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Coleen is a proven liar..She told the housemates from week 1, that she didn't know what Julie had against her, and she didn't know why Julie had a problem with her...In the Diary room, she said she and her crappy singer sisters had crossed paths with Julie in the past, and she had mates,(Loose women, Denise Welch, and Sherry hewson, who were both on Corrie, the same time as Julie) who she claimed Julie had treated badly...So in my view Coleen Nolan is not only a sneaky snivelling little liar but she went into the house with an agenda, She had issues with Julie, but conveniently forgot to tell the HM's...But the silly bint tripped up in the diary room.


In the same way Coleen was ready to slag off Samantha Brick to anyone who would listen, regarding Samantha's articles, Coleen lied to other HM's she had read them, but later admitted to Samantha she had not read them.


To be fair to Coleen, Julie has not helped her own cause by being two faced, but in that regard, so is Coleen..Coleen is also a coward, she keeps saying she's going to have it out with Julie, but so far she's been a complete pussy...A lot of people may dislike Julie, but I cannot abide passive/aggressive people like Coleen..I  hope to God she doesn't win.

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Originally Posted by Aimee:

I wouldn't mind her winning, i agree she does seem to have a problem with Julie but the same can be said of Julie, she has made some nasty comments behind Coleens back but hasn't had the nerve to say it to her face

So has Coleen about Julie...But just as Julie will not confront Coleen, niether has Coleen...Coleen and Julie have similar traits, but at least you see Julie coming..

Senora Reyes

Sorry Senora - can't agree.


You have to be living on the moon to not know that Julie had a reputation as a nightmare diva. I honestly believe Coleen tried to go in with an open mind and then as she walked down the stairs (feeling as nervous and uncomfortable as everyone in there) Julie said 'here she comes - the house wives favourite. Then she nominated Coleen on the second day with a ridiculous reason. All Julie did was confirm what a sarky/snidey person she was and in nominating Coleen it was quite clear that she hadn't let the past lie.


IMO - Coleen simply had her suspicions confirmed.


I know we don't all see it the same - that's how i see it though.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Sorry Senora - can't agree.


You have to be living on the moon to not know that Julie had a reputation as a nightmare diva. I honestly believe Coleen tried to go in with an open mind and then as she walked down the stairs (feeling as nervous and uncomfortable as everyone in there) Julie said 'here she comes - the house wives favourite. Then she nominated Coleen on the second day with a ridiculous reason. All Julie did was confirm what a sarky/snidey person she was and in nominating Coleen it was quite clear that she hadn't let the past lie.


IMO - Coleen simply had her suspicions confirmed.


I know we don't all see it the same - that's how i see it though.

And I have expressed my POV, no need to apologise for feeling differently..This forum would be very boring if we all agreed, all the time..

Senora Reyes

Colleen went for the sympathy vote with the tears and the mini breakdown when she knew she was facing eviction(just like her mate Denise)then several hours later when she got saved and heard the Julie chants she was jumping up and down on the sofa and later holding court in the garden.Colleen has a sly nature it was seen by the HMS on the Gods/Mortal task,HMS who supported her turned on her ,even Colleen was gobsmacked that they had heard and watched her.

I watched Colleen take great delight in telling Danica that Jasmines mum called her a whore,thats the same Danica that Colleen befriended when the others turned against her.

Regarding Julie ,Colleen has told every HM that will listen that Julie has a problem with her ,never once has Colleen brought the subject up with Julie .

Colleen had no storyline in the house,she was a waste of a HM until they BB created this Julie/Colleen face off( that was never going to happen).BB had to do something to give Colleen airtime and make her a little interesting.

I will be gutted if Colleen wins but with my track record at picking a CBB winner not surprised.

Originally Posted by erinp:

Colleen went for the sympathy vote with the tears and the mini breakdown when she knew she was facing eviction(just like her mate Denise)then several hours later when she got saved and heard the Julie chants she was jumping up and down on the sofa and later holding court in the garden.Colleen has a sly nature it was seen by the HMS on the Gods/Mortal task,HMS who supported her turned on her ,even Colleen was gobsmacked that they had heard and watched her.

