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JULY 13, 2012 00:08 BY 


MPs have called for a probe into Big Brother 2012 after complaints made to Ofcom over racist comments.


A motion to discuss the issue in the Parliment was put forward this week by Labour MP Keith Vaz.

Inviting MPs to debate the issue, he explained the issue: “That this House strongly condemns recent abusive comments made in the Big Brother house in the Channel 5 television programme Big Brother, some of which have been perceived as racist; notes, in particular, that a total of 1,225 complaints were made by members of the public following those comments, 1,108 of which followed one specific, particularly severe comment; further notes that Big Brother has been warned in the past about racist comments made in the Big Brother house; and calls on Ofcom to ensure that Big Brother enforces its rules more effectively.”

Ofcom has already launched three separate investigations into comments made both on the main show and that of spin-off series Bit On The Side.

Most of the complaints have focused around Conor’s abusive rant at Deana, in which he threatened to ‘knock her out’ following an argument.

Other complaints focus on Caroline’s “gorilla” jibe at fellow house Adam after a task.

Both housemates were given official warnings by Big Brother in the Diary Room after the remarks.

An Ofcom spokesman said: “We are assessing all the complaints.”

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Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

If the public had seen BB throw Conor out that night I doubt there would have been as many/any complaints to Ofcom. BB made the wrong decision.

And gave Conor a megaphone so he  could hurl abuse at her( tonight on the HL show) just in case she failed to hear him .Shievonne laughed along,some mate!

Originally Posted by erinp:

Just a pity Conor rant didnt make the front page of the Star.It was barely mention if at all.

Wow, I thought they would have jumped on that story big time. I read somewhere, maybe on here, that Shiv wasn't serious about her "suicide watch" comment - and yet that makes the news as a non story. Conor's was a real story!

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

If the public had seen BB throw Conor out that night I doubt there would have been as many/any complaints to Ofcom. BB made the wrong decision.

And gave Conor a megaphone so he  could hurl abuse at her( tonight on the HL show) just in case she failed to hear him .Shievonne laughed along,some mate!

Yes, as usual his ugly mouth - seriously I think his mouth is ugly like the rest of his face - was allowed to shout out his hate of Deana, again! it seems he can say and do what he likes in there and gets away with it. Not surprised at Shiv's reaction

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

If the public had seen BB throw Conor out that night I doubt there would have been as many/any complaints to Ofcom. BB made the wrong decision.

And gave Conor a megaphone so he  could hurl abuse at her( tonight on the HL show) just in case she failed to hear him .Shievonne laughed along,some mate!

Exactly! And this is why its an Ofcom matter and not a bloody Parliamentary one! C5 have probably breached all sorts of regulations. Sadly, this is how Mr Desmond rolls as his refusal to allow the Daily Star to sign up to the already shoddy self-regulated PCC signaled.

He should have been shown the door there and then! His behaviour was ( and is) disgusting! Moreover, given the fact he takes a verbal swipe at Deanna every chance he gets , he obviously has no remorse !! Horrid man!

Bit on the side has set a very poor example and viewers and future contestants obviously take the lead from that ... that they can be abusive cos the show is very uncontrolled in what is allowed

Originally Posted by Baz:
He should have been shown the door there and then! His behaviour was ( and is) disgusting! Moreover, given the fact he takes a verbal swipe at Deanna every chance he gets , he obviously has no remorse !! Horrid man!

agree - why the hell is he still in there - it really annoys me

Rocking Ros Rose

Our MPs!  Half of which play the race card as easily as they breath, if it's not MPs shouting racism at the slightest provocation then it's the other side stoking up racial antagonism for votes.


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