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From a thread on DS

Benedict ripping Conor to shreds online

On Formspring:

Q. Hi Benedict, did you see what conor did to deana yesterday? omg.

A. Not entirely. I saw bits. He's just a brute and a thug and each day he is proving this more and more. Sad really. He rarely showed his brutish side while I was in the house. He was a bore and immature. Now he's a bore, immature and a thug. Parents must be so proud,

Q. Conor is hot yes but his personality resembles a pencil.

A. Agree about the personality. I cannot agree about the looks. But each to their own. Having lived with him, his looks even resemble a modern-day Neanderthal. His only saving grace are his eyes. The Hitler hair-do just tops it off.

On Twitter:

Benedict Garrett ‏@JohnnyAnglais

@AdamCla11179056 Thought I made my view very clear. Intolerable. Utterly disgraceful. BB Prod team should have kicked him out.

Benedict Garrett ‏@JohnnyAnglais

@carolcollins12 If I told you I was going to shove an epilator up your vagina, that is a threat of sexual assault/rape. Period. Fact.

Benedict Garrett ‏@JohnnyAnglais

Here's some other lovely things about Conor you didn't see on TV: he refers to his pubes as the 'Hitler style' (hilarious)...

Benedict Garrett ‏@JohnnyAnglais
.... and he loves showing HMs how he wraps his penis around his wrist. He calls this his 'wrist watch' party trick. Funny, no? ‪#TeamThug

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Is that really Benedict though Mrs H?....Seems a bit odd he's the one who refers to Conor's hairstyle as a Hitler hair-do then later knocks him for referring to his pubes as Hitler Style...btw what is Hitler style?


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