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Originally Posted by erinp:

Last night she was in bed with the Situ and telling him she wanted to go to the MTV awards with him .

Now she smells bigger money

Does she not know we are watching her ,what a clown she isnt even working them in a clever way ,she is to obvious .

The Prince knows it ,he has eaten Apples of her cart before



Day 9 in the Celebrity Big Brother house saw flirting, tears and yet more  tasks!


9:46am After surprise nominations late last night housemates are up and  enjoying their breakfast in the kitchen. Julie blows raspberries on The  Situation’s arm: β€œNow, that is love!” she quips. Julian enters the kitchen and  Julie tells him that although he didn’t snore last night, β€œAll night it was the  death rattle!” Julian replies: β€œWell you see, I’m a nominee now and I have taken  it very badly. It’s like being a condemned man, I can’t tell you.” Julie groans: β€œOh for God sake. You don’t know how lucky you are!” Julian ignores her and  continues to make himself a cup of tea. He asks The Situation if he would care  for one also. β€œIf there is enough water in the kettle, please,” The Situation  responds. β€œAnything for my fellow nominee,” Julian replies and Julie shouts: β€œOh  stop this!”

In the garden, Prince Lorenzo asks Coleen how she feels about β€œbeing on the  chopping block.” Coleen claims that she is feeling okay and admits that she β€œexpected it.” Prince Lorenzo admits that he also expected to be up for  nomination and Coleen tells him that she thought it would be herself and Cheryl  facing the public vote.

Julie, Julian, Martin and The Situation are in the kitchen. Julian is making  a crumpet and Julie quips: β€œYou got enough butter on there!” The comedian is  silent but jokingly smears jam onto his cheek. Julie laughs uncontrollably and  Julian declares: β€œIt’s a dirty protest!” before smearing more jam onto his face.  Julie is beside herself with laughter and shrieks: β€œStop it Julian! You are  sending me over the edge!” Julian jokes: β€œI’ve taken it very badly!”


11:05am Samantha, The Situation, Danica and Cheryl are in the kitchen  talking about yesterday’s nominations. Samantha asks Cheryl whether she is okay  and Cheryl replies: β€œI prefer nominating to peoples faces, I preferred it man,  all this who’s doing what, all these people acting guilty and tings (sic) with  their heads bowed down. It’s b*******!” Seemingly agitated, Cheryl is on a  cleaning spree and continues to tell fellow housemates: β€œI look people in the  eye whether I nominated them or not! You know what I am saying?!”

While Cheryl continues to rant, Danica is cuddling The Situation and touches  his nipples: β€œAre you cold?” she quips. Danica continues to ask The Situation if  he is upset about the nominations. β€œNo. It’s something else,” he replies and  Danica is shocked. β€œTell me. You can tell me anything,” she says and leads him  to the sofas. The Situation admits that he is upset: β€œIf you found out that you  were up for nomination I would have stayed with you. Julie stayed with me and I  begged her to go to sleep and she didn’t leave me.” Danica defends herself and  replies: β€œI had to be there for Rhian.” The Situation becomes frustrated and  snaps: β€œShe isn’t even up this week.”

Danica replies: β€œOnce I’m friends with someone,” but The Situation  interjects: β€œYou forget to be there for them!” Danica becomes dismissive and  admits that she finds it β€œdifficult” with The Situation because she is seeing  someone outside of the house. The Situation assures Danica that he is aware she  has somebody on the outside but continues: β€œThe connection we have is pretty  special. We can’t lie about that.” He confesses that Danica as his best friend  in the house and says he feels β€œdisappointed” by her actions, before walking  away from her.

In the garden, The Situation tells Coleen that he has been β€œwrong about some  people in the house” and that he had β€œforgotten it was a game” Coleen reassures  him: β€œIt’s not a game as in people are being nice so people don’t nominate  them.”


