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Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Talking of oldies (but goodies) did any of you know that Miss Diane is going into Corrie.


I'm very excited 

Oh I read that!!   I've forgotten who she's going to play though - do you remember?

No ..............I did know but it's gone


Not Penny Crayon?


Who's Penny?

No idea, just know that's the name of the charachter she's to play.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

This is from an article written by Sam Brick - it was posted on DS


"So far from being selfish monsters, in my experience it is the 'real mum' who is often the greatest source of conflict in a child's life. It's all about her and her insecurities - her child's feelings come a very poor second."

"But a strange thing has occurred over the past year. While my stepson's mum moans, whinges and ensures Antonio lives his life with her dreading another of her emotional outbursts, it's him who's now tiring of her behaviour."

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Talking of oldies (but goodies) did any of you know that Miss Diane is going into Corrie.


I'm very excited 

Oh I read that!!   I've forgotten who she's going to play though - do you remember?

No ..............I did know but it's gone


Not Penny Crayon?


Who's Penny?

No idea, just know that's the name of the charachter she's to play.

Please dont say she's another old flame of Ken's




Day 18 in the Celebrity Big Brother 2012 house saw a special task as  housemates received letters from home.


9:32am Last night, Samantha and Danica became the latest housemates to be  evicted from the Big Brother house. Now, with less than a week to the grand  finale, which of the eight remaining celebrities; Ashley, Coleen, Harvey,  Julian, Julie, Martin, Prince Lorenzo and The Situation will be in the  final.

The Situation asks his fellow housemates if he was “dreaming” last night  adding: “Was Ashley walking around naked in the bedroom?” Some of the housemates  laugh and confirm his query saying that Ashley made a naked trip to the toilet  during the night. “I was like, no, that’s not happening right now, totally butt  naked!” exclaims The Situation.


Last night, Coleen was saved by the public and has come to the diary room to  talk to Big Brother. “It’s an amazing feeling, I’m so delighted,” she beams.  Coleen broaches her issues with Julie but says that she won’t raise them with  her. “She’s definitely had a problem with me but I’d hate to upset her, it  really rocked her when she heard people chanting,” she confides. Coleen says  that others have noticed that Julie may have a problem with her adding: “I  thought it was me, I thought I was paranoid.” She tells Big Brother that she may  try and speak with Julie but isn’t sure how to approach it, and says that Julie  might dismiss it. “She’s not gonna be honest in here,” she remarks.


11:01am Ashley, Martin and Prince Lorenzo are working out in the gym. In  the kitchen, Coleen is still worried about Julie and mentions it to Julian. “Cos  she’s not been up, it’s a shock, the first time you hear boos,” she muses. Julie  has come to the diary room and is still unnerved having heard boos aimed at her  from last night’s live audience. “It wasn’t pleasant,” she starts. “I know  nominations are tough but when you hear the crowd outside booing, that’s  horrible to take in.” Big Brother asks Julie what her plan is for the final  week. “I don’t play games,” she replies adding: “I haven’t got any plan, I can  only be me, just Julie, and that’s why I wore that t-shirt saying ‘Get it, Got  it, Good,’ which was one of Bet Lynch’s expressions, I don’t have a games, I’m  not like that, I never been and I’m certainly not going to change now.”


12:21pm Coleen is doing the washing up as Julie shares a few concerns. “We can’t have all fellas still in, we’ve gotta have some girl power,” Julie  tells her. She mentions how bad it is that five female housemates have been  evicted, “I don’t get it,” she muses. Coleen reminds her that for the last two  evictions, “It’s only been girls that have been up,” hence the result.


In the bedroom, Ashley wants a quiet word with Prince Lorenzo. He whispers to  him and reveals that Julie was trying to influence Harvey last night by hinting  that he should nominate Lorenzo. “I promise you, she’ll get in trouble today,” Ashley predicts adding: “I told you brother, big bad knife.” In the garden,  Julie tells Coleen that they are “outnumbered,” and Coleen seems indifferent.  Julie continues: “I see the good in everybody, that’s what makes it (nominating)  so hard for me, cos I genuinely like them, Julian, Martin, Harvey,” she lists as  Coleen interrupts saying, “Julian’s been amazing with you.” “I think there’s a  gay man’s brain in here,” Julie retorts while tapping her head the remarks: “I  get all the camp innuendos.” They laugh and Coleen reassures her, “You’ll look  back and go what a challenge what an experience, I’ve hated it and loved it all  at the same time.”


