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Originally Posted by Toffeekins:

Does anyone know how the 3 stewards were chosen? Hope it doesn't put Luke a and Adam in the firing live for trying to enforce rules.

there is more task info in this thread


but no we dont know yet how these three were chosen 


In order to teach housemates the importance of obeying Big Brothers rules,  for this week’s shopping task, Big Brother has introduced some new rules to the  Big Brother House.


Three housemates will be made wardens, their task is to monitor whether or  not housemates break these rules.



It will be up to the wardens whether or not the Housemates pass this task.  They must spot and correctly identify all rule breaks over the next two  days.

The wardens will incur fails if they do not spot the rule breaks. They can  also incur fails for handing out tickets unfairly.

The number of fails that the wardens are allowed to incur is inside an  envelope in a glass case. This will be broken open to reveal the result at the  end of the task. Whenever the wardens spot a Housemate breaking a rule, they  must issue that Housemate with a ticket.

Any housemate that has been issued with two tickets will result in that  housemate being sent to the punishment area.

Big Brother will reveal at the end of the task how many fails have been  incurred.

The following rules are ongoing rules that the Housemates must abide by all  day:


In the House:

· Seat belts must be worn on the sofas


· Safety gear must be worn whilst eating and preparing food. Housemates must  wear yellow chemical suits, black rubber gloves, safety goggles, and black and  yellow wellies.


· Housemates must eat using safety equipment: grabbing tools.


· Housemates will only be allowed on the matted area leading to the Diary  Room door if they forward roll.


· Do Not Disrespect The Wardens: the wardens must judge whether or not the  housemates are treating them with respect.


· Beds are out of bounds – To stop the HM’s lying around in bed all day the  bed will be cordoned off and made out of bounds.



· Safe Zone – All housemates must be within the safe zone when the alarm  sounds. The safe zone is a platform just big enough to stand nine  housemates.


· Decontaminator – Housemates must ‘decontaminate’ after smoking or eating in  a booth that blast housemates with foam and smoke.


· Smoking Zone – Housemates must bounce on trampolines whilst smoking,  dressed as giant cigarettes.


· Safety equipment must be worn whilst swimming- If housemates wish to use  the pool they must wear a life jacket, arm bands, rubber ring, swim hat and  goggles.


· Punishment Zone – housemates who are given two or more tickets by the  wardens will be sent to the punishment zone to paint coal white, and then paint  it black again.


· No Ball Games: A sign will be next to a big pile of balls.


Day 1: Diary Room Tasks:

Big Brother asks one warden to accompany one housemate to the diary room.  Inside the diary room they find a sign saying ‘do not ask questions’ and ‘obey  Big Brother’. On the table in front of the chair there are three mystery boxes.  The boxes each contain a missing microphone battery which Big Brother would like  the Housemate to find. The boxes contain: · Dried insects/bugs, holly leaves  and spider webbing · Tinned Lychees, Stinky Tofu and Slime · Chicken  Feet and Slime


If housemates ask any questions in the diary room or refuse to do as Big  Brother says they will be given a ticket by the warden.


Housemates must not say yes or no in the Diary Room


Big Brother asks one warden to accompany one housemate to the diary room.

Inside the diary room they will find a sign saying ‘do not say yes or no’ and ‘do not repeat yourself’.


Big Brother then bombards the housemate with questions that are tricky to not  say yes or no to, e.g.:

Are you enjoying this task?


Would you like to be evicted?


Do you wish you were a warden?


What is the opposite of Yes?


Did you just say no?


Shievonne Sandwich board

Shievonne is called to the diary room and given a sandwich board to wear  which says:

“I must not talk with my hands”


Employee of the week

As an added incentive to hand out tickets and punish the housemates, the  wardens are offered the chance to win the ‘Employee of the Week’ award. The  warden who hands out the most tickets on day one will get their photo in a  special frame, and receive a £30 shopping voucher to spend on whatever they  want.

The task will be active from Wake Up and will continue until tomorrow.

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