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Originally Posted by Videostar:

Can I just point out, the wrong flag situation happened in Glasgow, not London.


So we in London haven't messed anything up.

Can I just point out, you don't know that it was a Scot that did it.... maybe the 'organisers' (and I use the term loosely) were from London.   After all, it's not Britain's olympics... it's #London2012     We're just kindly letting you use our facilities for a kick about.  


Why is it that there is a real national divide in this forum? I have seen it a lot of times over the years


 I am first and foremost British, English by birth cos my parents happened to settle in London and I was born there..., they could just as easily have settled in Scotland where my Father was first sent  after the war. .


I really hate this divide stuff. . makes me feel uncomfortable.. and sometimes I kinda feel like saying to those that want to be independent to feck off and do so cos I am fed up of the moaning [not on here it's just it's  everywhere]  I am happy to be British but not with people who aren't


* am in a bad mood cos of the heat so ignore my rant I just wanted to get it out cos it's something that pee's me off a lot and I needed to vent *


Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I did say I was in a bad mood cos of being hot and sticky. .


plus I wanted to say something about all this  independence/rivalry stuff for ages cos it gets on my norks a lot. .


ideal opportunity to vent I thought

see... that's typical of you lot south of the border.. keeping all the hot and sticky for yourselves.    We dream of being hot and sticky up here   

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Why is it that there is a real national divide in this forum? I have seen it a lot of times over the years


 I am first and foremost British, English by birth cos my parents happened to settle in London and I was born there..., they could just as easily have settled in Scotland where my Father was first sent  after the war. .


I really hate this divide stuff. . makes me feel uncomfortable.. and sometimes I kinda feel like saying to those that want to be independent to feck off and do so cos I am fed up of the moaning [not on here it's just it's  everywhere]  I am happy to be British but not with people who aren't


* am in a bad mood cos of the heat so ignore my rant I just wanted to get it out cos it's something that pee's me off a lot and I needed to vent *


I think the opening salvo was from the independent state of London Olly!  

The posts as far as I can see are ,like kaffy says, friendly wind ups about an arsed-up video  rather than about the break up of the UK . Quality rant though! 


I wasn't referring to this thread in particular but will say I have noticed stuff in the past...maybe it's private joking stuff, I dunno . . doesn't always feel like it.. 


and thanks Slinki..  I felt very ranty at the time so glad it came out well


I'm still hot and sticky and have a wind headache from my fan blowing in my eye and ear..  


on the plus side I've just had a couple of glasses of pino with my neighbour am chilled a tad ..but not much

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Why is it that there is a real national divide in this forum? I have seen it a lot of times over the years




Is there? I don't see it. We poke a bit of fun at each other at times, but I see no real divide.

it may seem like fun to you a lot of the time but for me it hasn't always done ..same with the Labour peeps at election time. .. gets quite brutal unless that is poking fun stuff too.. 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I wasn't referring to this thread in particular but will say I have noticed stuff in the past...maybe it's private joking stuff, I dunno . . doesn't always feel like it.. 


and thanks Slinki..  I felt very ranty at the time so glad it came out well


I'm still hot and sticky and have a wind headache from my fan blowing in my eye and ear..  


on the plus side I've just had a couple of glasses of pino with my neighbour am chilled a tad ..but not much

owww, a wind headache ! Hope it goes soon .


Actually contemplating putting the heating on here ! 

Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

Just been watching the BBC waiting for the football... they cut to Hyde Park for Boris and his "speech".



β€œTeam GB are going to bring more gold, silver, bronze medals than you’d need to bail out Greece and Spain together.”

I'm sure that'll go down well...

Noooo!! Is that a wind up ? Did he really say that ?


It's like the  Carry On Olympics! 

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

Just been watching the BBC waiting for the football... they cut to Hyde Park for Boris and his "speech".



β€œTeam GB are going to bring more gold, silver, bronze medals than you’d need to bail out Greece and Spain together.”

I'm sure that'll go down well...

Noooo!! Is that a wind up ? Did he really say that ?


It's like the  Carry On Olympics! 

Indeed he did... live on tv.

Originally Posted by MrMincePie:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

Just been watching the BBC waiting for the football... they cut to Hyde Park for Boris and his "speech".



β€œTeam GB are going to bring more gold, silver, bronze medals than you’d need to bail out Greece and Spain together.”

I'm sure that'll go down well...

Noooo!! Is that a wind up ? Did he really say that ?


It's like the  Carry On Olympics! 

Indeed he did... live on tv.

jeez! ! it's all a bit surreal

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I did say I was in a bad mood cos of being hot and sticky. .


plus I wanted to say something about all this  independence/rivalry stuff for ages cos it gets on my norks a lot. .


ideal opportunity to vent I thought

Vive la difference I say. I really like it that there is a good mix of FM's throughout Britain and the UK on here. I've never really noticed it getting nasty but perhaps I'm not very observant.

Soozy Woo

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