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Jasmine has been evicted

Booed on the way into the Big Brother House, Jasmine has strutted back out to meet the public after a week in the UK's most famous bungalow.
Pouring away Cheryl's diet cola on Day 2 as a protest against the lack of 'full-fat' cola, Jasmine quickly marked herself out as a force to be reckoned with. When she was nominated during the face-to-face nominations on Day 3, Jasmine's wrath knew no bounds, as she raged against Lorenzo and Danica for nominating her. Forging a nomination-ship with Rhian, and confiding in Julie, she seemed to calm down a bit. She soon broke away from Rhian because of the blonde model's friendship with Ashley.
A truce emerged, though, when Jasmine and Rhian were picked to do the trolley dash on Day 7, with their success going some way to mending their broken alliance.
Julie really has offered Jasmine the most support in the House, acting like an adoptive mother figure, and Jasmine has also sought comfort from Samantha, though most of their chats have centred on gossiping about Danica.
Though she has a fiery temper, Jasmine has a softer side, and she has often taken a break to talk about how much she misses her son, Phoenix, and her huge array of canine friends. See, she's not as scary as she seems!
As well as her monumental temper tantrums, Jasmine has attracted attention through her unconventional fashion choices, with a seemingly unending array of embellished sunglasses and lingerie.
Love her, hate her, don't know what to make of her, Jasmine has been one of the biggest characters in this series of Celebrity Big Brother and we shall miss her, even if Danica and Rhian won't...


She was new to me so I enjoyed observing her. I never felt the anger towards Jas that so many viewers felt. Apart from seeing her like a wounded animal who lashes out I saw her as someone who's more honest in the house than some are even though her honesty wasn't the best policy if you're in a game show where popularity with the public as well as hm's is the name of the game. I also saw there's a nice even if needy side to her and I've come across people like that before. She knows she has flaws in her character and she admitted some of the hm's helped her reflect on that but no doubt she'll still be true to herself instead of changing to fit into the likeable/lovable mould. Personally I wish her well.

Yellow Rose

Day 8: The housemates let out a sigh of relief

1 min ago

As you would imagine, the hot topic of conversation this evening is Jasmine's departure- and the housemates have a lot to say on the subject.
Now that the feisty model is out of the House, the housemates have started to reflect over her behaviour and how she affected the atmosphere in the House.
"I found her behaviour emotionally exhausting", Samanatha confided to her 'adopted mother' Julie. The soap star, rather tellingly, failed to comment otherwise.
Prince Lorenzo has opened up to Rhian, telling her that his perceptions of herself and Danica were skewed after Jasmine's portrayal of their careers – which, as you would imagine, weren't exactly too favourable.
"I thought she'd done that", Rhian replied, clearly relieved at the departure of her sparring partner.
"The public have voted right", Harvey added.
The reaction across the board seems to be one of relief and somehow we don't think she'll be missed by the housemates. In fact, they broke out in song in the garden earlier this evening, like something out of a musical – which goes to show just how sad they're feeling right now.
Let's hope this is the start of a happy, clappy house. After seven days of arguments, fun is exactly what is needed.
Oh wait, what's that? Ah yes, the old stirrer – the nomination reveal...


BOOTED Celebrity Big Brother contestant Jasmine  Lennard has said she still has  feelings for the "love of her life" - Simon  Cowell.

The feisty model, who was the first star to be ousted from the Channel 5  reality show, had a six-month affair with the X Factor boss, 52, in 2006  behind the back of his then-girlfriend Terri Seymour.

Jasmine, 27, who confessed on screen that he is the "love of her life",  said: "Who knows what will happen?"

London-born Jasmine, who has the initials SC tattooed on her wrist,  continued: "The  man has been in my life since I was a kid and he'll continue to  be.

"I have huge affection for him and I am content with the foundations of  our  relationship."

Jasmine Lennard
Baring all ... Jasmine Lennard
Insight News & Features

She  mused: "I'm not sure that I will ever have a conventional  relationship and I'm  not sure he will either.


"We care about each other very much that's the bottom line."

During her time in the house, Jasmine went to war with glamour model Danica  Thrall and Page 3 girl Rhian Sugden.

She said they were both "skanks" when she was served her eviction  notice.

Jasmine, who was spotted today nipping out without a bra to the shops in a  racy black dress, tried to label Danica a "prostitute" after the  24-year-old  admitted that part of her work involved getting men to buy her  things on the  internet.

Not realising her mother had died when she was just 14, Jasmine sniped: “Aren’t your parents ashamed of you?”

