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I don't think for one minute Lauren has been passing info, or been disloyal to Adam and Luke A to the insiders, Deana is confused and has been manipulated so she is thier weakest link...I just think they(Insiders) know, nothing they have done so far has phased Adam, so they are working on discrediting Lauren, whilst "Hitler youth" Caroline is working discrediting Luke A, but like all they're nasty plans, this one is sure to backfire at some point.

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Big Brother 2012: Shievonne still angry at Adam!

JULY 12, 2012 15:19 BY 

Big Brother housemate Shievonne is still annoyed with Adam for branding her fake, saying she feels like she can’t show emotion in the house.


Confiding in Sara this afternoon, Shievonne claimed she couldn’t cry for fear of Adam.

“I’m nervous about tomorrow but I can’t even show emotion without him turning around and saying ‘Oh, she’s just playing up, she just wants votes’,” nominated Shievonne said.

She added: “I can’t help it if I’m a crier, I cry over everything. ”

Sara defended Adam, saying: “I don’t think he thinks that, I think it just came out the wrong way, if you want to cry to cry.”

But Shievonne went on: “I’m so stressed, how can I not cry in this situation, he’s giving me daggers when I’m crying, I might as well just drop dead and call it a f**king day.”

Shievonne and Conor both face eviction from the BB house this week.

Tune in to tomorrow’s live show to see who stays.



shievonne dr

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From BBs FB page a few hrs back:


She's been the focal point of so many arguments, it's no wonder Deana's constantly on a hunt to find out why.

Having received an ear-bashing during a Shievonnalogue and been on the sharp end of Conor's tongue since Day 1, it's been interesting watching Miss India UK come out of her shell and play the game the way the bulk of her fellow housemates are playing it. Today, she seems to have reached another level.

She weathered Shievonne's blast and now, after countless peace talks, the two are back on speaking terms. Today, as part of the Rules Are For Fools task, she even helped the former playmate out when she struggled to eat with the ludicrous tongs that became compulsory when it came time to masticate. The two bonded in this tender scene, with Shievonne playing baby and Deana playing mummy, though it may have seemed to some minds that Deana had forgotten just how sharp that argumentative blast was.

But those who thought that way will have missed Deana's earlier, hushed conversation with Luke A. The topic of Shievonne was discussed and it became clear that Deana hadn't forgiven, nor forgotten. Instead she's decided to take everything on board, be at peace with everyone around her, and keep in mind any fractious scenes when previously cantankerous housemates attempt to build bridges with her.

That thought was compounded when she spoke to Lauren later, with Becky joining in a little later.

"We're doing alright", said Lauren.

"We'll be okay", replied Deana. "Especially after tomorrow" she went on, indicating she'll be happy if either Shievonne or Conor leave.

Lauren picked up the ball and ran with it. "I'd be happy if both went. I'm sick of Caroline too."

Only a day ago, Deana asked Luke A if Lauren was trustworthy after hearing bad reports from Shievonne. Clearly the girl from Birmingham did the necessary fact-checking regarding Lauren's good character and decided to ditch Shievonne's advice.

Watch out, everybody. Deana's tactics are finally coming out to play.


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