Cheryl enters the bedroom where Danica seems to be avoiding fellow housemates β€œIs it too intense?” Cheryl asks and Danica looks to her for her advice. Cheryl  asserts that Danica needs to β€œback off” from The Situation adding: β€œEven putting  your arms around him out there was wrong. It was wrong. That is mixed messages  and that is not good.” Danica becomes defensive saying: β€œBut that was because he  was about to cry!” Cheryl tells a concerned Danica: β€œReverse the role. Put the  shoes on your feet!”


11:50am Cheryl is attempting packing her suitcase and is counting how  many smalls she has left. β€œThat means I can stay here another twenty-eight  days,” she tells herself.

Prince Lorenzo, Martin and Julian are enjoying the sunshine in the garden.  Prince Lorenzo questions Julian about how is feeling about being nominated.  Julian admits that he finds it hard to talk to people all the time and that  being nominated has only made this worse. Martin jokes: β€œDo you feel like a dead  man walking?” and Julian replies: β€œI don’t have the energy to go around  campaigning for people to like me!” Martin’s advice is: β€œI think the best way of  campaigning is being yourself.” Prince Lorenzo declares: β€œNobody has betrayed  you,” and Julian replies: β€œIt is nothing serious.” Martin admits to both men  that β€œthe game has started!”


12:27pm Prince Lorenzo has made an alarming discovery – he has grey  hairs! He asks Danica whether she can see them and she shrieks: β€œThere are about  fifteen!” Danica continues to admit that she likes grey hair on a man and Prince  Lorenzo quips: β€œOh damn!”

The Situation is talking about Rhian and Danica to Julian in the bathroom. He  is speculating that since the girls found out that they were not facing  eviction, they have split from his group. The Situation confesses to Julian that  Danica has been the first girl that has β€œliked” in five years. Julian agrees  that The Situation’s feelings are genuine but admits that he is unsure about how  mutual Danica’s feelings are for him. The Situation declares: β€œFool me once!” and Julian brands the relationships in the house as β€œvery interesting.” The  Situation continues to inform Julian that if he were his best friend he would  have stayed with him after they found out they were up for eviction. Julian  continues to brand Danica and Rhian as β€œtough” and admits that he β€œadmires them  for knowing what they want in life.” The Situation retorts: β€œCut throat?” before  Julian adds: β€œThere is a thin line!”


3:34pm Coleen has come to talk to Big Brother in the diary room. She  admits that it is β€œweird” looking around and wondering β€œwho doesn’t like her”. Coleen confesses that she hopes outside the house, her celebrity housemates will  get along and celebrate the experience together. She adds: β€œSometimes I get  bored in here, and then I realise I’m in Big Brother. That’s cool. I’m getting  down with the kids!”

In the kitchen, Prince Lorenzo speculates to Samantha that he knows who  nominated him. In response, Samantha declares: β€œI’ll tell you now. I didn’t  nominate you. I have no reason to nominate you.”

In the garden, Julie is telling Julian that the men in the house β€œneed to man  the f**k up” and informs him that The Situation was crying last night over  Danica. β€œI never thought she liked him very much anyway,” Julian quips and Julie  replies: β€œNo she doesn’t!” Julian then declares: β€œOh those girls! They did what  they had to do didn’t they? Got what they wanted and then f**k off.” Julie  claims that the boys in the house are not β€œused to it” and Julian speculates: β€œNext round of nominations they’ll be sorry and then they will start being nice  to them again.”


 The conversation turns to Julian’s fate in regards to the  looming eviction and Julie claims that he will be safe. Julian admits that he  wouldn’t mind if were evicted and Julie bites: β€œI know, that what’s annoying me!  If you want the truth, that really does p*ss me off!” She brands herself a β€œliability” and adds that if Julian did leave that she would be β€œlost” Julian  assures Julie: β€œWell they all love you,” and she replies: β€œDon’t be ridiculous!” In jest, Julian declares: β€œYou can have lovely cheery chats with Samantha” and  an unimpressed Julie responds: β€œI don’t want them!” Continuing to be sarcastic,  Julian adds: β€œI’m sure she said something interesting last Friday…”


4:15pm Big Brother calls all housemates to the Diary Room for today’s  task. Big Brother tells each Housemate that they have a few minutes to decide  who they would like to give a bouquet of flowers to. β€œI don’t need a couple of  minutes” Ashley replies and Cheryl asks Big Brother whether she can β€œhalf the  bouquet and give it to two people”. When told that they must not discuss their  choices with fellow housemates, Cheryl declares: β€œI know nothing, I only cook  the chips!”