1:16pm Earlier today, Prince Lorenzo discovered that Julie was planning  to nominate him and reveals all to Martin. “She went to Harvey and said, ‘Let’s  get him,’” Lorenzo starts. “Tactical voting, it’s wrong, you’re not allowed to  influence people’s votes,” Martin grins. “To me, she’s a game player, I don’t  attack till I’ve been attacked, and I’ve been attacked. I wonder if you can  guess who I’m after?” he laughs. “Don’t say any more than that or you’ll get  into trouble,” Martin warns as they laugh about Julie’s actions. Lorenzo adds: “I don’t care how sweet she is, underneath that sweetness there’s a bitter  taste.”


The Situation joins the conversation and comments: “She’s been an actress her  whole life, right?” “Mrs. Goodyear, playing the game,” Martin quips as Lorenzo  brands her a “smart woman.”


Julie is in the hot tub and Ashley calls to her asking: “Have you go leopard  print in your house?” Julie raises her eyebrows adding: “It’s like a lair,” and  Harvey laughs hard then shouts: “I bet your room is like a bloody sexier than  sexy leopard print.”

The Situation tells Martin and Lorenzo that Julie will be “going hard” at  Lorenzo and Coleen, but Lorenzo is unsure why she has targeted Coleen. The  Situation thinks that the game rules might suggest that if one woman is left, “Then she has to stay” for the final. Martin disputes this while Lorenzo adds: “I think she just wants to be the last female standing in the house, to her  that’s a win.” The Situation and Prince Lorenzo attempt to suggest who to  nominate but Martin quickly reminds them, “You can’t pick anyone out.” Lorenzo  says that he isn’t while giving a sly grin towards The Situation.


2:03pm Julian, Coleen and Julie are talking about missing home. Coleen  says that she wants to send a message via the diary room to her daughter, who is  soon to start high school. Julie says although she’d like to speak with family, “On the other hand it could finish me off.” “I’ve never gone without speaking to  my parents for this long,” reveals Julian and Julia admits that she has only  been separated from her husband “once in 16 years.” “Really, that would finish  me off,” exclaims Coleen.


Prince Lorenzo has come to the diary room and tells Big Brother that although  Julie is “sweet,” she has come into the house to win. He adds: “I was slow  picking it up,” and says that Julie is “attacking people for no reason.” He  continues: “She was overheard doing these conspiracy theories on me, playing a  very, very good game. I’m doing my best to make sure she goes before I do.” Lorenzo tells Big Brother that he does feel bad as he wants to be the “bigger,  better, person.”


Coleen and Julian are in the garden while Julie heads inside to get changed. “I’m never gonna have that conversation,” Coleen tells him adding: “It doesn’t  really matter, if she was horrible to my face, I’d fight back but I don’t want  her to feel uncomfortable.” She tells Julian that she doesn’t want to add to the  bad feeling that Julie is already suffering following the boos that she received  last night


3:58pm Housemates have been gathered on the sofas. Big Brother announces  that there was a rule breaks last night and relays the conversation that Julie  had with Harvey, when she hinted that they should nominate Prince Lorenzo. Julie  looks shocked as her fellow housemates grin and stifle their laughter. Big  Brother then relays a conversation that Ashley, Martin, Lorenzo and The  Situation had. During their conversation Lorenzo said, ‘I don’t care how sweet  she is, underneath that sweetness there’s a bitter taste.’

Big Brother informs Julie that as a result, she will be punished; she cannot  wear any of her leopard print clothing or accessories until further notice. “It’s all I’ve got,” she mouths adding: “I do feel terrible, I don’t even  remember (saying) it.” “It is what it is,” Lorenzo reassures her. Julian remarks  that the duo’s punishment might be to wear Julie’s confiscated items.


Big Brother calls Prince Lorenzo and The Situation to the diary room. They  hand over Julie’s clothes but Big Brother informs them they must change into the  outfit which has been left under the diary room chair. “I feel like I’m being  unjustly punished,” The Situation moans as he feigns sadness. The boys must wear  leopard print boxer shorts as provided until further notice.