Booted out ... Jasmine Lennard
Booted out ... Jasmine Lennard

Speaking to TV Biz today, Jasmine said: “I regret the comments I made about  Danica’s mother. That was my ‘oh my God’ moment, I mean that was just – no  words. I definitely regret that.


But she added: “It’s a big pantomime and I think I played the villain very  well. I’m happy with my part. I am pleased I entertained people and it’s all  good fun at the end of the day.

“I’d rather be the bitch than be the dumb-dumb or be the gold-digger like  some  of the other characters.”

Simon Cowell
Ex-boyfriend ... Simon Cowell

After  being branded the "bitchiest woman in Britain", Jasmine  defended: "I am  completely mad and I do say outrageous things and wear  my heart on my sleeve  but I'd like to think that at the end of my experience  there, the housemates  all liked me."

Read more:


ÂĐ Ian West/PA Wire

Now you've been out of the house for a bit and had time to reflect, how do you feel about your time on the show? "I'm absolutely stunned at how the story has been written. I think that the show is genius; I think it's hysterically funny. I'm taking it all with a pinch of salt and I just hope I've entertained everybody."

During your disagreement with Rhian, you were consoling her because she was quite upset in the bedroom and then you kind of switched on her. What happened there? "Well, the reality was that the second I walked into that house I made a conscious effort not to be remotely intimidating towards her, in fact the opposite. I lent her my clothes, I lent her my underwear, I lent her my jewellery, and I lent her my make-up but they didn't show any of that. That particular evening, she recognised that people might see that she was playing this kid; she was in fear about how she might be perceived. She was having a very emotional night; she was on the edge of bursting into tears before that conversation had begun.
"I had gone to her bed to comfort her and she started a conversation where I very quickly realised that she was manipulating and she was going to burst into tears. She was villainising me and it agitated me. I recognised what she was doing, turning round and saying, 'I've felt really intimidated by you and this is what you said that was really unkind' and I knew she was about to burst into tears and I knew when she did that that it would draw the whole house around her. I saw exactly what she was doing and it infuriated me, so I jumped up and ran from the situation because I recognised that she wasn't genuinely feeling anything she was saying at that moment. I hadn't done what she was saying. She was playing a game; she wasn't being sincere. Those tears weren't about me, she was crying for herself, not because I had made her [upset]. As soon as I recognised that she was putting me in a bad light, I jumped up and was very angry."

Why did you call Danica a prostitute?"Because I saw right through her. I don't know if you've seen her website but she's asking for a multi gym on it. She wants a multi gym. Please explain to me what she is doing in return for that. I say it as I see it and that's how I understand her reality to be and I'm quite sure I'm not wrong. I'm quite sure I'm not wrong!"

Jasmine Lennard

ÂĐ Rex Features

What do you make of Danica flirting with Prince Lorenzo now? "I was totally, completely unaware of it as is everybody else in the house. The girls separated in different directions. As far as everyone's concerned in the house, she is having a relationship with Mike, Rhian is engaged with Ashley and I was the closest to Lorenzo. But I understand that that's not what you're seeing or what is going on. So I missed that one but I look forward to watching it back."

Cheryl, Coleen, Julian, Prince Lorenzo and The Situation are nominated for eviction this week. What's your reaction to that? Who do you want to go? Are you disappointed? "If I could call them up right now and give them one piece of advice I would say, 'Stop taking this so seriously. No matter what you do the story is already written, enjoy yourself and play your part'. I think that every single one of them's going to be stunned when they come outside at how they've been perceived because Danica genuinely believes that she is coming across holier than thou. She'll be horrified to realise that everyone has seen exactly who and how she is. She thinks that she's Marcia Brady and frontrunner. It's a pantomime but it's a bloody brilliant one and while I'm very frustrated at Big Brother and Channel 5 I think that it's genius. I'd rather be the bitch than be the dumb-dumb or be the gold digger or be some of the other characters."

Do you think that you were initially penalised for being a parent and the other housemates completely misunderstood? "100% I do, and that is such a tragedy, as I had never once said that I missed my child and wanted to go home. I did, but I did not mention that one time. It was explained to me that when people don't really know what to say, particularly at the beginning of the show, that's a line they use as it excuses them from being real. I think that was a tragedy and I expected to be nominated for character reasons, so in a way it's a tragedy and in a way I'm pleased it happened that way. Ultimately my son is my life and whilst I have been made a villain on this programme, the things I've achieved are things I went there to achieve which is to let people know that my son comes first and I am a wonderful mum and to speak truth or clear up rumours about relationships I've had in my past and to entertain people and I think I've done that."

