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Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


I think I've excelled myself opening bottles of wine over the last ten days.... 



*actually, I am considering taking up bike riding again* 


I was going to leave it until a few more responses, but I am still the same lazy old git I was before the Olympics!!


Trying to type whilst holding a Cadbury's Dairy Milk Ice Cream 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
In my experience a lot of people are intimidated by the sportier side of the Lycra brigade and need a bit of steering to locate street bikes and the joys of cycling in the countryside in a non competitive manner.


Cycling is very popular at my place of work and I have three friends who regularly cycle into the countryside.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


I was going to leave it until a few more responses, but I am still the same lazy old git I was before the Olympics!!


Trying to type whilst holding a Cadbury's Dairy Milk Ice Cream 



Least I've locked the fridge 


LOL - 


I have just put Supersize v Superskinny on C4.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:



I'm using it as aversion therapy!



yeah right, like I'm thinking about how thirsty I'm getting and on the verge of unlocking the fridge 


As long as you are getting a glass of milk, then it's all good. I'm lucky, not a drinker, but a sucker for ice cream..

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

LOL at this fred 

LOLLING is very good exercise.


How very true Soozy. I try and have a laugh each day, usually watch a couple of eps of my favourite comedy.

I find a trip over to DS quite hilarious. I love to steam in and wind them up ............................I wish they'd make that an Olympic sport

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

LOL at this fred 

LOLLING is very good exercise.


How very true Soozy. I try and have a laugh each day, usually watch a couple of eps of my favourite comedy.

I find a trip over to DS quite hilarious. I love to steam in and wind them up ............................I wish they'd make that an Olympic sport


You have all inspired me to turn over a new leaf.


I am going to finish off the box of ice cream tonight and then that's it, no more confectionary for two months.


It will be fruit as snack food from now on.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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