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It makes sense that she is more than a “guest” – her character was well developed and clearly thought through – but how will they un-Dalek her? And when do Amy and Rory leave?


PS Sorry if this is slightly O/T but i seem to be done with CBB now!

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Shhhhhh....... some people haven't seen it yet!


they're keeping it hush hush for now - she's not back until the Christmas special and they're not letting on if it's the same character, or a different reality version of her or whatever.  Her name was just 'Oswin' this time.   The assistant will be 'Clara Oswin'       i read an article the other day where Steven Moffatt was all chuffed that nobody had leaked the secret that she was in the opening episode - and he wouldn't give anything away.


Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Wouldn't mind being a science fiction writer.


Obviously anything goes.




Apparently we find out they were in the shower all along and the last two years didn't happen - Ooops, that's another thread.


But yes, from what I have read, she is the new assistant.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


But yes, from what I have read, she is the new assistant.

Ah.. but we only know that the actress is the new assistant - not necessarily the character...


I love Dr Who.. I might have mentioned that once or twice.

Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

It makes sense that she is more than a “guest” – her character was well developed and clearly thought through – but how will they un-Dalek her? And when do Amy and Rory leave?

We have to be careful here, because there has been a small tradition of companions being played by actresses who've previously appeared on Doctor Who in minor - and different - roles (Freema Agyeman and Karen Gillan both had brief appearances in the series preceding their appearance as a companion). However this does seem to be a bit more blatant, I'm guessing there'll be one or two twists before we get the full story, though...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by SazBomb:

But didnt they blow up the planet?







It's Dr. Who, there will be an explanation how she/it escaped. Bear in mind during the episode we kept being told in one way or another how clever "she" was/is. Although if she was that clever why would she/it have been stuck there for so longer, force field or no force field.







Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:

But didnt they blow up the planet?







It's Dr. Who, there will be an explanation how she/it escaped. Bear in mind during the episode we kept being told in one way or another how clever "she" was/is. Although if she was that clever why would she/it have been stuck there for so longer, force field or no force field.







Because she had been 'DALEKED' and didn't realise it.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I absolutely ADORED this episode!!!  


I was a bit gutted when she didn't (appear) to get out at the end. No one told me she wasn't supposed to be in it until Christmas! 


I need her to get out of being Daleked! I can't bear to think of her Daleked. There better be a twist, and no crappy time bending stuff which means she is still daleked somewhere in time! I want a full rescue please! 

Originally Posted by Ducky:

I absolutely ADORED this episode!!!  


I was a bit gutted when she didn't (appear) to get out at the end. No one told me she wasn't supposed to be in it until Christmas! 


I need her to get out of being Daleked! I can't bear to think of her Daleked. There better be a twist, and no crappy time bending stuff which means she is still daleked somewhere in time! I want a full rescue please! 


But there are an infinite number of identical universe's where in one she will not be Dalekified and actually married to Amy Pond living in a terraced house in Colchester with a cat, a dog and budgie.


In another she will still be Dalekified and will remain so, for ever, for ever, for ever...

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:



In another she will still be Dalekified and will remain so, for ever, for ever, for ever...


Why, why would you say that?  


I think I've found my worst fear in life.....BEING FULL ON DALEKED!!! 

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:



In another she will still be Dalekified and will remain so, for ever, for ever, for ever...


Why, why would you say that?  


I think I've found my worst fear in life.....BEING FULL ON DALEKED!!! 





Ex Ter Min Ate



Sorry, could not help myself..

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:



In another she will still be Dalekified and will remain so, for ever, for ever, for ever...


Why, why would you say that?  


I think I've found my worst fear in life.....BEING FULL ON DALEKED!!! 

You'd need stilts and a cushion and lever extensions - a duck wouldn't be able to reach all the controls with those wee legs and stumpy wings!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

It makes sense that she is more than a “guest” – her character was well developed and clearly thought through – but how will they un-Dalek her? And when do Amy and Rory leave?

We have to be careful here, because there has been a small tradition of companions being played by actresses who've previously appeared on Doctor Who in minor - and different - roles (Freema Agyeman and Karen Gillan both had brief appearances in the series preceding their appearance as a companion). However this does seem to be a bit more blatant, I'm guessing there'll be one or two twists before we get the full story, though...


I just watched a BBC interview that Jenna-Louise Coleman did back in March confirming that she was the new assistant. She mentioned that her first appearance would be at Christmas and when asked which monsters she was looking forward to encountering thought she would no doubt be running into the Daleks at some point.


 I would be surprised if the roles are not at least linked.


Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:



In another she will still be Dalekified and will remain so, for ever, for ever, for ever...


Why, why would you say that?  


I think I've found my worst fear in life.....BEING FULL ON DALEKED!!! 

I think mine is being Cyber-womaned.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:



In another she will still be Dalekified and will remain so, for ever, for ever, for ever...


Why, why would you say that?  


I think I've found my worst fear in life.....BEING FULL ON DALEKED!!! 

I think mine is being Cyber-womaned.

I'm STILL scared of those things!  

Originally Posted by Carnelian:

What does a Dalek do down the pub and he's bragging about the length he can extend his sink plunger to?


Exaggerate, Exaggerate

Carnelian, I've told you a million times..


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