How aware were you of the other housemates hiding the knives in there and being genuinely scared of you?"Completely and totally unaware and that wasn't the reality at all."

Harvey and Jasmine Lennard chatting in the Celebrity Big Brother house.

ÂĐ Channel 5

Do you think they were genuinely scared? "Absolutely not, no, and I can tell you something that might stun you. I was the one that was intimidated by characters in there. I was massively intimidated by Ashley. I was massively intimidated by Harvey after he'd had a drink or two in him. I was intimidated by Danica. I mean, are you kidding me? Do you really believe that that girl who takes her clothes off for her living, hangs out in some of the roughest bars in Manchester and has taken Jordan on is intimidated by me? Absolutely not, but I'll give her credit for her acting. She did incredibly well, and no, not remotely intimidated by me at all. She should be now though!"

Julie appeared to be a mother figure to you. Can you talk about that relationship? Do you think she was sincere? "I think she was sincerely insincere. I think she's a phenomenal actress and I think that she's played me and played the game so well that if I saw her I'd just have to shake her hand and congratulate her. It's sort of like being stabbed in the back by your Nana. Do I like her at the end of it all? Yeah I do, but she's a bitch isn't she? [laughs]. She's wonderful, she's a wonderful bitch. I hope when I'm her age I can be a little bit like her."

You've been branded the 'bitchiest woman in Britain'. If you had the chance to go back would you do anything differently? Do you have any regrets? "Obviously I regret the comment I made about Danica's mother. That was my 'oh my God' moment, that was just no words. I definitely regret that. But what you're seeing was not the reality. If I genuinely behaved that way 24 hours a day it would not have been possible, there were 12 other people in that house. Of course I had moments of bitchiness, I had moments of badness, I said it like it was but I did also do washing up, I did also help the boys with their laundry, I did also lend my clothes out, I did also lend my make-up, I did also provide humour and I do believe I won people over in the house. But at the same time it is a big pantomime and I think I played a villain very well and I'm happy with my part. I'm pleased to have entertained people and it's all good fun at the end of the day."

How do you think your family and friends, including Simon Cowell, will react to how you have been portrayed?"My family and friends know me for how I am and they adore me and they'll take it with a pinch of salt just like I have and I think they'll think it was fantastic, compulsive and golden viewing. They'll have enjoyed it and they'll give me a big hug and say, 'Well done'. It's a game; it's not real reality. I came and I entertained and that's cool."

Jasmine Lennard in CBB at hot tub party - 2012

ÂĐ Channel 5

Do you think you will stay in touch with any of your ex-housemates when they come out of the house? "Yes, absolutely I will and I could not be happier now to have come out in this position because it is going to get so evil in that house and its very hard. I 100% will stay in contact with Lorenzo, with Samantha, with Coleen. The only two I don't have any time for are Danica and Rhian and the rest of them are all welcome at my dinner table."

Who do you want to win Celebrity Big Brother? "I would like Samantha to win or Lorenzo because he's also there for a cause. I'm not sure if anyone is aware of that, but he's a huge animal activist, as am I. One of the two of them, I think they are two of the most genuinely nice characters in there."

You said you played the villain really well and you were happy with your part. What's the real Jasmine that we didn't see if you were playing the villain? "I had long and in-depth, sensitive conversations and created real friendships in that house. I was incredibly funny, I was generous, I was kind, I did the washing up and the laundry. I do believe that I managed to win over the hearts of the people in that house. They were living with me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and you only see one hour of that. The reality of that was not what you were looking at. Yes, I am completely mad and I do say outrageous things and speak my mind and wear my heart on my sleeve but I like to believe that at the end of my experience there they all liked me. We were a dysfunctional family of some sort. But no, it wasn't as one dimensional as that andif I get the opportunity to have my own show outside this house then perhaps you'll see that."

So thats what she is after


Jasmine Lennard on Cristiano Ronaldo's weird world of sex, glamour and insecurity

Jasmine Lennard [pic: Rex)Jasmine Lennard (pic: Rex)

Cristiano Ronaldo: ­debatably the world’s best footballer, 24 years old, Portuguese, perma-tanned, tweezed, primmed, plucked, waxed.

He’s a multi-millionaire metrosexual mama’s boy who has ­entertained some of the world’s most famous women.

But who really IS the Real ­Madrid star and what actually goes on in his weird world of socialites and supermodels and, of course, now a mystery baby?

