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My experience tonight... 


Out tonight with friends at an 80s alternative night... 


So I'm dancing and approached by a girl who tbh  is quite overtly amorous... I should explain that at this moment in life having been badly hurt I'm not looking for.. well... anything at all. But.. she is being friendly and I see no harm in anything, she's being very affectionate and has her friend take photos on phone of us together. Both she and friend seem like nice people.


Afterwards I return to my friends and notice at one point she seems to have moved toward someone else. I'm not really troubled by this, as I say... I'm not looking for anything inclined toward romance.


Some time later I see her and I begin to chat (just to be friendly) at which point she and friend act aloof and make excuses not to interact.


So... as I read it, I was actually second choice to the other guy... fine !!! but why be so rude ? she could have made a friend.


Mostly I'm annoyed at myself...


I am genuinely more annoyed at myself for giving them the opportunity to be so rude. to reject me as a person. 


I'm not interested in a relationship but I'm not made of stone either. 


Am I just too thin skinned ?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sorry your feelings were hurt, but there is another way of looking at it CO: maybe she was looking for 'romance' and realised that you weren't, so moved on? Yes, she could have made a friend, but it could be that she didn't want that and was looking for something else, particularly given how amorous she was. Or maybe she was just pissed? Actually, as I read the story I was thinking OH NO, she's going to have stolen his wallet!


Was a tad tipsy and melancholy when making original post.


I do think I am too sensitive and concern myself too much with others opinions of me to an unhealthy degree, I know this intellectually but this doesn't help the involuntary emotional response.


I do still believe the girls were unnecessarily rude and on reflection I think they were using me to get to the other guy, who (I should say) is a nice guy I know from nights out... I now reckon they'd seen me talking to him and saw me as a way in. Just a guess... who knows for sure ?...


Their motive/agenda is not really important though but rather how I deal with such situations. I should brush it off and pay it no mind, but as I say.. While the head knows this, the emotions are another issue.


It is I believe a self esteem issue.

Comrade Ogilvy

In my experience women have shopping as an aquired pattern of behaviour. This doesn't only affect pointless purchases of footwear or tops, but it is also central to their routine for picking a mate, and yes! They will play men off against each other. 

I well remember making my excuses and leaving, when a nurse of my aquaintance suggested that she would love to have two men fighting over her.

Don't take it too seriously!

There is someone for everyone and furthermore I am never convinced that a late night drinking, dancing, twirling, and puking scenario is the place to meet members of the opposite camp.

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

Was a tad tipsy and melancholy when making original post.


I do think I am too sensitive and concern myself too much with others opinions of me to an unhealthy degree, I know this intellectually but this doesn't help the involuntary emotional response.


I do still believe the girls were unnecessarily rude and on reflection I think they were using me to get to the other guy, who (I should say) is a nice guy I know from nights out... I now reckon they'd seen me talking to him and saw me as a way in. Just a guess... who knows for sure ?...


Their motive/agenda is not really important though but rather how I deal with such situations. I should brush it off and pay it no mind, but as I say.. While the head knows this, the emotions are another issue.


It is I believe a self esteem issue.

I know where you're coming from CO 


It's not just women though - it's people!


All a game for some.


Chalk it down.




Hey Comrade, I've been there too. I would put it out of your mind, it's not worth your time. There is no point in second guessing their motives. As others have said they may have been drunk - people do all sorts of stupid things under the influence.


After your experience, I always overdose on the things which make me happy, usually buying a shed load of music, but that's me.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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