Housemates are gathered on the sofas and in turn read aloud the messages on  their bouquets. In order to keep the flowers, each housemate must correctly  guess which fellow housemate has given them their bouquet.


5:40pm Rhian is alone in the bedroom. In the living area, Harvey is  talking to Danica about Ashley and Rhian. He proposes that since nominations,  everyone seems to have split: β€œPeople have got what they want and they’ve just  walked off!” Ashley walks past and on hearing the conversation agrees with what  Harvey is saying. Back in the bedroom Rhian overhears what Harvey is saying and  she sheepishly stands closer to the bedroom door. Meanwhile Harvey declares: β€œAsh (Ashley) was there for Rhi (Rhian) but it seems like now she is safe, what  about him? She hasn’t shown no love to him. It’s like take-care see you later.  That’s how he feels. Quite honestly now it looks like she’s playing a game – blatantly!”

In the bedroom, Rhian is assuring Coleen that she has asked Ashley if he is  okay: β€œIt’s like catch twenty-two here. If I spend too much time with him then I  am leading him on. I’m sick of feeling uncomfortable around him. I care about  him a lot!” Coleen advises Rhian that she should go out of the bedroom and Rhian  sighs: β€œI can’t be bothered!”


On leaving the bedroom, Coleen informs Ashley, Danica and Harvey that Rhian  has overheard their entire conversation. Harvey becomes defensive and declares: β€œI’m just having a conversation, that’s irrelevant, if people ask me my opinion  I am going to give it to them!” Ushering to Ashley, Coleen informs him that  Rhian would like to talk to him and he replies: β€œI’m done. She can come to me;  I’m always going to her. No bruv. Done man!” On hearing this, Coleen informs  Rhian that Ashley is fed up of β€œcoming to her” and Rhian mutters: β€œPathetic” before calling him in from the garden.


In the kitchen, Danica is telling Harvey that is pleased he has told her how  Ashley is feeling. β€œAsk me a question I tell you no lies. I’m not fake!” In the  bedroom Rhian is questioning Ashley over the conversation she has overheard: β€œWhat’s up now? The conversation I just heard, it sounded like you think I am  using you.” She continues to inform Ashley that the reason why she did not get  into his bed last night was because she did not want to be perceived negatively: β€œI didn’t want people seeing me getting into your bed when I’m with someone on  the outside. It would be different if it was a double bed but it is a single bed  at night time. It is nothing personal.” Ashley replies: β€œSo are we not friends?  Friends do that and you’ve already told millions of people that you don’t want  to be with me and we are friends. So why can’t we be friends in a bed?” Rhian is  lost for words and eventually adds: β€œWell I don’t know. Would you see Danica  getting into The Situation’s bed?” Ashley tells her that Danica and The  Situation’s relationship is β€œnot his business” and asks her why she asked him  into bed with her and Danica. Rhian replies: β€œBecause then there is three people  in the bed and it isn’t as personal!” Ashley confesses that Rhian has not even  thanked him for being there for her: β€œNot one thank you!” he exclaims and  continues: β€œhow much do I have to do to get a thank you?” Rhian confesses that  she was going to give the bouquet of flowers to Ashley but on realizing there  was β€œno chance” of Ashley appreciating them opted not to.


6:13pm Rhian has come to the diary room: β€œI’m sick of crying. I love Ash  (Ashley) to bits but as a friend. Just because I don’t want anything more, like  he won’t speak to me if I’m not giving him more. It is like a catch twenty-two.  If I went and sat with Ash (Ashley) and cuddled up to him I’m getting told I am  leading him on and if I don’t then I am using him!” When Big Brother asks her  how their conversation went, Rhian replies: β€œIt couldn’t have gone any worse! I  just shouldn’t have said anything – again! I’m sick of explaining myself. I have  never known someone to be so difficult in all my life!”