I first met Cristiano Ronaldo in the small and exclusive Los Angeles night club Villa in July 2008. He was 22 at the time and stood on crutches like a little prince surrounded by his usual entourage of five or six most trusted men. They are the crew he rarely goes anywhere without who he generously pays all travel and ­accommodation costs for on their various escapades around the world.

Cristiano Ronaldo [pic: Splash)Cristiano Ronaldo (pic: Splash)

The flashy footballer once spent ÂĢ30,000 on one weekend in Vegas where he flew himself and five of the crew to meet a gang of Portuguese girls for fun and games.

i used him as a TOY

Typically Ron will not approach a woman himself, preferring instead to send one of his merry men to do his dirty work for him while he watches on, flashes a toothy smile and offers an ­arrogant wink in their direction.

He gives the impression to the ­majority of women he has liaisons with that his ability to speak English is limited. ­Actually, it’s not, it is simply selective.

He is entirely able to hold intelligent conversation, but becomes conveniently verbally disabled when being ­confronted by a scorned woman at which point everything becomes “que que que” and “I don’t understand”.

He sent his main man Rogerio to ask me where I was going after the club and if they could all come and have a “sexy time”. I ­politely declined, offering instead to give ­Ronaldo my number if – and only if – he came and asked for it himself.

Entertained by my unwillingness, he eventually did before loading what can only be described as a white ­limousine party bus full of giggling girls and ­retiring back to the Beverly Hills Hotel with them.

Obviously no one told Ron that it was supremely unfashionable to ride in limousines around Los Angeles any more, particularly white ones. Ronaldo had just broken up with Spanish model Nereida Gallardo after a relationship of six months but you could definitely not describe this man as heartbroken. No, he was determined to enjoy all that Los Angeles had to offer.

He text messaged furiously until two days later I agreed to meet him.

I said I would not be going to his hotel but if he wanted I would pick him up and he could come and spend a couple of hours over at my place. And I made sure he understood I was not the type of girl to involve myself in group ­activities or late night “sexy time” parties. He had no idea what he had let himself in for. I stripped naked, slipped on my black Louboutin heels and jumped into my Lamborghini MurciÃĐlago and ­headed down the hill to pick him up.

He was running late, having therapy on his broken leg, meaning I had to spend a full 20 minutes parked in a bush in the driveway of the hotel dying for the toilet and entirely unable to do anything about it as I had decided to rock up in my birthday suit. And there was absolutely no way I could run through the lobby of such a prestigious hotel naked to try to make a dash for the ladies’ room.

Eventually he came out with one of his aides who was obviously stunned by my lack of clothing and asked, ­“Everything will be OK, yes?”

“Sure,” I said, “I’ll drop him back in a couple of hours,” then laughed and pulled out of the drive as Ron clung nervously to the door of the car repeatedly telling me I was crazy. I’d love to tell you we sat and made intelligent conversation about politics or something – but we didn’t.

I have an incredibly male approach to sex and this was a game for me. He was a toy and this was a show. I wasn’t ­interested in wooing him or winning his heart. In truth I wasn’t even attracted to him. His shorts were SHORT, his top was TIGHT and the pink colour of both was â€Ķjust not for me. As soon as he ­encountered my German Shepherd dogs and started screaming and waving his crutches at them in total panic and fear I realised perhaps this wasn’t going to be Mr Right.

I prefer my men a little rougher round the edges. I don’t like to feel more man than the man I am in bed with. Things went from bad to worse fast. You might well be ­wondering, why did I do it then? The only explanation is that while I wasn’t attracted to him, I enjoyed the fact that he was so taken by me. Some sort of power trip, I suppose. Soon after entering the bedroom, I did indeed catch sight of the REAL Ronaldo. Now, while a lot of women appreciate a well-endowed man, this was just ­RIDICULOUS...intimidatingly so. “Oh for God’s sake”, I thought, “let’s get this over with”, ­although I wondered how long that would take. Not long was the answer...perhaps he was having an off day!

I rebuffed his suggestion of dinner immediately and dropped him back to the hotel. Despite attempts to contact me for the ­remainder of his vacation I decided I’d had more than enough ­Ronaldo already. This wasn’t something he cried over and proceeded to bed a number of women that week, some of whom shared their experiences in ­interviews. Oddly enough this was not the last I heard of our Portuguese ­Lothario. We remained in contact for three more years by phone and email. But, as he was living in Manchester when he played for United and me in LA, there were no further sexual escapades.

