Maybe Rawky will let me keep it in one of his many functional storage spaces?
I dunno what made me come back in here.... my ears must have been burning
It WAS a square of turf (and my actual new lawn....the one I laid today )....then Ickle stuck the duck in there, cos my mum has threatened to buy me something similar to put in my new garden (she thinks she's doing something nice.... but I HATE painted garden ornaments!!! And I don't want it!!! )
Oh, thank the lawd ... I may have had a medicinal Pinot or two after my traumatic day ... I thought I was going mad!!
Maybe Rawky will let me keep it in one of his many functional storage spaces?
I bet he would, too!
Awww! Rawky! Thank you for letting me riffle though your drawers!
But it looks like a clean and modern gaff. I have so many things I want to hear about asap though. What is the city like in general? What is the shopping like and as you clearly can't cook much of anything there, whats the food like where you eat out? (I'm hoping its not all MacDonalds.  
What's the school like? How are the kids reacting? I note there is no TV, not that would be much to you atm. How are you entertaining yourself without broadband too? Read 50 Shades yet?
I can't believe there's so many empty cupboards!
Obviously that will all change once Ducky moves in..
Thanks peeps
In answer to some questions:
Knickers and socks are in the drawers under my bed
The Dog Teddy was my mum's.
Food is interesting - still getting use to it, but with a lack of internet I can't look up quick recipes. I shall attempt Scrambled/Omeletted Eggs though.
The city I'm living in is a mixed bag. It smells a bit, but there's a pretty good 'English centric' nightlife at the other end. In September I'll be moving next to my school which is a much quieter but nicer looking place. Equally as close to Seoul though.
I'll be doing more videos as time goes on. Hopefully by the end of the month i'll have the internet at my place, then i can inundate you all with stuff.
Looking forward to reading/watching your diary.
Same here
Hope you're settling in okay Rawky.
Thanks peeps
In answer to some questions:
Knickers and socks are in the drawers under my bed
The Dog Teddy was my mum's.
Food is interesting - still getting use to it, but with a lack of internet I can't look up quick recipes. I shall attempt Scrambled/Omeletted Eggs though.
The city I'm living in is a mixed bag. It smells a bit, but there's a pretty good 'English centric' nightlife at the other end. In September I'll be moving next to my school which is a much quieter but nicer looking place. Equally as close to Seoul though.
I'll be doing more videos as time goes on. Hopefully by the end of the month i'll have the internet at my place, then i can inundate you all with stuff.
Can't wait - it's quiet around here without you even though it's CBB
I'll be doing more videos as time goes on. Hopefully by the end of the month i'll have the internet at my place, then i can inundate you all with stuff.
your definately in a part of the World I will never see so seeing it through you will be nice
take care and stay safe
thanks for posting that Rawks - I loved watching it. Yeah. move the sofa and buy a toaster. HUGE congratulations on figuring out the washing machine - I'm very impressed. Great to see where you are - take care Rawks
Thanks for doing that Rawky - love all the cupboards
I'm a bit out of the loop but how long are you out there for?
Thanks for posting that Rawky, i really enjoyed it take care and make sure you buy some food for that fridge and i can't believe you didn't take your gold tie
Bump for Chuicken