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Day 42: Once upon a time in the House


14 mins ago

Day two of the Gold Rush task opened with housemates in mild shock at the sight of a river running through the garden.

Lauren was pretty quick to pick up on Big Brother's intentions.

"Are they going to have us panning for gold?" she wondered out loud. Later on, Luke A speculated that it'd probably be fool's gold – a term Ashleigh had evidently never heard before. 

"Does that mean, like, little bits of gold?" she asked. Nobody bothered to tell her that it doesn't. Maybe they didn't know either.


But the real story this morning doesn't really concern the task. It's nominations later today – what with it being Monday – so housemates are more forthcoming than usual regarding their likes, dislikes, contempt and admiration when it comes to other housemates. Most vocal of all is Caroline, who spent the best part of an hour tearing Luke A and Lauren to pieces with Becky and Luke S and, later on, Scott. 

The agreement level was variable depending on who she was moaning to. Her central complaint was that The Outsiders – mainly Luke A and Lauren – are always deviously talking behind everyone's backs, though the subject of other housemates' characters hadn't actually come up all morning with those in the Smoking Area. Conor announced that he'd stake out and eavesdrop on their conversation, but he eventually came up short. But that didn't stop Caroline or her mithering mission.  

The first chat – with Becky and Luke S – saw Caroline talk at length about how Big Brother had cast horrible people at the expense of nice folk. She also, curiously enough, lamented the loss of Chris and Benedict – hardly her besties when they were in the House – saying that they were, at least, up front.

"It's so unfair that they're [Lauren and Luke A]  still here at the expense of nice people", she went on. Luke S appeared to agree, especially about Luke A. "I can think why he doesn't like me. But that's his problem" the boy from Stoke said, keeping his perceived reason to himself.


Soon Caroline was off to the bathroom to talk with on-off best pal Scott. Lauren got it in the neck as Caroline told her buddy that the Jersey girl 'acts, acts, acts' friendly to people's faces, then gases about them behind their back. The old 'wooden spoon' nickname came out to play, and she spent a long moan griping about how our former farmer Lauren, as far as Caroline's concerned, is a "horrible, horrible" person.

A lot of opinions delivered rapidfire over the course of a slow morning.


Who would've guessed it's nominations day today?


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

How smug is Caroline to say that Luke A and Lauren don't deserve to still be in the house? Ghastly girl!


Originally Posted by Baz:
What a truly spiteful child she is !




as much as I loathe Conor I really want her out the door this week 



I know what you mean Mrs H .... I think she is deplorable and more of a *danger* to the outsiders making the final ... But I really detest Connor with a passion ... and I detest the fact that C5 condone his behaviour .... So if it came to a straight fight between those two I would have to be rooting for him to go . However, I don't think I am going to have to make that decision , cos Caroline seems to manage to avoid noms and golden boy keeps dodging the bullet!

I can't believe that she is saying nice people have left at the expense of Lauren and Luke A and why aren't BB stopping her, she is talking nominations, in every conversation she has had today she has mentioned Lauren and Luke A

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I can't believe that she is saying nice people have left at the expense of Lauren and Luke A and why aren't BB stopping her, she is talking nominations, in every conversation she has had today she has mentioned Lauren and Luke A

i dont know how she gets away with it, plus she went all out to get chris and benny nominated, just like she is today with lauren and luke a. she and conor are two of a kind vicious horrible people. she thinks its funny when conor goes into one of his swearing threatening fits its very worrying.

I agree JAF... And it is also worrying that C5 seem to go out of their way to condone such dreadful behaviour . I thought last year's contestants were pretty dire , but this bunch make them look like angels !

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