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Makes this quote by Francois Hollande even sweeter, made on 31 July


Given that 21st place Britain is currently trailing France, who dominate in third spot, in the medals table, his words clearly hit a soft spot.

President Hollande made his dig about his hosts' relative lack of sporting success while watching France take on Spain in handball, despite Mr Cameron having the courtesy to pop by the Olympic Park to greet him.

Highlighting the fact that his Socialist government detests corporate greed and is solely interested in winning medals, Mr Hollande said: "We don't talk of money, we talk of gold."


And poor Australia who used to be mighty in winning medals have been desperate enough to create team AusZealand to combine Australia medals with those of New Zealand I know I shouldn't laugh but they certainly would if the boot was on the other foot.


I probably see conspiracies everywhere but it's interesting how this has been spun into an anti-french rant, particularly by some of the politically challenged commentators underneath. Meanwhile that arsehole Murdoch has been pushing the GB patriotism stuff. Europe as a concept really frightens the Australians/yanks/australians/chinese or whatever he is now.

Garage Joe
 Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

I probably see conspiracies everywhere but it's interesting how this has been spun into an anti-french rant, particularly by some of the politically challenged commentators underneath. Meanwhile that arsehole Murdoch has been pushing the GB patriotism stuff. Europe as a concept really frightens the Australians/yanks/australians/chinese or whatever he is now.


I would bet anything I own that the French couldn't give a flying monkee's.


cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
 Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

I probably see conspiracies everywhere but it's interesting how this has been spun into an anti-french rant, particularly by some of the politically challenged commentators underneath. Meanwhile that arsehole Murdoch has been pushing the GB patriotism stuff. Europe as a concept really frightens the Australians/yanks/australians/chinese or whatever he is now.


I would bet anything I own that the French couldn't give a flying monkee's.


Quite a few of the French I know will be spitting feathers - especially re the cycling (I have a very good friend who's a cycling enthusiast).


We had a French girl staying here during the Atlanta Olympics - she was crowing her head off - WW3 almost broke out - my son was raging 


I think it's generally quite good natured though - isn't it?

Soozy Woo

It's sad stuff like this has to happen.  I really felt for a young French Boxer who was booed into the Ring tonight.  He lost the fight to a guy from Northern Ireland and it would make me wonder if those boos unsettled him. 

The fight went down to the wire and the Irish guy scored better but it just makes me wonder.  

Horrible begrudgery that might have ended the dreams of their own young athlete.  

Originally Posted by Tayto.:

It's sad stuff like this has to happen.  I really felt for a young French Boxer who was booed into the Ring tonight.  He lost the fight to a guy from Northern Ireland and it would make me wonder if those boos unsettled him. 

The fight went down to the wire and the Irish guy scored better but it just makes me wonder.  

Horrible begrudgery that might have ended the dreams of their own young athlete.  

He was booed?! That's awful. 


also the velodrome events have all been re-jigged to stop one team(UK) dominating  it.Out went the individual pursuit, which we won 2 golds in, i think , last year and in came the omnium, which no one seems to understand , but our girl won that anyways..


 and  they decided no nation could have more than one  competitor in any of the events, to stop  teams(UK) from claiming balnket medals.


tell that to the americans in the atheltic sprints and they'd halve their meadl tally in no time.


so  the claim that things are being set up for   a team(UK) to win  more medals is absolute tripe.


Originally Posted by squiggle:

Makes this quote by Francois Hollande even sweeter, made on 31 July


Given that 21st place Britain is currently trailing France, who dominate in third spot, in the medals table, his words clearly hit a soft spot.

President Hollande made his dig about his hosts' relative lack of sporting success while watching France take on Spain in handball, despite Mr Cameron having the courtesy to pop by the Olympic Park to greet him.

Highlighting the fact that his Socialist government detests corporate greed and is solely interested in winning medals, Mr Hollande said: "We don't talk of money, we talk of gold."


And poor Australia who used to be mighty in winning medals have been desperate enough to create team AusZealand to combine Australia medals with those of New Zealand I know I shouldn't laugh but they certainly would if the boot was on the other foot.

listening to the news this morning, i was  delighted to hear that yorkshire had  a better medal collection that australia...




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