I watched Colleen take great delight in telling Danica that Jasmines mum called her a whore,thats the same Danica that Colleen befriended when the others turned against her.

Regarding Julie ,Colleen has told every HM that will listen that Julie has a problem with her ,never once has Colleen brought the subject up with Julie .

Colleen had no storyline in the house,she was a waste of a HM until they BB created this Julie/Colleen face off( that was never going to happen).BB had to do something to give Colleen airtime and make her a little interesting.

I will be gutted if Colleen wins but with my track record at picking a CBB winner not surprised.

So glad you are able to see through her manipulative nature...When she was exposed in the Gods task, I saw her desperation, in trying to claw back credibility, by smoozing Harvey and Ashley..So far it has worked because she has managed to turn them against Julie, which is what she wanted all along..Anybody to win but Coleen, she does not deserve it..I still hope my fave Julian, goes on to win though..

Senora Reyes

Coleen and Julie are very similar personalities. But Coleen is more emotionally calculating. Every time she's been nominated, or judged, she has a breakdown and it affects the whole house. When the HMs got their letters from home they even braced themselves for the fallout from Coleen didn't they!


Coleen wanted the mummy role in the house, but that was taken by Julie, who provided comfort to troubled housemates, and also by Samantha, who brought an apron and dusters and took on the chores role. Coleen referenced the fact that Sam packed an apron and dusters, she expressed shock at this and said it in an almost derisory manner, maybe she was thinking 'why didn't I think of that'!


She strikes me as someone who, if she was your mate, would have a friendly conversation with you and then pull faces behind your back.


I don't support Julie or Coleen btw.

Originally Posted by Katerina:

Coleen and Julie are very similar personalities. But Coleen is more emotionally calculating. Every time she's been nominated, or judged, she has a breakdown and it affects the whole house. When the HMs got their letters from home they even braced themselves for the fallout from Coleen didn't they!


Coleen wanted the mummy role in the house, but that was taken by Julie, who provided comfort to troubled housemates, and also by Samantha, who brought an apron and dusters and took on the chores role. Coleen referenced the fact that Sam packed an apron and dusters, she expressed shock at this and said it in an almost derisory manner, maybe she was thinking 'why didn't I think of that'!


She strikes me as someone who, if she was your mate, would have a friendly conversation with you and then pull faces behind your back.


I don't support Julie or Coleen btw.

Senora Reyes

Day 20: You've got a friend in me

10 mins ago

The two Jules' have struck up quite a friendship during their time in the House, and with the eviction looming ever closer, he's beginning to worry for his new BFF.

Sitting in the kitchen earlier, the stand-up comedian tried to get his head around the public's reaction to the Corrie actress - but if it was sympathy he was looking for, he turned to the wrong person in Coleen, who dished out a few home truths about his buddy.

"I don't like the booing or chanting for anyone, but she must be doing something to get them", the Nolan sister rationalised.

Julian hesitantly agreed, stating that something may have happened during the Gods and Mortals task which could have shown her in an unfavourable light. However, this didn't seem to ease his worries.

Talking about  the eviction, he stated "I don't like the idea of her having to stand in front of the baying mob", adding that no 70-year-old woman should  have to go through that.

An unconvinced Coleen was having none of it, "You have to be responsible for you own actions... regardless of your age".

A loyal friend to the end, Julian wouldn't say a bad word against the grand dame of soap, musing "Well she makes me really laugh".

What a pal.


Originally Posted by Scotty:

Talking about  the eviction, he stated "I don't like the idea of her having to stand in front of the baying mob", adding that no 70-year-old woman should  have to go through that.


An unconvinced Coleen was having none of it, "You have to be responsible for you own actions... regardless of your age".

Whatever happened to the Coleen who said "I don't want to judge people, and I don't want to be judged"? Oh right, that was when she was getting the boos.

Judging Coleen and Julie purely on their performances in the House, I can't say I've seen the former do (or say ) much wrong ( up until this point ). Julie on the other hand has been shown to be insincere, two faced and a complete baitch most of the time. So, if it ever came to a straight choice between the two of them I would be rooting for Coleen

An unconvinced Coleen was having none of it, "You have to be responsible for you own actions... regardless of your age".