He touched base with me on his second vacation to Los Angeles which saw him “hooking up” with my friend Paris Hilton – someone he later told me his mother disapproved strongly of and he didn’t care for. I gained an even greater ­understanding of the lover-man when he contacted me to ask if there was any way I could possibly get the number of a Russian model named Irena Shayk “for his Real Madrid team-mate”.

I immediately knew it was for him and after making unsuccessful attempts to get hold of it suggested that he contact her agent. He did and several weeks later was floating around the Med with her, grinning from ear to ear.

Ronaldo describes dating as a “hobby” of his. There’s glamour model Rhian Sugden who he listed as having had “a ­relationship with” on his Facebook page which he recently set up.

There’s ex-Big Brother reject Imogen Thomas who he flew to the Ritz in Madrid in June for three nights, an Italian girl named Aurora who he refers to as his “mistress” and a long-term lover Nicole from Manchester to name just three. Then there’s his actual “girlfriend” ­Irena.

His appetite for women is insatiable. He boasts of sending group text ­messages when among friends to ­women saying “Hola bebe, I am thinking of you” and seeing how long it takes and how many replies he receives.

He also talks of allocating time slots for his women to “skype date” with him over the internet. One of his latest ­conquests was the American socialite Kim Kardashian.

Ron and women almost inevitably ends in disaster. He explained to me that nearly every time he has a female house guest he loses his temper and the women end up sleeping in separate bedrooms to him.


On occasion I saw a softer side to him though. Like when he spoke about the death of his father, and how sad he felt that he did not live to see the luxuries he is now able to provide for his ­family.

Or his mother’s battle with cancer and what he went through with her, donating ÂĢ100,000 to the hospital he credits with saving her life.

These moments were, however, few and far between. They left me confused as to who he really was. Was he a womanising egomaniac or simply an immature kid with too many “yes” people around him and a lot of growing up to do?

I was happy to entertain hours of late- night conversation in a quest to work this out. But it became hard work. ­Receiving up to 15 messages a day from him, it was exhausting trying to please him/entertain him/keep him satisfied.

This all became too much for me as he started to throw tantrums when I wasn’t able to provide the constant ­attention he wanted.

One evening he messaged me saying “I will call you in 2 mins” to which I responded “I am so tired I will call ­tomorrow I promise”.

This wasn’t good enough. I received a spate of further messages becoming increasingly more aggressive.

The following morning I woke up to “ola? bebe?” this was as close to an ­apology as he was able to pull off.

At first I let this behaviour go, but it became more regular and on the third occasion in a week I’d had enough.

He may get away with this with other ­people, but not with me. I simply won’t accept it. I explained this to him, wished him well and asked him politely to leave me alone.

He made a large number of attempts to call and recover the situation before licking his wounds, jumping on an aeroplane and heading to New York for a weekend away with girlfriend Irena.

Rather her than me.

and she calls Danica a whore

(mirror 2010)

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:



Horrible, twisted, vicious, damaged woman.


Not nice to think people that are that conniving and bitter live amongst us. She is truly one horrible individual. I hope there really is such a thing as karma in this world.

No wonder Cowell has gagged her, Little miss oh so moral and superior  would love to sell her story about him to the papers too to get herself a few quid, but she'd only be doing it for her son you understand to "save his life" I see that she's posted a link to a vid of Danica having some girl on girl action on her twitter to justify calling her a whore!

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:



Horrible, twisted, vicious, damaged woman.


Not nice to think people that are that conniving and bitter live amongst us. She is truly one horrible individual. I hope there really is such a thing as karma in this world.

No wonder Cowell has gagged her, Little miss oh so moral and superior  would love to sell her story about him to the papers too to get herself a few quid, but she'd only be doing it for her son you understand to "save his life" I see that she's posted a link to a vid of Danica having some girl on girl action on her twitter to justify calling her a whore!

What's the story on her son? Does he have an illness or something?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:



Horrible, twisted, vicious, damaged woman.


Not nice to think people that are that conniving and bitter live amongst us. She is truly one horrible individual. I hope there really is such a thing as karma in this world.

No wonder Cowell has gagged her, Little miss oh so moral and superior  would love to sell her story about him to the papers too to get herself a few quid, but she'd only be doing it for her son you understand to "save his life" I see that she's posted a link to a vid of Danica having some girl on girl action on her twitter to justify calling her a whore!

What's the story on her son? Does he have an illness or something?

Not that I'm aware of Soozy, she was pulled up about going into the house on her son's 2nd Birthday and she replied:   yes TO SAVE HIS LIFE. It was hard but i celebrated the day before with him and left at mid day now F**K OFF.


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