6:10pm Coleen, Harvey and The Situation are in the garden and Coleen is  applying a mud treatment to Harvey. “It’s not easy to do while someone is  gyrating,” quips Coleen. Prince Lorenzo and Julie are also in the garden,  clearing the air. He tells her that he is normally “laid back” but only reacts  if someone attacks him. He tells her that he still cares for her and apologises  for the comment he made about her. “I was in shock, I was shaky, but I don’t  even remember the comment,” Julie tells him adding “sweetness or something.” They share a hug and agree to put it all behind them.


7:07pm For the last 18 days, housemates have had no contact with their  loved ones, but Big Brother is about to change that. Big Brother calls one  housemate to the diary room and Ashley quickly obliges. In the diary room,  Ashley is faced with a very difficult decision – he must choose which of his  housemates receive their letter from home and which housemate’s have their  letters destroyed.

There is a mail sack on one side of the diary room chair containing  housemates’ letters. On the other side is a small barrel of ‘acid.’ Ashley must  pick two letters out of the mail sack at random. He must then destroy one by  putting it into the acid and keep one that will be delivered to the house.  Ashley is unaware that housemates are watching via the TV in the living room. “Poor boy, he can do mine,” Coleen remarks as housemates worry about Ashley’s  dilemmas.

He decides to destroy Julie’s letter and save Harvey’s: “What Julie did was  not good,” Ashley muses as Julie watches the screen. He destroys his own letter  from home and decides to save Julian’s. “I know he’s struggling but I think as a  father he can hold out for another week,” claims Ashley as he decides to destroy  Martin’s letter and save Coleen’s. He saves The Situation’s letter over  Lorenzo’s and prepares to leave the diary room. In the living area, Coleen  suggests that they give Ashley a round of applause when he returns to the house “cos that was bloody hard.” Ashley is clearly moved by the reception and hugs  Harvey before rushing off to the bedroom in tears.


Big Brother will deliver the saved letters later this evening.

7:28pm In the garden Julie comments: “God, I wanted that letter,” but  says that she understands why Ashley made his decision. Martin and Julian are in  the kitchen talking about the letters. Julian says that his mother will “write  something funny” and that he may feel “obliged to cry.” Martin laughs and agrees  with him adding: “If you must.”

Coleen is in the bedroom making sure that Ashley is alright. “It’s now less  than a week, it’s not the end of the world,” she reassures him. Ashley says that  he felt that Martin wasn’t pleased with him for destroying his letter. “Martin  is a grown up with kids,” quips Coleen.

9:03pm Half of the housemates will not receive their letters. The  Situation, Harvey, Julian and Coleen were the lucky ones. The Situation chooses  Harvey to read his letter from home and he is happy to hear that his mother and  family are “proud” of him. Martin leans over and kisses his cheek; Coleen reads  Harvey’s letter as he fights back his tears on hearing about his daughter; Julie  reads out Julian’s letter from his mother who added the P.S.: “Isn’t it about  time you changed your pyjamas. All of the housemates laugh. Julian reads  Coleen’s letter from her husband who playful tells her that her family have left  the washing up for her to do once she returns home, and tells her to ‘stop  crying.


10:23pm Following the Acid Test task, Big Brother has thrown housemates a  Big Brother Acid House party. Music plays into the house as housemates dance  away wearing the luminous outfits that Big Brother has provided. “Is this what  the 90s was about?” questions The Situation.


11:18pm The Situation tells Harvey, “My people should talk to your  people” and work out a plan to put on a show together.

Coleen and Julian are in the kitchen and she asks: “When did you first  realise you were gay?” Julian tells her that he was nine years old when someone  first called him gay but during his adolescence, “There was never really any  reason to announce the fact.” “It’s good that you didn’t have the struggle to  come out,” Martin tells him and Julian says is must be “horrendous” for some  people. “To get to their 40s, and have to mess up people’s lives,” Julian adds  and mentions people who may have been married the opposite sex or have children. “My parents sent a message via my sister saying it was alright if I was (gay).” Coleen admits to Julian: “I thought I really offended you” by asking the  questions as Julian adds: “I can’t really remember, I lost my virginity first to  a man then a girl soon after, it’s a bit of a grey area,” he adds.


