....just incase you missed that bit 

I wish her bloody mouth was disabled. That gum chewing just makes me feel ill. Chew gum by all means but not like a masticating cow.


Mr C doesn't watch, but he's just clicked a link from the MSN homepage which was the story about Harvey & his asshole (and I don't mean Ashley).  Anyway, he then started looking at a slideshow of stills from the last 3 weeks and came to one of Jasmine sitting in the diary room with her mother.  He insisted they were both blokes 


MC Harvey [Celebrity Big Brother 2012)

MC Harvey was given a warning by Big Brother last night after ‘flashing’ fellow CBB housemate Coleen Nolan!


Harvey’s drunken antics during a party thrown by Big Brother on Tuesday night  caused a huge row in the house.

The 33-year-old rapper dropped his pants in front of Coleen in the bedroom  for a prank, saying it was “just banter”.

But the other housemates weren’t pleased, and Big Brother warned Harvey that  his actions could been seen as “offensive and inappropriate”

The footage was cut from last night’s latest highlights show.

Julie moaned: “Big Brother was very angry with him because he went too  far.”

While comedian Julian added: “It wasn’t just disrespectful to Coleen but  everyone.”

Meanhile Martin confronted Harvey: “It was disrespectful what you did.

“There is ‘banter’ and then there is getting your arse out and opening your  cheeks and showing it all to Coleen.

“Maybe it seemed funny at the time because everyone had had a drink but you  crossed the line.”

He added: “Whether Coleen is your mate or not, you went from respect to  disrespect towards a woman.

“This is the sort of thing you do as boys at football but not to a  woman.”

However a defiant Harvey insisted he had done nothing wrong.

“I know my boundaries with everyone in here,” he said. “I would never have  done that to you or Julie or Julian but Coleen is a friend.

“Some of these people who have complained about me I have no respect for  because they are hypocrites.

“They can’t tell me what to do.”

He continued: “Julian makes jokes about bums and has put his hand down  Coleen’s dress.

“Maybe I find that offensive.”

A Big Brother spokesman told the Daily Star today: “Harvey was  called into the Diary Room and told his behaviour could be seen as  inappropriate

Read more:

Originally Posted by erinp:

MC Harvey [Celebrity Big Brother 2012)

MC Harvey was given a warning by Big Brother last night after ‘flashing’ fellow CBB housemate Coleen Nolan!


“Some of these people who have complained about me I have no respect for  because they are hypocrites.

“They can’t tell me what to do.”

He continued: “Julian makes jokes about bums and has put his hand down  Coleen’s dress.

“Maybe I find that offensive.”

A Big Brother spokesman told the Daily Star today: “Harvey was  called into the Diary Room and told his behaviour could be seen as  inappropriate

Read more:

Is he mad....or thinks we are?

That was quite obviously scripted and make believe, set up to look like that.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I wonder if Julie was pulled up for groping Coleens boobs and slobbering all over her?

Dunno about 'pulled up' - if she'd done that to me they'd have had to pick her up!

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I wonder if Julie was pulled up for groping Coleens boobs and slobbering all over her?

Dunno about 'pulled up' - if she'd done that to me they'd have had to pick her up!

me too


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