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That house had several ignorant people not just Conor, Caroline, Becky, Sara, Scott, LukeS all appear dodgy to me..No surprise they all got on so well..All need to have a better understanding of our rich ethnic communities and also all need a better understanding when met with a person of Transgender identity...Thick F****ers!

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Supes:
I really didn't see it like that at all...still don't

I'd love to know your explanation then Supes. I admit, context is everything, but that was my instant inference from what she did. Still is.


Unless she'd accidentally made a mess like that on her face with nutella. Which is equally possible knowing her appetite. 

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

I thought the silly mare just had it all around her mouth and lower face,she'd that big pink hat on, I missed something obviously.

TBH, I thought the same initially. However I made the mistake of assuming Becky was intelligent enough to know that there were two beauty queens in the house: Deana and Sara...

Eugene's Lair

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