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Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

The app threads over  there seem to attract pretty obsessive people.I  remember  the JohnJames/Josie one,they all thought they'd get married and have lovely kids etc.I went to point and laugh,though you can't post negative comments on them or you get bopped.

I see you there sometime katty. You do a stirling job.

cologne 1

As with the anti-Aaron posters on DS last year, it's a small, vocal minority. If you look at the DS "Favourite HM" poll, she's only got 22 votes out of 764 (2.88%): more than some, but statistically meaningless (there are only 3 HMs who are scoring more than 10% on that poll: Deana, Adam and Luke A).


From the little lurking I've done over there, I think there are a few friends of Caroline there (or at least they claim to be her friends). The thing about BB is that with a diverse viewing public you'll always get a few who like even those perceived as "nasties" by the majority. Also there's a tendency for some - either contrarians  or just plain trolls - to deliberately take the opposite line from the forum's "accepted wisdom".


I think overall I'm more concerned about the number of young females who appear to be supporting Conor...

Eugene's Lair

My DS account has been inactive since 2008 so i don't contribute.


It strikes me as strange to focus a campaign against a housemate no longer in the game. My cynical side tells me that this small but vocal minority have pursued an agenda of trying to turn Deana and Lauren fans against each other by whatever means available within the T&Cs for several weeks now.

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

As with the anti-Aaron posters on DS last year, it's a small, vocal minority. If you look at the DS "Favourite HM" poll, she's only got 22 votes out of 764 (2.88%): more than some, but statistically meaningless (there are only 3 HMs who are scoring more than 10% on that poll: Deana, Adam and Luke A).


I didn't realise her support was that small.


The Tellymix poll gets 1600+ votes each week and Ashleigh scores well below 20!


I doubt that a Caroline vs Ashleigh eviction would even pay the line rental...

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I didn't realise her support was that small.


The Tellymix poll gets 1600+ votes each week and Ashleigh scores well below 20!


I doubt that a Caroline vs Ashleigh eviction would even pay the line rental...

Just looked again at the DS "Favourite HM" poll and Ashleigh has currently got one single vote out of 776! 

Becky has 8 votes, Luke S 9 and Conor 11.

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I didn't realise her support was that small.


The Tellymix poll gets 1600+ votes each week and Ashleigh scores well below 20!


I doubt that a Caroline vs Ashleigh eviction would even pay the line rental...

Just looked again at the DS "Favourite HM" poll and Ashleigh has currently got one single vote out of 776! 

Becky has 8 votes, Luke S 9 and Conor 11.

The paradox between safest hm within the group and most precarious hm againt the public vote.

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

It strikes me as strange to focus a campaign against a housemate no longer in the game.

I've just been able to look through some of the bile that Caroline fans (and others) are still spouting about Lauren over on DS, and I suspect that at least part of the reason is that they've been seriously rattled by her good reception on leaving the house...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

It strikes me as strange to focus a campaign against a housemate no longer in the game.

I've just been able to look through some of the bile that Caroline fans (and others) are still spouting about Lauren over on DS, and I suspect that at least part of the reason is that they've been seriously rattled by her good reception on leaving the house...

That’s an interesting observation – and of course the boo’s for Caroline/Conor will have only enraged them further.

Cold Sweat

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