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Day 39: Gimme some skins

53 mins ago

Yet another set of housemates are fuming over a smoking-based disagreement.

Today saw our chums order their weekly shopping list – on a budget after they failed the Rules Are For Fools task – and the usual argument over tobacco rations broke out. It's such a regular occurrence by now, you could actually set your watch by it.

Once those cracks had superficially been papered over and everybody was as happy as they could be over the tobacco/cash designation, another situation arose that's thrown smokers Lauren and Adam into some discomfort.

Even though there's tobacco in the House, it's in Shievonne's pocket, and she's becoming slightly miffed that she's constantly being asked for it even though she's likely to be stressed this coming eviction night. Adding to this, there's a lack of rolling papers in the House, a fact which caused Adam and Lauren to rummage around under every conceivable surface for something to wrap their baccy in. These two elements combined when Becky and Scott joined Shievonne in the Smoking Area and listened in as she had a moan about the whole circumstance.

Things took a turn for the worse when Becky saw fit to use a soggy, stained paper that had been uncovered but deemed unfit for purpose and proceeded to roll a rather manky cigarette from it to pass the time. She chuckled with Shievonne as they suggested giving it to Lauren to see if she'd stoop to smoking it.

What started as a light-hearted jape turned sour when Lauren eventually came out to see what all the fuss was about. Lauren declined the offer of the grotty rollie, but from that tiny spark flared up an almighty scene in which the distribution of funds was brought into question and which caused Shievonne to fly off into a series of rants regarding the whole situation regarding the nicotine set-up.

As things stand, despite facing eviction tonight, Shievonne's forming plans to expose the smokers and is having quite a rant with Ashleigh about both Adam and Lauren's attitude on the issue. Lauren, the girl in the spotlight, is having a blub in the toilet.

If Shievonne stays tonight, expect this argument to keep on firing up without warning. It may even keep on keeping on even if she leaves, judging by the atmosphere in the House right now.

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

That fat bitch Becky, is quite the instigator too...


Yeah. I know. It is purely descriptive though. The bitch is the insulting bit, admittedly. 


yeah, but come on. She is only 19 (or so i believe), not really the type of response I expect from senior citizens mature ladies.

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

That fat bitch Becky, is quite the instigator too...


Yeah. I know. It is purely descriptive though. The bitch is the insulting bit, admittedly. 


yeah, but come on. She is only 19 (or so i believe), not really the type of response I expect from senior citizens mature ladies.

I think you'll find your elders and betters are perfectly able to be bitches too! It is not the exclusive right of the young ya know! 

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

That fat bitch Becky, is quite the instigator too...


Yeah. I know. It is purely descriptive though. The bitch is the insulting bit, admittedly. 


yeah, but come on. She is only 19 (or so i believe), not really the type of response I expect from senior citizens mature ladies.

So fed of people thinking she is "Fun time" Becky, she has a mean streak in her a mile long, and she resents slim women as if it's thier fault she's fat.


I've seen the daggers she gives both Deana and Lauren, when they wear anything that shows thier figures. I have noticed how quick she is to jump on Lauren when the others are having a go... So sorry if you didn't like me calling her a fat bitch, but that's exactly what she is..

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

That fat bitch Becky, is quite the instigator too...


Yeah. I know. It is purely descriptive though. The bitch is the insulting bit, admittedly. 


yeah, but come on. She is only 19 (or so i believe), not really the type of response I expect from senior citizens mature ladies.

I think you'll find your elders and betters are perfectly able to be bitches too! It is not the exclusive right of the young ya know! 


Okay, but some comments do go a bit far on here. Tis all I'm saying luv.


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