1:01am With the party over, most of the housemates have gone to bed.  Martin has come to the diary room to talk to Big Brother about Julie. “I’ve had  a shock today cos of the tactical voting.” He laughs adding: “Bet Lynch is the  biggest game player, as blatant as trying to get other people to vote and  nominate housemates.” He admits that he is glad that Julie has been rumbled.

Coleen and Harvey are in the garden. Coleen says that Julie claimed that she  didn’t remember having the rule break conversation with Harvey, “but she’s been  following me round all day mentioning that we’re the only two girls.” Harvey  tells her that Julie would be lost if she didn’t have Julian to cling to and  Coleen remarks that Julie should not deny being a “game player.” Harvey ends: “You’ve lived through a lot of storms but some people have got judgement day  coming

Read more:

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Talking of oldies (but goodies) did any of you know that Miss Diane is going into Corrie.


I'm very excited 

Oh I read that!!   I've forgotten who she's going to play though - do you remember?

No ..............I did know but it's gone


Not Penny Crayon?


Who's Penny?

No idea, just know that's the name of the charachter she's to play.

Please dont say she's another old flame of Ken's


Actually (I could be wrong) but maybe she's Izzies mum. Errrrrrrm no - too old - maybe her nan or maybe I'm just making it up.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Apparently Penny is the ex-girlfrend of Lewis Archer.

Who's Lewis Archer?


I have to admit i haven't watched any soaps in a while, Corrie was always my favourite however. I couldn't watch eastenders, not since dirty Den and Angie left.

Audrey's fella....played by Nigel Havers....who's off for a bit to do panto.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Talking of oldies (but goodies) did any of you know that Miss Diane is going into Corrie.


I'm very excited 

Oh I read that!!   I've forgotten who she's going to play though - do you remember?

No ..............I did know but it's gone


Not Penny Crayon?


Who's Penny?

No idea, just know that's the name of the charachter she's to play.

Please dont say she's another old flame of Ken's


I hope not because Wendy Crozier's coming back too   He'll be shagged out!

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Talking of oldies (but goodies) did any of you know that Miss Diane is going into Corrie.


I'm very excited 

Oh I read that!!   I've forgotten who she's going to play though - do you remember?

No ..............I did know but it's gone


Not Penny Crayon?


Who's Penny?

No idea, just know that's the name of the charachter she's to play.

Please dont say she's another old flame of Ken's


Actually (I could be wrong) but maybe she's Izzies mum. Errrrrrrm no - too old - maybe her nan or maybe I'm just making it up.

all the articles I found said they were keeping it a closely guarded secret (but I thought I'd read it.. maybe I was getting confused with Wendy Crozier)    


Day 19: Sometimes it’s hard to be a woman

1 min ago

While younger fillies came and went, she was the untouchable matriarch. But this week the tide has turned against Julie. Along with Martin and Prince Lorenzo, she is facing the public vote, a fact that the housemates have just this night discovered.
Martin and the Prince took this news on the chin; the former’s default setting is cheeky laughter while the latter is constantly channelling the humble vibe. Julie, however, did not see this coming and is not happy at all.
With the exception of her dear pal, Julian (who is visibly shaken by the news), most of the housemates think Julie had it coming. Yesterday’s awkward news that she’d been covertly discussing the Prince made her a grand total of no friends. She pleaded ‘nomnesia’  when gently confronted by his majesty. However, she has crossed a line with this gentle soul. In a conversation with Coleen, Ashley and Martin, Lorenzo showed a new, firm streak.
Coleen was also unsympathetic. She, along with Ashley and Martin, are no longer buying the ‘House nana’ role. The foursome were in a jocular, unrepentant mood and are so relaxed about this evening’s events that they have now leapt into the hot tub. This has left Julie to regroup on the sofas with Julian and a rather limp Situation.
Even if you think she’s misplayed her cards recently, it’s hard not to sympathise with Julie. Her in-House status has plummeted in a matter of days leaving her head spinning. It’s going to be a bad week for Goodyear and – what’s more – her nomination on the heels of five evicted females is another threat to the very minimal female numbers.
Tammy Wynette was more right than she knew. Sometimes it’s very hard to be a woman

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

How annoying is that Iain Lee 

I don't mind him too much (most of the time) Skylark.

Are you on medication ??  

I could say yes, but it's only for hypothyroidism.

Was only kidding you , but 


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