Interesting that those %ages are not a million miles away from the final results on the Telemix poll ( and other online polls.
Also interesting that the online polls, Facebook and the bookies have been remarkably consistent this year. Last year Aaron was miles ahead on the polls by this stage (much further ahead than Deana is at the moment), but that wasn't acknowledged on the official Facebook site, and a lot of the comments posted there seemed totally out of touch.
I still think it's too early to crown Deana the winner yet, though. As I said, Aaron had over 70% popularity on DS going into the final week last year, and he had the "advantage" of Harry and Faye having already been evicted, so his vote wasn't split. By comparison, the combined vote for Adam, Deana and Luke A tonight was 74%. I think there's still a real concern that a split "Outsider" vote could let someone-else in...