Totally agree with that..Julie was big enough to go in the house and he a horrible person, she's big enough to take the consequences....she's one poisonous old bat and I hope to never see her on my telly ever again....

Originally Posted by Katerina:

Coleen wanted the mummy role in the house, but that was taken by Julie, who provided comfort to troubled housemates, and also by Samantha, who brought an apron and dusters and took on the chores role. Coleen referenced the fact that Sam packed an apron and dusters, she expressed shock at this and said it in an almost derisory manner, maybe she was thinking 'why didn't I think of that'!



Hadn't seen it that way before, but you're probably right Katerina .

I can't warm to Coleen at all. Mind you apart from Julian I'm bored/disappointed with the lot of em

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Katerina:

Coleen wanted the mummy role in the house, but that was taken by Julie, who provided comfort to troubled housemates, and also by Samantha, who brought an apron and dusters and took on the chores role. Coleen referenced the fact that Sam packed an apron and dusters, she expressed shock at this and said it in an almost derisory manner, maybe she was thinking 'why didn't I think of that'!



Hadn't seen it that way before, but you're probably right Katerina .

I can't warm to Coleen at all. Mind you apart from Julian I'm bored/disappointed with the lot of em

She can still be the mum considering the old battle axe is nanna....

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Surely though if she was out there laughing and giggling she would be accused of gloating and rubbing Julies face in it. I think we all look for the best in our chosen HM and the worst in our least favourite TBH.

True, and I'm finding it hard to hate on Coleen when Julie, The Situation, Ashley, Harvey and Samantha are all so hideous

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Katerina:

Coleen wanted the mummy role in the house, but that was taken by Julie, who provided comfort to troubled housemates, and also by Samantha, who brought an apron and dusters and took on the chores role. Coleen referenced the fact that Sam packed an apron and dusters, she expressed shock at this and said it in an almost derisory manner, maybe she was thinking 'why didn't I think of that'!



Hadn't seen it that way before, but you're probably right Katerina .

I can't warm to Coleen at all. Mind you apart from Julian I'm bored/disappointed with the lot of em

She can still be the mum considering the old battle axe is nanna....

thats a dysfunctional family 

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Katerina:

Coleen wanted the mummy role in the house, but that was taken by Julie, who provided comfort to troubled housemates, and also by Samantha, who brought an apron and dusters and took on the chores role. Coleen referenced the fact that Sam packed an apron and dusters, she expressed shock at this and said it in an almost derisory manner, maybe she was thinking 'why didn't I think of that'!



Hadn't seen it that way before, but you're probably right Katerina .

I can't warm to Coleen at all. Mind you apart from Julian I'm bored/disappointed with the lot of em

She can still be the mum considering the old battle axe is nanna....

thats a dysfunctional family 

..Martin would make a good dad..just wanting a quiet life....

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I agree Stonks ... age is no excuse for bad behaviour ... at either end of the age scale! And I swear I will scream if one more HM or interviewer goes on about her age !

Exactly Baz, they put her in there..and its Julie who I've seen as being passive aggressive....

  Definitely agree^^^^

Originally Posted by Katerina:

Coleen and Julie are very similar personalities. But Coleen is more emotionally calculating. Every time she's been nominated, or judged, she has a breakdown and it affects the whole house. When the HMs got their letters from home they even braced themselves for the fallout from Coleen didn't they!


Coleen wanted the mummy role in the house, but that was taken by Julie, who provided comfort to troubled housemates, and also by Samantha, who brought an apron and dusters and took on the chores role. Coleen referenced the fact that Sam packed an apron and dusters, she expressed shock at this and said it in an almost derisory manner, maybe she was thinking 'why didn't I think of that'!


She strikes me as someone who, if she was your mate, would have a friendly conversation with you and then pull faces behind your back.


I don't support Julie or Coleen btw.


Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Seems like its ok for Julie to get booed but not Coleen! She is incredibly self centred. What exactly has she done in that house, except for lying on that couch puffing away, and moaning about something or anything.  I cant even bare to think of her winning 

^^^^^ What Katerina and Skylark said.


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