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I got back about 35 mins ago... headed off home after Adam Scott went through the 12th hole. Been there since 8:30am and flipping sunburnt



Well chuffed for Els, great tee off at the 12th for him to easily get the birdie. Was good to see Tiger in a brief fine form aswell, seen some great moments. Was abit more prepared today, had binoculars with me Tried to take a few pics and got them up on twitter... the 13th is just behind the stand so we could turn round to watch them tee off, the thing is, the wind was so horrendous at times it nearly whacked us and ended in the crowd, happened four times today... Westwood being the biggest culprit



Also, Carlos Tevez was the caddy for Romero


Tevez caddying for Romero:



Westwood after he hit it off the course from the 13th next to the 12th.



Tiger Woods






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