In the kitchen, Danica is confessing to The Situation that she was upset that  she was brought up again by fellow housemates in the task. The Situation assures  Danica that he understands and admits that he respects she is with someone, but  has never met somebody like her before. Seemingly uncomfortable, Danica changes  the conversation and quips: β€œGood cup of tea!” before confessing that she feels β€œupset” at the prospect of their relationship changing.

β€œI don’t think that would ever change,” The Situation admits and asks her  whether she can see where he is coming from. Becoming tearful, Danica embraces  The Situation and she apologises for upsetting him.


9:33pm Big Brother has gathered housemates in the living area. Martin  speculates that housemates will be watching their nominations on screen. Ashley  becomes apprehensive: β€œNo no they can’t. Don’t say that bruv coz I picked a real  wrongen. I picked a real bad one. I swear on my life” and he continues to mouth: β€œJulian.” Martin holds his head in his hands and laughs.

Housemates are then told that they have incurred a rule break as a result of  Samantha earlier telling Prince Lorenzo she did not nominate him. As a  consequence of Samantha’s rule break, housemates are told that they will not  have hot water for the rest of the evening. However, Big Brother then puts  housemate’s attention upon Ashley. β€œThey don’t miss a trick,” Harvey quips and  Ashley awaits what Big Brother has to say nervously. Housemates are informed  that as they were being gathered on the sofas, Ashley confessed to Martin that  he nominated β€œJulian.” On hearing this, Ashley apologises to Julian who replies: β€œI forgive you.” Housemates are told that as a result of Ashley’s confession to  Martin they will not have hot water for the following day.


11:24pm In the diary room, Julian claims that housemates seem miserable  because the hot water has been taken away from them. β€œIt’s not the worst thing  that has ever happened to me. It just feels a bit like we have been punished – you are punishing everyone aren’t you? Even those who are very careful not to  discuss nominations. All my theories about who nominated me are wrong. So it was  Ashley that nominated me. I would rather I didn’t know who nominated me of  course but never mind hey?”


Rhian and Ashley are in bed with each other as Rhian admits that she thinks β€œthey need to switch off a bit next week”. Ashley is confused by Rhian and asks  her to explain what she means. She continues to explain that she wants them to  have a laugh together and assures him that once outside the house, Ashley will  have β€œloads of girls” and that he will β€œforget inside the house”. β€œI swear to  God you will have people queuing up” Rhian claims and Ashley replies: β€œI’m not  that type of person.” Rhian continues to confess that she does not want to  indulge in serious conversations in the house and that instead Ashley should be β€œdoing some judo moves in bed.” The Page 3 model admits that she is happy  outside the house with the man that she is β€œseeing” but acknowledges: β€œIt’s not  that I don’t find you attractive and if I was single then things may have been  different”. Prince Lorenzo, The Situation, Cheryl and Coleen are in the hot  tub discussing being up for nomination. None of them want to leave the house but  understand that it is part of the game and it is up to the public. Prince  Lorenzo is confident he’ll leave.

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Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Evening all - just watched the main show, was out earlier.   I have to say... by the time it got to announcing the evictions, I was really, really, really disliking Rhian and Danica ...... so much so that I was will The Situation to be the second one saved.    I know... I can't believe it either.

see, jasmine had a point , she just got  there before you....

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Evening all - just watched the main show, was out earlier.   I have to say... by the time it got to announcing the evictions, I was really, really, really disliking Rhian and Danica ...... so much so that I was will The Situation to be the second one saved.    I know... I can't believe it either.

see, jasmine had a point , she just got  there before you....

*slap*  no she didn't - she was just more bitchy than I am

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Bethni:

I'm going to stalk my postman on  the run up to bill time 

Is that the same postman who saw you climbing out of a 15ft deflating Santa?

Actually I think it is, i've been hiding from him since last year. If you'd ever since 'Airplane'..... thats what it looked like i'm sure. 



*wishes she lived near Bethni*


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