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Originally Posted by Yogi19:

They did this last year. It is very unfair to allow people with knowledge of bookies' favourites etc to nominate.

This really isn't Big Brother anymore, is it. I didn't know they allowed this to happen last year(didn't watch any of it).


How do they do this? Let their family members into the Diary Room? Bonkers.

Originally Posted by Katerina:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

They did this last year. It is very unfair to allow people with knowledge of bookies' favourites etc to nominate.

This really isn't Big Brother anymore, is it. I didn't know they allowed this to happen last year(didn't watch any of it).


How do they do this? Let their family members into the Diary Room? Bonkers.

If I remember correctly, some of them were contacted by phone and others did a little video. No diary room noms.

Last edited by Yogi19

This week’s Big Brother 2012 nominations are set to see yet another twist.
For the fourth week in a row, Monday’s nominations won’t follow the usual rules.
Last week Big Brother changed the rules so that any housemate who received one nomination was up for the public vote. Before that, the group nominated face to face, and back in the Turf Wars task only half of the housemates nominated.
Now Big Brother is set to mess about with nominations again, or so the Daily Star claims.
Monday is set to be the final round of nominations, but none of the nine remaining housemates will get their say.
Instead, it’ll the friends and family of the remaining housemates who get to nominate.
One ‘representative’ of each housemate will nominate two others, giving reasons via the plasma in the living area.
The twist was originally carried out in last year’s series, so it seems Big Brother is quickly running out of new ideasâ€Ķ

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Originally Posted by Baz:
Surely there are only two floaters left Super?? Scott and Sara ??

Becky does seem a relatively new recruit Baz, but I think that they've just used her, (particularly Conor,) to boost their dwindled numbers, so don't consider her a fully signed up member.

Having said that, they will all know what the % vote was last night, and it's apparently the last round of nom's, so they all may just try and get rid of the competition?

Originally Posted by Supes:

Am I missing something? There are three v three hard core 'outsiders'/'insiders' left, with 3 floaters, the families know who is popular and unpopular with the public, so surely this would potentially be to the outsider's advantage

Becky is not a floater she is team insiders,she has even gone so far to take a vow of silence against the outsiders.She can't believe they were saved.

The two floaters are Sara and Scott.

Sara has nommed someone different every week.

Scott usually noms LukeS and Deana

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Supes:

Am I missing something? There are three v three hard core 'outsiders'/'insiders' left, with 3 floaters, the families know who is popular and unpopular with the public, so surely this would potentially be to the outsider's advantage

Becky is not a floater she is team insiders,she has even gone so far to take a vow of silence against the outsiders.She can't believe they were saved.

The two floaters are Sara and Scott.

Sara has nommed someone different every week.

Scott usually noms LukeS and Deana

She does seem to have been conned by Conor, who, imo, really doesn't like her, and who she nominated in weeks 5+6. She's increasingly tried to 'get in' with them since her row with Luke A, but I don't see her as a 'hard core,' member at all, but maybe floater was the wrong word too.

Anyways, thinking about it, if their parents really want them to stay in/be in with a chance of winning, they'll try and get rid of the competition, so they'd probably all be best off nom'ing Deana and Luca.....Suits me, then Adam has a better chance

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:


Deana is walking a fine line imo....40 seconds in on this video she's doing actions which are similar to what Alex was removed for.

The context is important here. 

Deana makes her "pow" sound in between saying "We did it!". As they haven't actually shot anyone, it's clear she's talking figuratively. 


When Alex did her "Pow, pow, pow!" routine, it was in the context of talking about her gangster "friends" on the outside, what they were capable of and what they would do to HMs who had crossed her. It was therefore seen by many as a direct threat.


I'm never entirely happy when HMs use aggressive and/or militaristic language, but Deana has been doing the "soldier" routine for a while now and it's clear (IMO) that she's using it purely to create a sense of common purpose and team spirit. In that sense, it appears to have worked brilliantly: just look at the different behaviour of the Insiders and Outsiders during and after the box-standing task. This is one of the things I picked-up from Caroline's eviction interviews: she denied there were any real groups in the house, and it was just collections of friends. Well, she's right that the Insiders aren't a unified group, but she's completely missed just how tight the Outsiders are...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:


Deana is walking a fine line imo....40 seconds in on this video she's doing actions which are similar to what Alex was removed for.

