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Originally Posted by Bethni:

Maybe i should take an asprin now


I thought they said Scott had gone to the DR of his own accord just prior to them calling Adam in? It said somewhere that Scott may have scuppered the plan on it being Adam. He only stayed a short time then they called Adam in. I can only assume that Adam thought Scott was called in for the same.... then then maybe it's me who should go lie down in a darkened room


that was what they tweeted earlier 

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

Adam is so up if this horrible lot (Luke and Lauren excepted) win the diary room which it looks as if they will! They will probably use Deana to ensure that he goes

I don't think Deana will be put up again. They know she came top of the heap on Friday so its a wasted nomination. They will certainly gun for Adam and Deana, but don't forget LukeA, Lauren and hopefully Sara will have votes too. I reckon they would target Conor and LukeS. And I wouldn't be a bit surprised if that eejit Caroline jumps ship to ingratiate herself with the Outsiders now too! 

If, and it's a big IF, they can think coherently and logically, then the fact that Deana came top of the last eviction poll may be the very reason that they would pit Deana against Adam, because they might think that she'd be dead cert to be saved again, thus Adam would be out on his ear.


Of course if they could work THAT out, they should also be able to work out that just because someone was the most saved in one eviction vote, doesn't necessarily mean that they will be saved in ANY vote.


Having said that, if they DID put Adam and Deana up they'd be fairly happy whichever way it went, even if thet'd prefer it was Adam.


Should I join you in that darkened room?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

Coming into this late: sorry..


Originally Posted by erinp:
Who in the house is not to be trusted .....Caroline/Shievonne

Well, he got that bang-on, didn't he?

What was brilliant about that clip is that it's obvious from their reactions that - deep down - they know it's true too...

He was  bang on the money and yes they knew it,Faffaline and her sniggery laugh ,gawd she is such a nasty nasty person.


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