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Ashleigh is first into the diary room. She nominates Deana and brands her as “sneaky and “snidey”. “I just don’t like her” Ashleigh tells Big Brother. Her second nomination is for Adam. She feels that Adam became snappy at her when Ashleigh said that she wasn’t bothered about the prize money being halved: “To me money isn’t everything. It’s about the experience. If I was bothered about the money then I would go on a game show” she claims. In addition, Ashleigh feels that Adam talks in riddle and can be very manipulative.

Deana nominates Ashleigh branding her as “selfish” and “two faced”. Deana believes that she has tried her best to be friends with Ashleigh but Ashleigh cannot let things go: “Even when I burnt toast she had to go and tell the others. I told her it was the toaster that burnt the toast – not me”. Deana also tells Big Brother that Ashleigh does not respect fellow housemate’s belongings: “She always borrows my shoes and never looks after them. She never lends anyone anything of her own” she says. Her second nomination is for Scott. Deana’s main reason for this nomination is that Scott has attempted to have several conversations with her since Conor and Becky have left the house and claims that he is acting differently as they approach the final. “It’s too late, he should have done it weeks ago” she tells Big Brother.

Approaching the diary room Scott cannot find his shoes. “O God, you can’t see your feet in there can you?” he asks Adam. Seemingly flustered, Scott tells Big Brother to wait while he moisturizes his face.

After some time, Scott eventually nominates Adam. “He stares a lot at me. You have two dinner plate eyes staring at you and it is quite unnerving” he declares. Scott feels that he gets on the least with Adam: “There isn’t much spontaneous, upbeat conversation” he quips. Scott continues to tell Big Brother that Adam is the housemate that he is least likely to be able to have a “chin wag” with. When asked by Big Brother to describe Adam in one word, Scott says “ponderous”.

Scott spends time debating whether he should nominate Sara until he exclaims: “What the f*** am I thinking. She is my friend”. He eventually nominates Deana. His reason for this nomination is that Deana sometimes upsets fellow housemates by taking jokes too far: “She can be heartless at times” he says and brands her as “bitey”. Scott mentions how Deana has an attitude towards other housemates, particularly Ashleigh. Referring to Deana’s “Soldier talk”, Scott labels her as “cringey”. Finally when asked to describe Deana in one word, Scott says “banterous”. Thirty minutes after entering the Diary Room, Scott eventually leaves: “I can’t even think about them” he groans.

Adam nominates Ashleigh as he is still angry about the shopping list being sabotaged. His second nomination is for Scott, branding him as “lazy”. Adam does not think that Scott pulls his weight when his fellow housemates are cleaning the house.

Sara nominates Scott because he had been talking about her mum to fellow housemates after friends and family nominations. Her second nomination is for Adam. Sara questions her friendship with Adam and doubts whether he likes her. She also feels that Adam spins what people say in order to appear the better person in: “Sometimes he is playing a game” she claims.

Luke A
Luke A nominates Ashleigh and brands her as “selfish”. He makes reference to when Ashleigh pushed in front of Lauren when they were having spray tans because Ashleigh wanted hers re-done. Luke A also claims that Ashleigh always blames somebody else when she loses any of her personal belongings. His second nomination is for Scott. His main reason for this nomination is that Scott is not a team-player when it comes down to cleaning: “he doesn’t want to join in” Luke A declares. Luke A also speculates that Scott is playing a game as he has been going from group to group within the house. When asked to describe Scott in one word, Luke A says “articulate”.

Luke S
Luke S is the last housemate to enter the diary room. Without hesitation he nominates Deana. “She is doing my head in” he grunts. Luke S brands Deana as “irritating” and believes that she has been deliberately winding him up by calling him “Charlie”. “She keeps calling me Charlie and saying I have won the golden ticket to the final. Well low and behold my name is clearly not Charlie – It is actually Luke”. His second nomination is for Luke A. Luke S tells Big Brother that he gets on better with other people in the house and feels that they haven’t bonded. When asked to describe Luke A in one word, Luke S says: “inspirational”.

With four votes Scott will face the public vote alongside Adam, Ashleigh and Deana who each received three nominations.

Luke A received one nomination and Sara did not receive any nominations.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Scotty:

Ashleigh: Deana and Adam

Deana: Ashleigh and Scott

Scott: Adam and Deana

Adam: Ashleigh and Scott

Sara: Scott and Adam

LukeA: Ashleigh and Scott

LukeS: Deana and LukeA



The divide as evident as ever - with the exception of Sara playing both sides.


I don't think she will look particularly good after the reveal - given that Scott backed out of nominating her based upon friendship.

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Sara followed what her mum did, she must think her mum knows that scott is not liked

Yes that too, but Sara's also a ruthless cow who can see the final in her sights, she doesn't give a stuff about any of them in the house...Didn't you see her gloating just after noms had been revealed to the house? I'm in the final she proclaimed smiling whilst staring at the HM's who had just realised they were up for eviction, insensitive bitch...She is a spoilt brat, i really hope she doesn't go on to win..

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Floats like a butterfly stings like a bee  Very apt - the little rapscallion.


I've been up and down with Scott but ...........I don't like him - all style and no substance IMO.

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Sara followed what her mum did, she must think her mum knows that scott is not liked

Yes that too, but Sara's also a ruthless cow who can see the final in her sights, she doesn't give a stuff about any of them in the house...Didn't you see her gloating just after noms had been revealed to the house? I'm in the final she proclaimed smiling whilst staring at the HM's who had just realised they were up for eviction, insensitive bitch...She is a spoilt brat, i really hope she doesn't go on to win..

I've never warmed to sara either,she's too loud and argumentative and boy can she keep a grudge going.

Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

Sara nom'd SCOTT !!! Hmmmm . . .

Yes this is the same Sara who was comforting an upset Scott last week saying "I don't understand why mum nommed you, we're friends," ...Hopefully viewers will see how insincere she really is...Someone on here forget who, called her an empty vessel, very apt.

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

Sara nom'd SCOTT !!! Hmmmm . . .

She told him the other day she thinks he'll win, hmmm, maybe that's why she nommed him

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

Sara nom'd SCOTT !!! Hmmmm . . .

Yes this is the same Sara who was comforting an upset Scott last week saying "I don't understand why mum nommed you, we're friends," ...Hopefully viewers will see how insincere she really is...Someone on here forget who, called her an empty vessel, very apt.



'Twas me..and she is.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

Sara nom'd SCOTT !!! Hmmmm . . .

Yes this is the same Sara who was comforting an upset Scott last week saying "I don't understand why mum nommed you, we're friends," ...Hopefully viewers will see how insincere she really is...Someone on here forget who, called her an empty vessel, very apt.



'Twas me..and she is.

Senora Reyes

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