The context is important here. 

Deana makes her "pow" sound in between saying "We did it!". As they haven't actually shot anyone, it's clear she's talking figuratively. 


When Alex did her "Pow, pow, pow!" routine, it was in the context of talking about her gangster "friends" on the outside, what they were capable of and what they would do to HMs who had crossed her. It was therefore seen by many as a direct threat.


I'm never entirely happy when HMs use aggressive and/or militaristic language, but Deana has been doing the "soldier" routine for a while now and it's clear (IMO) that she's using it purely to create a sense of common purpose and team spirit. In that sense, it appears to have worked brilliantly: just look at the different behaviour of the Insiders and Outsiders during and after the box-standing task. This is one of the things I picked-up from Caroline's eviction interviews: she denied there were any real groups in the house, and it was just collections of friends. Well, she's right that the Insiders aren't a unified group, but she's completely missed just how tight the Outsiders are...

Perfectly put

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:


Deana is walking a fine line imo....40 seconds in on this video she's doing actions which are similar to what Alex was removed for.

The context is important here. 

Deana makes her "pow" sound in between saying "We did it!". As they haven't actually shot anyone, it's clear she's talking figuratively. 


When Alex did her "Pow, pow, pow!" routine, it was in the context of talking about her gangster "friends" on the outside, what they were capable of and what they would do to HMs who had crossed her. It was therefore seen by many as a direct threat.


I'm never entirely happy when HMs use aggressive and/or militaristic language, but Deana has been doing the "soldier" routine for a while now and it's clear (IMO) that she's using it purely to create a sense of common purpose and team spirit. In that sense, it appears to have worked brilliantly: just look at the different behaviour of the Insiders and Outsiders during and after the box-standing task. This is one of the things I picked-up from Caroline's eviction interviews: she denied there were any real groups in the house, and it was just collections of friends. Well, she's right that the Insiders aren't a unified group, but she's completely missed just how tight the Outsiders are...

I don't think that any of them are really friends in there, they're all in it to win it for themselves and using others to form alliances for survival. Caroline also said that Conor dislikes Becky as much as Deana, but it suits him to have her on side, (or words to that effect.) The outsiders are a more obvious 'unit' in that Deana has been talking military analogies and undertaking team 'bonding' exercises, however she also said to Scott yesterday that the reason she got in with Luca and Adam was 'cos no-one else was speaking to her much, so it sounds to me like she palled up with them through necessity rather than choice. Similarly, I don't think Luca or Adam particularly care for Deana, but she's been useful to them, presumably that's why they reacted so badly to the 'cheating' task, they really don't trust her imo.

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:


Deana is walking a fine line imo....40 seconds in on this video she's doing actions which are similar to what Alex was removed for.

The context is important here. 

Deana makes her "pow" sound in between saying "We did it!". As they haven't actually shot anyone, it's clear she's talking figuratively. 


When Alex did her "Pow, pow, pow!" routine, it was in the context of talking about her gangster "friends" on the outside, what they were capable of and what they would do to HMs who had crossed her. It was therefore seen by many as a direct threat.


I'm never entirely happy when HMs use aggressive and/or militaristic language, but Deana has been doing the "soldier" routine for a while now and it's clear (IMO) that she's using it purely to create a sense of common purpose and team spirit. In that sense, it appears to have worked brilliantly: just look at the different behaviour of the Insiders and Outsiders during and after the box-standing task. This is one of the things I picked-up from Caroline's eviction interviews: she denied there were any real groups in the house, and it was just collections of friends. Well, she's right that the Insiders aren't a unified group, but she's completely missed just how tight the Outsiders are...

TBF Eugene the figuratively approach could be applied to anything any of them have said or done,if any of the *Insiders* or  Adam had said or done what Deana said would the figuratively approach be applied,


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